My journey on Duromine

in #duromine7 years ago (edited)

Today is day one of taking Duromine to help lose weight, there is a lot of stigma with this drug people saying it’s speed etc
They say it’s best to take it early so I was awake at 6am so I have taken it early, it does say that it can cause insomnia so we will see tonight.
I weighed in today at 87kg
So tomorrow I will be able to post how I am going
Thanks for reading

Day two
I am on 30 mg Duromine as I struggle losing weight so how did I go on day one geez what a day
I have had such bad headaches on and off all day
Thought it might be because I had not been drinking a lot so made sure every hour I dank 250ml but it didn’t go away
I ate breakfast at about 8am went shopping then went to help my friend clean a house before you knew it, it was 3pm I hadn’t felt hungry no stomach pains etc just headaches
So note to myself on days off to set the alarm on my phone to eat.
Made shepherds pie lean mince with mushrooms onions peas carrots and put more pumpkin in the mash for the top
I noticed when I went on my phone it hurt my head and also when watching tv might just be not enough water or because I forgot to eat at dinner
Went to bed at 9pm went off relatively quickly BUT woke up at 2ish and couldn’t really get back off to sleep in the end at 6ish I got up
I decided not to take the tablet today I’m going to take them every other day
They are quite expensive 30 tablets for $112 but I get $50 back through Ahm
I still have a mild head ache so hoping it subsides soon
I’ve set my alarm to remind me it’s dinner
I did find that I didn’t snack through the day so that’s good
So apart from not having much sleep and banging headache they do work they suppress your appetite A8DC5072-D325-4794-A9F1-

Day 3

Yesterday was so bad headache all day and just ached, didn’t feel hungry tho, haven’t done much exercise as I have housework and garden to mow so that is my exercise for today
Slept really well last night so maybe taking them every other day is a good thing.

If 30 mg is having this effect on me I would hate to think what 40 mg would do
I lie in bed with my eyelids fluttering my brain is on overdrive wanting to do something it can be so hard at night
But I’m thinking if the long term goal I need to lose 20 kilos
I’m so bad with food if I see food on tv I start to get hungry and want it, if I’m shopping I try to miss the chocolate aisle as I know I’m picking it up.
I am off shopping today but my list has grapes veggies etc on it all healthy, let’s hope the chocolate aisle doesn’t drag me in there.
I can eat a big roast Sunday dinner and ten mins later I’m hungry it’s weird but hoping on these tablets I can train myself out of it.
So hope you guys have a good day.

Day 4

Omfg what a bad night........
Yesterday was really good no headaches etc
Did well with eating
Went to gym for an hour mowed and weeded
Then.......went to bed
Didn’t sleep at all saw every hour in, it must of been because I took it so late on it was 7am I try to take it at 5 you wouldn’t think two hours would stuff up your whole night I feel and look like shit
I feel drained but at the same time feel vibrant and ready to go, it’s like I have a split personality lol one side says fuck it the other side is grabbing the gym bag.
So I have gone with the gym bag wear my self out and hopefully sleep like a baby as long as the baby is a good one and sleeps well.......
I haven’t took duromine today it’s every other day so hopefully I will sleep
I’ve had breakfast and I’ve started work
I’ve set my alarm for a drink so I don’t forget as this tablet can make you constipated, don’t want that.
Well here’s for a good day and let’s hope I sleep tonight.

Day 5

Yayyyyyyy I slept feel soooooooo good woke up about 9am
My husband went to work st 5am so since he had woken me up quickly took my tablet so hope I took it early enough
Two more days till weigh day
I’m deciding whether to have a shake for breakfast but they don’t realky fill me up and they are like 250-400 calories a shake if anyone knows of any good ones or any recipes please comment so I can share with other people
And juicing is just full of sugar with all the fruit you end up using

Well I have had two weetabix no sugar and skimmed milk I’m off for a walk then to the gym
Why the f*ck do young females wear bloody make up at the gym and they don’t exactly work out I was sweating my ass off in there, there literally was a swamp of sweat around the bike it was pouring off me and there they are on the Elyptical trainer going slow just chatting about the young lad on the weights he knew they were eyeing him and was putting on such a show honestly is there anybody that goes to the gym to lose weight get fit
It’s like the new pick up joint.

Anyway I didn’t snack yesterday I was good I so hope this works I go to America soon for 4 weeks so know doubt will come ba k heavier than when I went.
Well guys and gals it’s time I was at the gym
Have a good day.

Day 6

I had my grandson yesterday so running all over the place after him.
No headaches just thirsty as hell omg did I drink water.
Did 30 mins on treadmill while he was asleep in the day and 40 mins when he was asleep at night today I feel so tired woke up at 1am and couldn’t get back off so I took my tablet in case I fell asleep and woke up late.
Weigh day tomorrow we shall see how good this tablet is I know I’ve had some bits I shouldn’t have lol but otherwise I think I’ve done really well.
Will let you know how I go tomorrow
Enjoy your day

Day 7

Weigh day
Well I jumped in the scales and lost just over 1.5 kg thought I would if lost heaps with the sweating etc people reckon they lose 5 kgs a week huh me thinks not unless they totally starve
I’m happy with that lose
Headaches are non existent now obviously had to just get over the first few days I drink like a fish which is good
My skin looks better from it
Last night I slept for 7 hours which is amazing as being on these tablets can be hard to sleep.
Anyway I’m off to the gym then work
I’ve had an egg omelette for breakfast and have a salad and fruit for dinner and snacks

Have a good day


The Tree of Life, or Etz haChayim (עץ החיים) has upvoted you with divine emanations of Gods creation itself ex nihilo. We reveal Light by transforming our Desire to Receive for Ourselves to a Desire to Receive for Others. I am one of the 10 attributes/emanations part of the Curator Guild (Sephiroth), through which Ein Sof (The Infinite) reveals Itself.