Exercise Everywhere #3: ROCK IT! Literally. Shoulders, Tendons, Connective Tissue, and Full Motion

in #exercise7 years ago (edited)

The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but instead will interest their patients in the care of the human frame, diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.
-Thomas Edison

Hey Gals and Guys!

IT'S SATURDAY!!!!! Here's a weird and fun way to get your giggles in. I love keeping my joints, tendons, and connective tissue in good form...you can really tell when your tendons get sore compared to just your muscle.

How do we do that? Why not try a rock or two? Don't smash your fingers.

check out other equipment-less exercises you can do anywhere

Exercise Challenge #4: Legs, Abs, Cardio, and Core (Ball running and jumpsquats)
Exercise Challenge #2: Core, Shoulders, Arms, Abs (Plank Variations)
Exercise Challenge #1: hands, fingers, forearms (grippers, and reverses)


I like what you said in the end about taking small steps(bricks), i often have this problem whenever i start a new project. I set up goals too big so i give up because i feel overwhelmed.

Starting tomorrow i'l give this 5 minute routine a try. I could use a little bit of exercise, and maybe prevent or at least delay future tendons problems. Thanks for sharing. Upvoted and resteemed.

hey recreator!! thanks for watching my video =) Appreciate the support man! I dig your icon =) Maybe I can do one talking about different stretches for carpal tunnel too.

Yeah, the icon is from Fallout - an rpg game that i love. Keep them coming :) Steem on!

Hey @itchykitten I did reply to your reply on you other video but for some reason it keeps not saving my comment so I'll reply here and also compliment you on another excellent video (definitely a natural). The martial art I used to do was/is (although I haven't trained for a couple of years) Tai-Jutsu. It was the martial art/close combat style used by the Samurai warrior. Many modern martial arts derive from it i.e Karate/Judo/weapons but they focus on just one aspect as it's an all encompassing style. Due to the nature of the fighting it's also not classified as a sport and once you reach a certain level you can only be graded in Japan (unless the board are in the UK). My instructor was only a small guy (but a 9th dan black belt) so I learned that you judge a book by it's cover at your peril :). Great exercises you're doing, we also used to do a fair bit of rope work i.e pulling rope in lots of different positions to increase strength, muscle. Keeep up the good work, a great series you're doing here.

thankyou again perceptual! lol, the strangest thing to me is my voice sounds so different on video then it does in my head..Tai-Jutsu eh? I don't know much any of the martial arts, but I'm sure I would like them. I'll have to lookup some rope stuff, that could be pretty wild. hahha, by the way I love your profile quote...I don't know how I didn't notice that before. Fucking Aldous man...

No problem @itchykitten and I know exactly what you're saying on the voice front! that's why I'm not yet brave enough to start doing videos :) I often think about the fact that we are the only ones in the world to perceive ourselves the way that we do. To view ourselves through someone else's eyes would be fascinating and indeed are we even the same person we see in the mirror/video? If we are the only one in the world to view a personal perception of ourself, then are we who we think we are or who the rest of the world thinks we are. A head scratcher I know lol .. Thanks for noticing and appreciating the quote, as my name also hints at I'm a big fan :)

Yeah, that's pretty weird to think about. Those little glimpses I do catch occasionally usually kinda freak me out :P There's a song that always sort of made me think about a similar thing
It's called Slow Pony Home by the Weepies.

The parts about the fingerprints and dust on the window between us =) Deb Talan is the gal, I love her lyrics too.

I know man,I sometimes like to go off on random thought processes :D .. Great song, thanks for introducing me! I will stick the headphones on and introduce myself to some more of their music.

there's nothing that feels so good a contently drifting through an idea...lol lately though I've been STEEMING through them with a little more pressure...i gotta start smoking more weed and chillin out

I know what you're saying .. I've taken a few days off the writing pressure and enjoyed a more relaxed approach and it seems to work better for me. Got a couple of good pieces coming up and weed is great way to lubricate the creativity :)

GooD for YOU .. PrioritieS .. B'aLL SctrachinG .. main(ten)ance ! - )
ha ha ))
STEEM .. see'LL .. TrainINg .. T(end)ON's .. END(U+R+A)NCE

.. so TRUE !!! !! - )) ))

.. and YOU'll 'need' IT !! - ))

.. the most DifficulT TrajectorY .. StraighT UP !!! - )))

ON a rocket .. tapping at the moTer ... hmmm ?? - ))

i see you looking at that i-phone conFuser .. "can this be true ?"
.. your connection to 'this' .. trajectory UP .. !! .. - ))
whistling .. i sincerely hope that your, "this can't be true".. LooK - ))

.. never goes away .. 'for' YOU !! - ))

ThrEE years from NOW .. .. hey, ITCHY how'd ya get started ?? - ))
.. well .. - ))


ha ha ... the BIRTH of a ROCK STAR .. !!! - ))

Looks like a great workout! Nice and simple. I walk a lot and might be good to just carry along a couple rocks and add your movements for a little extra exercise.

hell yeah!! show us what you come up with =)

As a future M.D. I would love to not have to cure diseases but just to teach my patients about healthy lifestyle. Your exercises are definitely a way to stay in good form. Thank you for sharing it! :)

hi xxvjs thanks for stopping by! I bet you would :P God I don't envy anyone working as a modern doctor. I can't imagine the things you people get to deal with.

I think my hope for our society is that we begin to focus more on understanding our system, so that where possible, we can avoid living in dis-ease. Of course, the universe always has it's way...but I'm sure you would agree that people on the whole can be really destructive to their own health. Also I think something like a surgeon is pretty different from other doctors...in the US we spend a horrid amount of money and energy fighting only the symptoms of huge endemic diseases...diseases that appear to be highly correlated with some sort of lifestyle.

I do think that something like a trauma surgeon is incredible and so very important. And I wish other doctors would maybe change their ways faster...but I suppose as the newer generations come in things will change.

How long have you been in med school?

I just ended my 4th year, 2 more to go. I don't envy myself lol! Sometimes I wonder if I choosed right, becuase it can be so hard.
I agree with you 100%. In hospital I often meet patients who suffer from diseases that they earned only because of their lifestyle and they don't do anything to change it, for example people with lung cancer from smoking about 50 years go outside the hospital just when the meeting with doctor is over. Or very obese people who have a lot of unhealthy foof in their bedside table. It's just frightening.

WOW!! You're almost there =) Definitely downhill from here. Yeah the food thing always shocks me how awful some people eat.

yeaahh!! very simple and effective exercise, I do cardio and yoga but from today i will do the moments like you with a rock.

yeeeeees, a new exercise! I will do that today evening man! thank you :))

ahhhhh thanks for excitement! Hey, I was trying to remember the name of this puzzle the other day to send it to you..

it's EVIL!!!! You will appreciate :P

ah nice, i will take a look later. =)

dude this one is really hard, i was still not able to solve it. you gave me a monster quiz, but i wont give up^^

hahaha, feel free to post it or whatever too. I love that you are giving us so many good challenges! That one is wicked tricky, and yet gracefully easy once you get it. I don't know that I ever got it on my own, but I have been familiarized with the answer

Haha! I would totally juggle with these rocks! That would be a great exercise. Nice dear Itchy! You rock!

Yes you are right about the future doctors :)

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