One Week

in #health7 years ago (edited)

It has officially been seven days since my last alcoholic beverage.

Unfortunately, I did not get to enjoy the anniversary. I suffer from from frequent migraines so it was only a matter of time before I'd suffer another one. Drink or no. They always come anyway.

Omar went to gym again today, but I stayed home to catch up on some cleaning and meal prep.

Little Wallace had an appointment to have a tooth pulled, so when we brought him home I took him up to bed for a little nap nap- anybody seen Rugrats?

I was looking forward to this one week anniversary...

it just didn't turn out how I had expected. 


Watch the documentary: 'Super juice me' and get to it. No more migraines. My experience.

Thanks I'll take a look.

Feel better, and congrats on the one week anniversary, you're doing great!!

Smoke weed or take cbd oil . Cheers

I have been, and it certainly helps.

I'm sorry to hear about your migraines, get them all the time as well, on and off. The doctors told me there is not cure & don't really know why they come. It got to the stage they offered me anti-depressants. I refused of course. All the best to you. Hope it eases up.

Yup. Same. Doctor's say there is no cause and no cure. It just is.

HOWEVER! My mom recently told me about a coworker of hers who has suffered from migraines EVERY SINGLE DAY since she was 13 years old. She considered suicide multiple times throughout her life, and one day someone suggested botox. Yes, botox. Injections to the forehead. Apparently, some of us tense up our foreheads while we sleep, causing the migraine that is present by the time we wake up. So botox to the forehead prevents that from happening. She has been completely migraine free every since she began weekly botox treatments.

I dunno, but it's something to consider.

Keep up the good work ! It will keep getting better !

It's easy to quit drinking. I do it every Monday. =P Keep it up you're doing great! Try to replace the old habit with a better one. Maybe try something else like explore drinking different kinds of tea. It can be fun and it'll give you an excuse to go into chinatown.

You're funny! And yes, I've been substituting with iced tea, and it's my favorite! I love the vanilla spice tea I got with a splash of milk.

are you drinking plenty of water? and congrats on seven days. keep going, you got this!

Yeah, I've been a water enthusiast since I was 16. You can ask Omar: I'm ALWAYS running after him with a bottle of water, bugging him to drink it. Any time people comment on how young I look, I tell them it's because if you drink enough water, you stop aging. lol

I'm 29. I'm nine months older than Omar. He was just a zygote when I was born! lol

Good job . Migraines suck but i feel like the lack of alcohol gets us more in tune with our bodies. You might notice something you eat , drink or do may cause the migraines. Over the last 2 years I have drastically cut down my alcohol consumption ( even tho I was never really a big drinker) most months I will go with out a single drink . When I do have a drink its only vodka on the rocks and no more than 2 of those, then no more for the week at least. Between drinking less , eating less , and consuming almost no dairy , and trying to take in less SUGAR ( the hardest by far) I have noticed I feel better and think clearer . I go to sleep faster and wake up ready. The best part for me is that I dont follow any strict rules or beat myself up , just a slow change i have been in the process of . This slow way is not exciting for most but it feels true to me.

Yes. Same here. I started with water when I was in high school, making sure I was drinking enough. Then I cut out processed starches like bread and pasta because I realized they made me feel so tired. Next, I incorporated a work out routine, and then I eventually went astray with my alcohol consumption, but I'm on the road back.

Hope you feel better. I used to get migraines a lot too (the kind that lay you out). What worked for me is working out, drinking lots of water, meditation.. and (occasionally) excederin Extra Strength and a dark room. But everyone is different. Hope you get better. btw love that Crypt0 news shit.. its pretty dope.

Thank you for the well-wishes, advice, and appreciation!

Listen to some Slipknot and some Metallica.. that might help.

..j/k ;)

Actually I discovered that loud music of that nature tends to help. I was sitting in during a friend's band practice while I had a migraine and I found that laying my head on the speaker alleviated a good deal of pain. Haha

Keep going!

Here is some good motivational speech:

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