This Best Sexual and Stimulants Foods

in #health7 years ago (edited)

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The Best Sex Foods and Stimulants - Improve Your Sexual Health NOW!

Dear Friends, This powerful post can help you re-awaken the teenage sexual beast within you.

(Now would be a good time to warn your spouse or significant other.)

However, the benefits you’ll enjoy is not just limited to the obvious one.

The foods and stimulants I list here are good for your overall health as well!

Plus… regular sex is actually good for you! It is good for the heart, immune system, and it lowers stress.

Also, sex seems to trigger powerful chemicals that may even extend men's lives.

Some studies have shown sex to even relieve back pain, menstrual cramps, even arthritis and migraines.

Other studies have also shown sex to help with insomnia and depression.

Of course, it also provides cardiovascular exercise…

AND it allows your body to relax and de-stress afterwards – both of which are important for healthy living.

Most of us follow a diet that lacks certain vital nutrients which are required by the body to maintain normal functions, including the recovery and recuperation processes…

and yes, especially the processes that affect libido, stamina and endurance.

The sooner you start taking better care of your body and mind, the sooner you stop (or at least delay) further problems.

As we get older, we also tend to cut back on physical activity.

We exercise less, and we stress over things more. That's a lethal combination.

Stress is actually a biggie! The more stress you have in your life, the worse of your body and mind will be.

And all this will affect optimum function of both, including a huge decrease in libido, stamina and endurance.

To become a star in bed, you’ll need to start managing and lowering stress from your life, get into a regular exercise routine (even if all you do is walk for 30 minutes per day, or at least every other day) and of course, start consuming more foods that are considered sexual boosters and stimulants.

You’ll be amazed at the dramatic benefits you will experience.

My main goal with this report is to help you improve your sexual (and overall) health by using foods and supplements that are:

  1. easy to find, and

  2. doesn’t cost you a fortune to acquire.

However, in order to make this a complete package, I will also list some of the rare, lesser-known sex foods and stimulants, just in case you’re interested in learning about those as well.

Before we start discussing and listing those things that most people may never have heard of, let’s first of all get…

Back To Basics

First, let's go over some of the stuff that you should already be doing right now, for optimum health.


Water is just an amazing substance. One of the easiest and quickest way to look and feel healthier - and younger - while extending your life and becoming more energetic, is to start drinking more water and/or consume more water-rich foods (fruits and vegetables that have a high water content.)

The human body is over 70 percent water anyway.

Most of the vital processes of our body require water. It is important to keep it that way.

If you reach for water or juice only when you're thirsty, it's usually too late.

Keep yourself hydrated on a regular basis. And, increase your fluid intake

on hot days, or when you're more active than normal.

Make it a habit to start your day by filling up a tall glass (or bottle) of water.

Keep it with you and sip on it every 30 minutes or so.

Fill up when you're done. (You don't want to feel bloated, just as long as you're drinking enough. Most of us aren't.)

If water is not the easiest thing for you to drink by itself, there are lots of alternatives.

Throw a wedge of lemon in it, or make lemonade.

There are also products like Gatorade, Vitamin Water, or certain juices and juice blends.

(If you go for the regular juices, be mindful of the sugar content and calorie count... some of them are ridiculously high.)

You can also snack on water rich fruits and vegetables throughout the day.

Most citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, etc.), melons (cantaloupe, honeydew, etc.) are great for this.

Plus, they have the added benefit of providing you with some powerful nutrients.


If you follow nothing else from this report about nutrition, drink more water and take your vitamins.

Taking vitamins is not just an added benefit; It's mandatory. It's not something that's 'nice to do.' It's a requirement. Your body does not manufacture most vitamins, which is why we consume food to begin with... we need it to survive.

The challenge, for most of us, is that our diets do not provide enough vitamins which are needed by our bodies to function normally.

The reason why so many people feel better after taking vitamins regularly is because most people's idea of "normal health" is warped.

Most of us have no idea what "normal" is because we have never provided enough nutrition to our bodies to experience normal functions.

Except in this case, what we don't know can and will hurt us. Fiber
You've heard it before. Have more fiber!

Fiber is very important and has several major benefits. Most of us are nowhere near the daily requirement, about 30 to 40 grams per day.

That may sound like a lot, but it's pretty easy to do if you increase your intake of complex carbohydrates: grains, cereals, nuts, fruits and vegetables.

