Resident Evil 7: My Story (Part 1) *Spoiler Alert*

in #gaming7 years ago

Well hello there and welcome to my little corner of the internet!

A few of you who may have read my last post about horror games know that I am not one for playing them, but, in a lapse of sanity I have begun playing what is possibly the best horror game to date that I have witnessed and played. That game is none other, than Resident Evil 7; And let me tell you: This game is something else.


From the very beginning, Resident Evil sets out to mess with your head, little by little, until you are nothing but a simpering coward on the floor of your bedroom rocking back and forth in the corner. I mean, What? I totally didn’t do that, pfft, what do you think I am? A coward? Well you are only 99% correct when I am playing this game. I will try to explain my feelings of horror and dread as I go through the game and you, the steemit gaming community, will come along on a little scary ride with me, into louisiana, home of the “What the hell did I just see?”.

Day one:

I thought since I did a post about my experience with horror games, I would try to get over the fear I have surrounding it, so what I did was simple: I got the game, and my oh my, did I feel silly for doing it. I started the game up after installing it and as I began to go through the opening cutscenes, I knew there was something about this game that was different, and I can tell you something, if it wasn’t for my fiance watching me play the game, I would have left it before it got too scary. After the cutscenes, I entered the world of this game, walking through a swamp towards a house you believe your wife to be in. I turned a corner and saw this house, it was really creepy looking I couldn’t get past the gate, so I returned to the path I was on, when I saw a person, a man, walk across the screen in the direction I was walking, I thought: “Great, here it goes” and I followed like the fool I am, into the house I had seen before, but the man was nowhere to be seen.
Entering this house brought me to a few quite disturbing, but basically boring rooms that had nothing in them but a few old, dusty things, so I ventured down the passageway, towards the kitchen. Entering the kitchen was the most disturbing sight I had seen thus far, not in a gory or grotesque way, but more of a gross, grimy kitchen way. The first thing I saw when I entered the Kitchen was a pot on the table, so I went to the pot, and did what games have taught me all my life, open the pot, so I did. Everybody knows that feeling you get when a bug, especially a roach, walks on your hand: It is uncomfortable to see, feel, and experience. Well, thats what happened, a huge roach walks over my hand and it was just gross. Going through the rest of the kitchen brought more uncomfortable feelings, like the fridge with whatever it was that was in there. It looked like food that had been left there for eons. But I am going to stop discussing the kitchen nightmare for now, Once I left the kitchen, I was met with a dark passageway and an upstairs, all this while there were spooky sounds and while my heart was beating at about one million bpm. The perfection of this game is in its delivery, There hadn’t been any jumpscares at that point and I was already stressed out to high heavens. I continued into the darkness where I was met with a tape on the top of the stairs and a button that didn’t seem to work, so down the stairs I went into a dark hallway I was not ready for; But alas, still nothing, just the looming presence of horror over my head. I entered what I assume was the living room of this house, with a tv that was on and pictures of people all over the furniture. And above all else, a TV that had a vhs player beside it. So I entered the tape, not knowing what was on the other side. It was a video about ghost hunters, entering this house, the same house but a little bit before, maybe months, But as they walk through the house, I started to notice little things about the kitchen and the house itself that was different than when I entered, the kitchen was much worse but there wasn’t the surprise in the microwave. While noticing this, one of the three people disappeared and went to look for this guy. What they found was a hidden passage opened by a chain in the fireplace that led down into the basement, the only other way down there had been blocked by wood and nails. In this basement, the people found their friend looking at the wall, when all of a sudden after just touching his shoulder, he falls dead on the camera man and all you see is this mans face, dead, and another figure coming in and, I assume, ending the other two.

Enter back into “reality” and away from the tape, I found the same chain, entered the same passage and the same ladder down into the abyss, except now, I could see what had killed the man, a pole protruding from the wall, as I carried myself onwards, I went into some shoulder deep water to continue down this path, when bam! Dead body! And that was the first jumpscare! I survived it and decided that I could do this. I could finish this game and get over the fear! I walked until I found a cell, and inside the cell, it was the main characters wife! Alive and well 3 years after she had disappeared. I woke her and we made for our escape, all while she spoke about “Daddy”. “Daddy's coming”. I was yet again, strung out, anticipating this character to jump out and scare me. Instead no. Mia (The wife) felt tired so she sat down while I explored and looked for a way out, the minute I got a distance away from her, she screamed and by the time I got back to her, the way out had been revealed and she was gone, so I chased her. To no avail, I couldn’t find her, I explored the house a little bit more when I heard a knocking sound from the door I just came out from. Entering the door slowly, just as the torchlight started to die, creeping and crawling from the darkness, was Mia, but her face looked like the face of an old lady. Long story short, she picked me up and threw me through a wall, as I ran, she came at me with a knife, and I fought her off. She came too and decided to knock herself out, apon further inspection however, she decided she wanted to do some interior renovations and she didn’t need a wall where I was thrown through yet again, Picking up an axe and fighting her off again, she ended up dead. The phone rang, adding that tinge of terror in me that I was not expecting with it’s harsh, shrill ringing. I answered the phone and the person on the other end told me to go to the attic where the button was, so I ventured that way, apon looking to where Mia was, her body was no longer there, instead there was a blood trail leading towards where the living room and kitchen were. Following this obvious trail towards my inevitable demise, I pressed on and By the time I found Mia, She pinned my hand to a wall and cut it off with a chainsaw, an especially touching (heh, get it? Because his hand was off. Nevermind.) reunion so far, I evaded her after this ordeal and ended up in the attic where the last confrontation with this crazy lady occured, Luckily I was armed with a pistol and promptly removed her from the equation, or so I thought, As a cutscene cut in, I was attacked by who I assume was Daddy, and the screen faded to black.

This Is Mia

That was the first day of this horrible ordeal i put myself through, and I hope you enjoyed my suffering. I will post the rest of the parts over the next few days and you can see my slow descent into madness!

Thank you for reading and if you want to see the rest of my stuff, I will leave links down below to my social media. Stay awesome steemit!

Steemit: @thatguyjono
Twitter: @thatguyjono
Instagram: @its.thatguyjono


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