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RE: Update Gentherapie: Geschichte und Ausblick

in #deutsch5 years ago

Copying/Pasting full or partial texts without adding anything original is frowned upon by the community. Repeated copy/paste posts could be considered spam. Spam is discouraged by the community, and may result in action from the cheetah bot.

More information and tips on sharing content.

If you believe this comment is in error, please contact us in #disputes on Discord


Where in the text did I do this "Copying/Pasting full or partial texts without adding anything original".
I spent hours on this article going over many sources, cited them all and selected the essentials in order to present this topic in a readable way and presented an outlook (is the outlook also not original?). Naturally I had to paste some items, how else e.g. I can describe a disease, by creating different symptoms than the existing ones? You won´t find in German language a single article that covers all this. To name this plagiarism is ridiculous. Please reconsider or I will leave.
@twinner @balte das kann es echt nicht sein, dass ich in einen Topf mit Spammern geworfen werde.
Wenn das so ist, pfeiffe ich drauf und das wars mit Steem für mich.

You post has been reported by the community. It is not the first time you were reported for this.

Majority of text in this article is copypasta from the sources. Personal thought makes only about 5-10% of your articles.
Also, you just dumped sources in the end or randomly put them in the text without exactly specifying each part of the text is sourced.
This is not the way articles are written, especially academic ones.

Many parts of your articles can be considered as plagiarism as neither the text is clearly put in apostrophes to specify it is quote, nor the exact source next to quote text is given.

Just an example from this article.


The text is evidently re-written or spun from Wikipedia article:

Although you gave the source to Wikipedia article in the end, the text is not your own writing from your head, but simple re-writing of text from the source changing the structure of sentences and word placements. You have not put your text in quote marks highlighting it and didn't give number reference to the highlighted text.

Your articles are full of these text manipulations making it look like it is all your thought while it is not nothing more but re-written text.

If you tried to write something like that at any university as academic or student, it would be right away rejected, and you would possible face disciplinary consequences.

If you continue to write such deceitful articles for curated tags such as stem, steemstem (they clearly stated that your articles do not comply with rules), science, etc; we will have to downvote it if reported again by the community.
Please improve the writing.

Dear logic,
his article is not written for an scientific journal, he gives the source and your example seems wrong to me, there are new aspects in it, i do not read anything about the bubble boy in wikipedia, for example.
Thats how you will loose more and more steemians,.
He started a power down now-respect!
He is also a good curator for the german speaking community and he wrote about a lot of different interesting topics, but you hunt him, respect! .
Our own content -by the way-are mainly actifit-reports with one photo, respect!
And 0,40 rewards for the auto-reply from steemcleaners are okay, of course, respect!
Go on like that, respect!
Best regards!

Mann die habens aber jetzt richtig abgesehen nun auch noch der unlogische logic !
Wie gesagt wtf!

der v.a actifit reports mit einen photo postet-super!

Kommt noch Heute ein Post von steemit-total über den Fall darüber!
Bitte um Unterstützung!

Volle!!! Unterstützung.

No one is hunting anyone here. He got reported by the community so the community does not agree with the way he writes.

No one is asking him to write for scientific journal. He is writing for science projects on Steemit that have specific rules. He has chosen to to so by selecting curated tags in this category.

He was only asked to improve writing or alternatively he can choose to keep doing the same, but then he should not apply for curation from specific projects if he cannot follow their rules.
It's immature to start powering down jut because he got downvoted on one past. Maybe he is just incapable of improving the content.

I will remove the flag as favour but if he gets reported again, we will have to act.

Thanks for removing the flag. Be ensured that I will not use the stem, steem-stem, de-stem and science tags anymore and that I won´t curate scientific content anymore.
But be also ensured, that if I decide to stay (I have to sleep over it) I will check such content, and if I find a verbiage that is not referenced and highlighted "exactly specifying each part of the text", then I will flag and give you a mention in a comment.
A recent example. This article on did quote a source without referencing it. Is this OK for you?

It is sad, as I wrote many scientific articles in the past and never had any problems. My approach is a more journalistic one, to try to bring science content to non-scientists, but if this is not appreciated then so be it.

Hi, thanks a lot for you reply.

I will check that article up now. Thanks for reporting.

Feel free to report abuse on our website (providing sources). Better not to just tag us as we are likely not to notice mention under the post.

It's the best to report it here.

I cannot find any source of plagiarism. Would you please give me source from which it is plagiarised.

Steemit article appear to original and belonging to the person owning the blog

Everything quoted seems to be properly put in quote markdown and sourced right next to marked text.

The personal thought parts does not seem to be found anywhere else. It may be plagiarism but I cannot find it yet. Your source would help

Danke für den informativen Artikel-für den steemcleanersdownvote sehe ich wirklich keinen Grund-natürlich bist du weder ein Spammer und ein c&p autor-weis jeder der Deine Artikel hier schon lange liest, das Agieren der "steemcleaners" ist hier ungerecht und kontraproduktiv
Ich habe leider oder zum Glück keinen Draht zu denen-kann den Artikel upvoten (hätt ich sowieso + re-steemen (das sollte diskutiert werden) + boostern (da kommen ev. dann noch ein paar kleinere downvotes wegen tipu-gegnern), mal sehen, aktuell haben sie ihn dir ja auf null runtergecleant, so verscheucht man zielgerichtet User.

und was noch auffällt 0.43 cent für den steemcleaners auto-comment, 0,40 Cent bekommen die auf jeden auto-kommentar, naja, was soll man dazu sagen!! BGvB!

Das ist mal wieder richtig Scheiße (sorry) da fällt mir kein anderes Wort ein!
aber @stayoutoftherz hat doch alles richtig gemacht!
Er hat alle Quellen die Zitiert wurden angegeben!
Du und @twinner hat ja schon gegen gevotet und immer noch unsichtbar!
Wenn wir nun nen Bot draufsetzen bringt es auch nichts weil dann die downvotes kommen!
wtf ist das die Zukunft von Steenit?!

Gebe Dir vollkommen Recht! Da unterstütze ich auch sehr gerne mit 100%.... 💪

Ich hab logic auch ein paar Zeil dazu geschrieben, siehe unten.
Unmöglich finde ich das!
So macht man die Freude hier eben kaputt.

Kaum ist man ein paar Stunden weg, geht hier die Post ab. Vielen Dank an Dich und @miketr für die Unterstützung.


View or trade BEER at steem-engine.

Hey @stayoutoftherz, here is a bit BEER for you. Enjoy it!

Sorry, hab das erst zu spät gesehen, aufboostern mit tipu geht nicht mehr, zu alt der post. Auf den Discord mit denen zu diskutieren bringt nix, kann nur noch den Kommentar upvoten, re-steem hab ich gemacht.