If your diet isn't able to provide you with enough fiber, there are also ways to supplement it.

I've been taking psyllium husk (which is pure fiber,) mixed with water, since the early 1990's (yes, after I started researching weight loss and nutrition,) and it's been a life saver for me.

There have been times in the past when I lived on junk food, fast-food, and just generally unhealthy high-fat choices. Had it not been for the unusually high fiber in my diet (compared to the average person,)

I would have some serious health problems right now.

If your diet consists of a lot of fatty foods, and you're not able to cut down on them right away, or quickly enough, you should at least increase your fiber intake while you work on lowering your fat intake.

It will be one of the best decisions you'll ever make for your health.

Fiber also has the added benefit of absorbing some of the fat and cholesterol molecules from your meal so that they're not all absorbed by your body.


Carbohydrates have been given a bad rep' lately, especially with the recent "high protein, low carb" fads and promotional campaigns.

It's important to note that there are two kinds of carbohydrates: simple and complex.

Simple carbs come from processed foods and foods high in sugar (donuts, pastries, or any other products made from white flour and processed sugar.)

Complex carbs come from natural sources (whole grains, vegetables, most fruits) or foods that have gone through minimal processing (wheat bread and other whole wheat products, brown rice, etc.)

The fact is, your body needs carbohydrates for energy. Unfortunately, most of us fill it up with the bad carbs, which is inferior fuel. And, the results are pretty obvious.

The less processed the carbs are, the better they are for you. Brown is much better than white. Brown/unprocessed alternatives also usually have high fiber content - an added benefit.

If most of your carbs are coming from fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and cereals, and nuts, you're actually doing your body a huge favor.

All of those foods have the added benefit of providing your body with nutrients that it needs to function optimally.

If most of your carbs are coming from processed foods (white flour products, pastries and other high-sugars foods, sodas, certain juices, etc.) they will often be turned into fat very easily, especially if they're eaten in excess.

They will also fill you up (as far as "hunger" is concerned) without providing any of the nutrients that your body needs.

This is very similar to filling your vehicle up with cheap, inferior gasoline... obviously the performance will suffer, and the engine will be damaged over time.

If you really feel like having a donut or pastry today, have a little, and then make up for it by eating more nutrient-rich foods for the rest of the day.

Often times, we eat certain foods out of habit, not because our body needs it. We just have to retrain ourselves to make better choices, without sacrificing much flavor or taste. (Yes, it's possible to do, with a little bit of training.)


Protein is also vital to your body. Make it a point to have some protein with every meal, especially breakfast. It's easy to do, and you'll find out how in another section.

The best sources are egg whites, soymilk or low fat milk, fish, chicken or any other meat really. Go for the leaner cuts as much as possible.


Believe it or not, your body does require fat as well. But, very little is needed. And... unlike protein and healthy carbs, we don't have to go looking for fat. In fact, fat seems to find us most of the time.

If you're eating healthy, even if you're a vegetarian, you're probably getting enough fat already.

The reality is that most of us need to cut saturated fats (from animal sources) from our diets dramatically.

(Obesity is the second leading cause of cancer! Tobacco is the first.)

What we should focus on are certain fatty acids that many of us don't get any (or enough) of two great sources are fish and flaxseeds.

You can also take fish oil capsules as an alternative.

As you read through this report, you will notice that some of the foods (like fish, nuts, seeds, etc.) are mentioned more than once - it's because they offer numerous health benefits and are therefore discussed in multiple sections.

This is actually great because it allows us to eat a handful of foods and get almost every nutrient that our body needs.

If I were to list 100 different foods for you to consume regularly, it would be very difficult to maintain a diet that provides all of those foods.

On Physical and Mental Health

You may have heard before that your mind is the most important organ in your body, when it comes to sex and arousal. It’s true. Sex begins in the mind.

You could be in the best physical shape and still have sexual problems if your mind is stressed, cluttered, and especially if it’s malnourished.

Because of this, we will work on both physical as well as mental fitness.

Strength and Flexibility

Our muscles lose strength and mass simply because of lack of use.

When we are younger, we tend to be more active and get regular exercise.

We often do this to stay attractive to our potential mates.

As we get older, find long-term partners, get married, etc., we stop worrying about our attractiveness as much.

Unfortunately, this also results in less physical activity and exercise.

If only someone could have impressed upon us the importance of regular exercise, and the fact that it would dramatically slow down all the other processes of our body that keep us healthy, active, and energetic.

