Be Good To Yourself

in #goodness7 years ago

Be good to yourself? What does it even mean? How can you be good to yourself?

There are so many ways to be good to yoursef. I beleive if you really want to be good to yourself, you should start by being good to youself with your health and spiritual welfare.


If you pay attention to what really is good to you, it all has to do with what you eat everyday, how mentally you are doing as well as spiritually. If you take care of those 3 things, your life will really go in a different route.

Long fasting would be one of the greatest thing to do from 2 to 5 days to begin with. I'm on my day 3 fasting right now and i feel great. Also taking time for some meditation for your spirit and mind. Be good to yourself on the basic level first, before your body becomes uncomfortable, which affects your mind and spirit at the same time.

Take care of yourself, before life takes care of you the wrong way.

"Your kindness will always return to you in any way, shape or form"
"If you want to get an education, just travel the world"
"Beautiful things in life are beautiful, because they were hard to achieve"
"Love everybody the same way you love yourself. If you don't love yourself, you have no one to love".
"You change the world by changing yourself and providing a little bit of kindness everyday".
"Never look down on someone, unless you are helping them up"
"Take care of your body, so your body takes care of you".
"You can't give others what you don't have; If you do, your're giving part of yourself".

Stay blessed.


I got what the point you talked here! Don't be good to others, be good to yourself! If someone who loves himself we can't say he is a selfish guy until he think all others are same as him! So if we can love ourselves first and good as it is, we also love others with that great feeling!
A life changing quote and you bro explained it perfectly!


The quality of a person's life begins with love and goodness to himself. Being kind to oneself is not selfishness, but self-acceptance, self-improvement and self-organization of one's life. Thank you for another interesting post.

You are completely right. It all begins within us in order to embrace others. Thank you :)

a very good post @javybar, we must do good for yourself so that the peaceful and happy life is. ..

Very deep @john.docla we must be fair to ourselves in order to live this meaning ..

@javybar Be honest with yourself For every little thing in your life, you are the most reliable person you can count on all your life. Look deep into your reality, so you know what you want clearly and honestly, and what to do, so that you can see better, then you will be better prepared to identify your destination and goals. ♡

Very nice! You mentioned about we are the only ones we can count on, ourselves. If we don't on ourselves, there is really no one we can truely count on.

Javybar, buenos dias ,es verdad cuando te cuidas desde joven , en tu alimentacion , ejercicio, relaciones humanas en general , al llegar a mi edad , encuentras unas neuronas en perfecto estado , aun aqui debes seguir con estos habitos , y sobretodo no se para los demas pero para mi es muy importante mantenerme activa y asistir a talleres donde tenga que pensar y analizar , para seguir teniendo muy buena memoria.
Feliz dia.

Pues tiene mucha razon. Cuando se empieza de joven con buenos habitos, eso va con nosotros durante los años hasta que podemos tener las mismas capacidades mentales que alguien de 30 años tiene. Gracias :)

Of course I accept...I think a way to be good to yourself is to list a few positive traits that you have and list things you are grateful for. Being good to others can be as easy as a friendly smile or forgiving someone for something that may have offended or hurt you and sending them positive wishes in their life.Thanks for sharing @javybar.

Totally agree with you my friend. Being grateful will give you ways to be good to yourself and others. Thank you.

@javybar self esteem is paramount to begin to love yourself and for that you have to make correct decisions

Think of the many correct decisions you have made throughout your life. Do not let yourself be overwhelmed by your mistakes. Congratulate yourself for all your successes and achievements. The simple fact of staying alive one more day means that you have made many more decisions with good judgment, than the mistakes you have made.

Also, remember that mistakes are essential for learning. Give yourself the opportunity to make mistakes from time to time, because thanks to your mistakes, you have achieved many successes.

You make many more good decisions than bad ones, and every mistake is an opportunity to learn.

Great thoughts my friend. Thank you for your contribution

for that we are ... to give our opinion ...

very true those who don't love ouself they never ever can love others.... because there you always need to be in you to support and love other @javybar

Glad you understood the message. Thank you :)

@magoo-1 on duty now.

Hlw author this guy owner multi ID and always comment by multi ID.This person always try to chest and get your reward.

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@javybar You are right , Be Good To yourself cause nobody else
has the power to make you happy .. When no one is validating you , you can validate yourself ..
Some People's weakness is that they care too much it is also their strength :)

Very true! Thank you :)

I have trust mostly about myself. Treat everyone as if they were a family member. The way you treat people reflects in yourself. Even if you don't believe in karma, it can be wonderful for yourself and others if you act like you do. Do unto others as you would have done to yourself.

A great way to see life my friend. Thank you.

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