RE: Super Fresh Salmon Sashimi for Lunch
That type of Salmon is rather expensive in my country too but surely it tastes good when eaten raw. I'm not into wasabi lol, so I'd rather like that with lemon extract, a little soy sauce and some onions and ginger =)
Wild Salmon has a rather adventurous life cycle compare to farmed ones. In the wild, they swim to the river to lay their eggs and keep them safe until they hatch. The parent Salmon stays there in the river for the rest of its life. When the eggs are hatched juvenile Salmon will have to face the strong current to swim back to the ocean. But not all juvenile Salmon survives that difficult journey. So the Salmon we can find alive in the wild is indeed the best Salmon. They not only taste good but also has a really inspiring life story.
They do have unusual life cycles. There many types of salmon too. Unfortunately Canada's wild salmon stocks are at risk to development and pollution. Male salmons will also eat the eggs of other salmon. Cannibals lol.
Yes, that's true about most type of fish, eating not only eggs but even their own juvenile. so the eggs and juveniles should be separated from the parent fish to survive.
Speaking of weird fish, I have read there's a fish that climbs up the tree and walks on land called Mudskippers. I wonder if this fish is edible too. Got to do some research =)