But, as mentioned above, right now is as good as any time to start.

We can't change or mend the past. But, we can fix things from here on. We can at least slow down the aging process from here onwards.

Exercise is important. And we need both cardiovascular (aerobic) as well as strength training for exercise to provide any real benefit. One without the other is incomplete and out of balance.

Regular strength training, such as lifting weights, also helps maintain bone mass and strength.

(Yes, bone weakness is once again not part of the "normal" aging process as many of us believe it to be, and can actually be prevented.)

It's also important to realize that our body will be able to handle stress a lot better when it's stronger... which is an added benefit of regular exercise.

And, of course, if you’ve overweight or obese, that will significantly interfere with your sexual health and performance.

Mental Fitness

As is true with our physical body, the slowing down of our brain (and mind) is not a result of aging either.

They do so from lack of exercise and use.

When we're younger, we tend to involve our mind more, we keep it active and busy.

As we get older, we tend to use our mind and brain less.

The mind does control the body; a slower mind (and brain) almost always results in a slower body.

People who want to increase their sexual desire and interest are often told to take certain foods and/or supplements that help the brain perform better.

As we get older, we also become more vulnerable to excessive stress (physical, mental, and emotional.)

And, we have even more reason to manage and eliminate stress from our lives as much as possible.

Taking more frequent breaks and not letting stress build up is absolutely vital.

Many older people tend to take up gardening, meditation, tai chi, even yoga or other de-stressing activities, especially after their physician tells them how much damage stress is causing them.

It's important to again keep in mind that we should be de-stressing every day anyway.

We shouldn't have to wait for our doctor to tell us that.

High blood pressure, anxiety, and many other problems can be eliminated if we de-stress on a regular basis.

Natural High Blood Pressure Remedies

Depending on how extreme your blood pressure problem is, you may be completely successful with home remedies.

However, if you are overweight, smoke, drink, have high stress levels or don’t exercise, you may need to correct one of these problems in order to cure your high blood pressure.

Although reducing stress or losing weight may be the key to your high blood pressure problem, there may be other, less drastic approaches you can take to remedy your high blood pressure.

You may need more calcium, magnesium, or potassium in your diet to help bring down your blood pressure.

Milk and dairy products are excellent sources of calcium, and many fruits and vegetables are also very high in potassium. Magnesium can be found in halibut, nuts and spinach.

You may be able to remedy your high blood pressure by avoiding a few simple things.

Licorice, Ginseng, Rosemary and ephedra are all known to raise blood pressure and should be consumed with care.

Natural Anxiety Remedies

Anxiety is typically the result of too much physical or emotional stress.

If you allow your anxiety to fester, it can cause chemical imbalances in the brain that in turn cause overreactions and anxiety.

Fortunately, anxiety is a condition easily treated without the use of drugs or intervention.

At the first signs of stress and anxiety, it’s important to take time out to relax.

Breathing deeply and trying to relax yourself in spite of any stressful situations you might be dealing with at the time.

Try to set aside at least 10 minutes an hour, especially while working to relax.

You’ll find that you’ll work more productively and you’ll keep the stress and anxiety from building up.

Limit your caffeine intake to no more than 2 or 3 beverages a week.

Larger quantities can hinder normal body functions and increase stress.

Frequent exercise can also help reduce anxiety.

Exercise helps reduce the edgy feeling and keep you feeling fresh and motivated, ready to take on the challenge instead of letting it cause you worry or anxiety.


Meditation is not some spiritual, metaphysical process that promises enlightenment.

Okay, it is... but that's not all it is. :-)

You see, the more clutter we have in our lives, the more stress we can create.

This is true for a cluttered house, garage, office, and yes, even a cluttered mind.

Imagine trying to move around freely in an overly-crowded room.

It's impossible to do.

Learning to relax is a vital skill that most of us just never learn,
because no one ever tells us how important it really is.

The more relaxed you are, the more freely and efficiently your mind and body will function.

(Again, it's just like trying to move around in an empty room where you can do so easily and effortlessly versus an overcrowded one where even the simplest moves require more strength and effort.)

The more clutter there is, the slower the related processes and actions become.

For most people, it is almost impossible to quiet the mind even for a few seconds.

So many thoughts are constantly cluttering our mind that it never gets to take a break (and we already know how important breaks are.)

