A Couple Tips For Fat Loss

in #fatloss7 years ago

Fat loss is popular subject in the fitness industry. It is something that has been along for a long time and it is something that will not be going anywhere. Here are a couple tips I use when losing fat.

Make sure you know how many calories you should be intaking each day. There are different calculators and ways to figure this out. The total amount of calories needed in a day depends on categories including: fat free mass, age, gender, activity level and a couple others. Once you have this, you must take in SLIGHTLY lower calories to be in a calorie deficit. I emphasis slightly because some people drastically reduce their calories which will be detrimental. An individual should only lose 1-2 pounds per weeks. A pound=3500 calories so you want to take that 3500 calories and split it between the 7 days. Let’s say I need to intake 3000 calories per day for my situation. If I want to lose 1 pound in a week, I need to take in 500 calories less per day. So instead of 3000, I would intake 2500 calories per day.

Make sure you are eating enough protein. If you do not eat enough, your body will turn to muscle and break it down to use as fuel when you are in a calorie deficit. There are different amounts of protein recommendation for different athletes, weight gain and weight loss. For weight loss, an individual should be intaking 1.6-2.0 grams of protein for even kg of weight.

Do not over eat. When you eat to much, the excess will get stored as fat. I like to stay away for calorie dense foods when losing weight. Vegetables are a great way to get a lot of food without intaking as many calories.

Reduce the amount of sugar you are taking in a given day. I have heard not to intake more than 25 grams of sugar per day. Make sure you are checking the labels when grocery shopping. Some foods may appear to be healthy when, in reality, they are loaded with sugar.

Reach out to me if you have any questions, I would be happy to help!

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