In fact, most of our minds are so cluttered that it never really gets to tap into our true powers and creative geniuses hidden inside us because it's always too busy taking care of everything else.

The Eastern world knows what they're doing when it comes to natural health and longevity.

And, one of the reasons for this is because they have been using the powers of meditation for centuries.

These days, more and more of the Western world is embracing the ancient wisdom of meditation, yoga, tai chi, and so on...practices that have been around for quite a while in the Eastern culture.

Mediating for just 5 to 15 minutes per day can result in decreased stress, lower blood pressure, a sharper / more alert mind, and more.

All of these help in slowing down the overall aging process of our body, and mind.

Is all that worth 15 minutes of your time? You'd have to be absolutely crazy to not think so, wouldn't you?

There are many forms of meditation including those that incorporate bells/sounds, musical instruments, chants, and even some involving movement or hallucinogens.

Perhaps the simplest form of meditation is the most powerful, and requires nothing but emptiness.

Simply find a quiet, private place and relax for 5 to 15 minutes.

Let all other thoughts go and just focus on your breathing. In and out. If other thoughts come in, don't resist them, Simply observe them, let them pass, and gently bring yourself back to your breathing.

Feel yourself becoming more and more relaxed with each breath.

Now, allow your breathing to happen on it's own. This may be a bit tricky at first.

Don't be too concerned, do it anyway. Watch your body as it breathes in and then out.

Don't help or hinder the breathing. Simply observe.

Notice how your chest expands with each in breath and collapses with each out breath.

As you do this, you will notice your body becoming more and more relaxed. In fact, the very first breath that you're able to observe without any active participation will send a wave of relaxation through your body.

Stay in this state for about 5 to 15 minutes (or more if you're able to) and enjoy the stillness.

Some people will find it very easy to do this. Others may require a few practice sessions before seeing any measurable results. It's okay. Don't rush it.

It is also possible that you may fall asleep during this meditation.

If that happens, it means that you're not getting enough rest.

Do the above relaxation exercise for 5 to 15 minutes every morning, preferably as soon as you wake up.

And, do it again before you go to bed at night.

You'll be amazed at the results within just the first few weeks of regular meditation.


Antioxidants help to deactivate free radicals, which are dangerous, highly- reactive molecules that attack our cells and cause aging.

Many multi- vitamins today also include sufficient amounts of antioxidants.

(Check the labels to be sure.) It is highly recommended that you take those multi- vitamins.

Okay, now that we’ve established a solid foundation, let’s get to the good stuff…!

Sex Foods and Stimulants

The main reason certain foods boost sex drive is because they contain specific vital nutrients needed by your brain and body to function optimally, not because they contain some magical ingredient that your body has never encountered.

It’s as simple as that. When your body, and brain, are getting all these nutrients in abundant supply, vigorous sexual health is a natural end result.

The following is a list of some of the sexiest foods around, along with the explanations as to why they work so well, i.e. which nutrients in them make these foods so potent and sex-friendly…

First, here are the top commonly-used foods that can also boost sex drive:

Celery: This food is a good source of Riboflavin, Vitamin B6, Pantothenic Acid, Phosphorus, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Folate, Potassium and Manganese.

Avocados: Aside from being very low in Cholesterol and Sodium, this food is a good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin B-Complex, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Folate, lots of minerals and amino acids… and it’s a great source of protein.

Almonds: Low in Cholesterol, and a good source of Magnesium.

They’re also a very good source of Vitamin E, Potassium, Protein, and Phosphorus. (Most nuts are great sources of nutrients that promote sexual health, and often containing phosphorus and zinc as well.)

Sunflower seeds: This food is a good source of Pantothenic Acid, Phosphorus, Copper, Manganese and Selenium, and Vitamin E. It’s also low in Cholesterol.

Tomatoes: This food is a good source of Vitamin E, Thiamin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Copper… and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Potassium

and Manganese.

Whole Grains: This food is a good source of Thiamin, Folate, Selenium, and Manganese.

Bananas: This food is a good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Potassium and Manganese, and a very good source of Vitamin B- Complex. Bananas are great for increasing sexual energy!

Oysters: Zinc and Phosphorus (two of the sexiest minerals around) are what make this food a winner. It’s also a good source of Vitamin C, Riboflavin, Niacin and a very good source of Protein, Vitamin B12, Iron, Copper, Manganese and Selenium.

Lamb Liver (and Beef Liver) are also highly-potent foods containing some of the usual suspects (including B vitamins.)

Honey: This food is one of the fastest to provide your body with sexual energy because it is very easily digested.

This is also why atheletes are a fan of honey, right before intense physical activity. Combine a few spoonfuls of honey with a glass of milk, and a handful of nuts, and you’ll give yourself lots of explosive power.

Notice that the above foods have some common, repetitive nutrients that make those foods great sexual boosters. (Pay special attention to the italicized nutrients in the above items, as well as those listed next.)

Chili peppers, garlic, onions, ginger, asparagus, and other such pungent foods are also great, mainly because they contain Sulfur and Phosphorus (a potent combination) among other sex nutrients, like B-Vitamins.

The Lesser-Known Sex Foods & Stimulants

In addition to the above commonly known foods, here are more super potent sex foods that are not so commonly used or known:

Bee Pollen: Hard to believe but this is one of the best quality of protein out there.

It has been said to offer greater sexual endurance and nourishes the neuro-genital reflex since it’s packed with natural enzymes, amino acids hormones, vitamins and minerals.

Brewer's Yeast: Brewer's yeast is another one of those substances that's called a "complete food."

While it has a very potent taste and smell, it's packed with lots of 'sexy' nutrients: It contains all the essential amino acids, a great source of protein and B-complex vitamins, as well as Chromium, Zinc, Iron, Phosphorus, and Selenium. In short, it's a powerhouse.

Torula yeast is also used in similar ways.

Caviar: This is another food that is abundant in nutrients needed for optimum sexual performance, including Zinc.

It’s also one of the best sources of phosphorus. This food also provides nutrients that help with muscle contraction i.e. more frequent and intense orgasms. (Most other seafoods are also great sources of sexual nutrients.)

Lecithin: Aside from being very low in Cholesterol and Sodium, this food is a very good source of Vitamin K, and yes, Phosphorus.

It helps with sexual excitement and proper blood flow, which is important to sexual arousal as well as stronger orgasms.

Royal Jelly: This food is a great source of protein, vitamins, and pantothenic acid which makes for easier absorption, which in turn provides lots of energy as well as stress relief… a great combination.

Wheat Germ: Very low in Cholesterol and Sodium, this food is a good source of Dietary Fiber, Protein, Vitamin B6, Folate, Magnesium and Copper, and a very good source of Thiamin, Phosphorus, Zinc, Manganese and Selenium. (Another powerhouse that you should use often.)

Wheat germ oil and wheat bran are also good.

Finally, foods such as Kelp, Acerola fruit, and Seaweed are also high in nutrients which promote sexual health.

All of the above foods are available at most health food stores.

Of course, if you need stronger doses of the nutrients found in the above foods (which often produce better results,) you can always take supplements that contain Zinc, Phosphorus, Vitamin E, B-Complex vitamins (Niacin, Biotin, Choline, Riboflavin, B-12, etc) and so on. (See above for other nutrients listed.)

However, be sure to consult your physician before taking individual supplements.

You may also want to find out whether or not you’re allergic to any of these foods and nutrients before consuming them.

And now for the extremely…

Rare, Little-Known Sex Foods & Stimulants

Muira Puama Extract: Muira puama has been long-known by a select few as the miracle from the rain forests.

Countries like Brazil praise it for it's erectile function and libido enhancing properties. It is also used to combat impotency.

Aside from being a sexual stimulant, it's also known for helping with a large number of other problems, including central nervous system disorders, depression, digestive problems, gastrointestinal disorders, heart problems, menstrual cramps, menopause, nerve problems, neuromuscular problems, nervous exhaustion, and even rheumatism, stress, trauma, and muscle weakness.

Aloe Vera: Yes, Aloe Vera, the stuff that’s used for skin therapy is also known for it’s many other powerful health benefits. One of them happens to be sexual health.

This plant is packed with nutrients that have sexually stimulating qualities. However, to get maximum sexual benefits, it has to be consumed in pure form, specifically the clear gel contained in the central portion of the leaf.

Spirulina: Much like bee pollen, Spirulina is one of the world’s most perfect foods.

It contains all the best of what your body needs, and none of what it doesn’t (i.e. no cholesterol or extra calories.) And much like bee pollen, Spirulina is great for increasing sexual vigor.

Avena Sativa: Avena sativa is the scientific name for the grass commonly known as oats (or green oats.)

While it has been used medicinally for a long time, some experts also praise it as a sex booster.

Yet, others consider it to be a mild and gentle sexual enhancer, which seems to work much better when used in combination with other, stronger sex herbs.

Here's a list of some of these other sex herbs, listed in alphabetical order: Ashwagandha (also known as Indian ginseng,) Catuaba, Dong Quai, Gotu, Kola, Horny Goat Weed, Maca, Passion flower, Rhodiola rosea

(Roseroot), Tongkat Ali, Tribulus Terrestris, and Yohimbe.

And of course, one of the more commonly-known ones to add to this list would be Ginseng (Chinese.)

The foods, herbs, and stimulants listed above are not the entire list.

In fact, if I were to cover the entire list of substances that are considered to have sexual benefits, it would probably take a few dozen more pages.

But… as I mentioned in the beginning of this report, I am only listing those items that are considered some of the most powerful ones around, while also easily obtained by the average person. I am confident that you will appreciate that.

You’ll have to agree that the above list is still quite extensive, and more than enough to produce powerful results.

Important: As always, please consult with your physician (and perhaps even a qualified herbalist) before taking any of these herbs.

Food Used Externally

Many of the Asian, Indian, Egyptian and Middle Eastern cultures have been known to use certain foods externally as stimulators and sex boosters, i.e. these foods are applied orally, directly to the sexual organs.

For example… about an hour before sexual orgies, the man washes his penis with warm water and milk.

Others follow the above step by drying the penis (after the milk wash) and applying musk oil.

These steps are said to help keep the penis strong and erect for the duration of the sexual session.

Some men prefer to use ambergris instead of (or combined with) musk oil.

Musk oil and ambergris can also be used by women (on the clitoris) for similar results.

(Again, remember to clear this with a medical professional before use, just in case you have any allergies or conditions that may cause complications.)

Impotence Remedies

While we’re at it, why not discuss some remedies for impotence.

Here’s a quick list of some foods and substances that can help in this area:

Garlic (and onions,) ginger, dark chocolate, nuts, dates and raisins. Herbs that relax are also thought to be of help for men suffering from impotence.

Relaxing herbal drugs such as Valerian, Wild Oats, Lavender, Passionflower, and California poppy can be of help.

Other herbs, like Ginseng, Muira Puama, and Damiana, Motherwort, Prickly ash bark, Schisandra, Eleuthero and Turmeric are also known to help in this area.

And, of course, regular exercise, a well-balanced diet, fresh air, avoiding cigarettes, alcohol, and stress management (as discussed earlier) also help dramatically.

Power Foods For Optimum Health

Power foods provide your body with vital nutrients that it needs to function at it's best, they heal the body and fight disease, they boost the immune system, and help in slowing down the aging process of our body, overall.

You may already know about the common power foods: broccoli, spinach, brussell sprouts, tomatoes, carrots and so on.

I'd like to share more power foods that should be part of everyone's diet.

As touched on earlier, an easy way to spot power foods is to look for bright, vibrant colors: reds, greens, yellows, oranges, purples, and even blues. Here are the top performers...


Just a handful of blueberries can add cancer-fighting power to your diet.

(Berries in general are very nutritious, but blueberry is the king of berries.) Have 'em as a snack, blend them into a smoothie, throw them over cereal, mix them into yogurt (a perfect combination) and so on.

You can even get a packet of frozen blueberries and add them to your daily diet however you want. (You can even get blueberry juice, but be careful when buying juices.

Go for those that are 100% juice with little or no added sugars and calories.) You can even replace a dessert course with some blueberries.


Pomegranates also provide powerful nutrients similar to blueberries.

However, they're a pain to extract. An easy way to add this to your diet is in juice form.

I recommend POM brand juices. (You can also find them now with blended flavors.

"Pomegranate and Blueberry" is my favorite.)


According to most people, beets on their own, can be pretty tricky to eat.

They have a very unique and potent flavor.

A great way to eat them is to add thin slivers into your favorite salad.

You'll be surprised at the flavor and taste it adds on.

Another great way is to cut them into fours, add a few red potatoes (also cut into fours,) drizzle some olive oil and balsamic vinegar over it, sprinkle a little salt and pepper, and bake in the oven.

It goes well with most meats and even fish, or mixed in with a salad...or just by itself as a snack.


Like carrots, pumpkin is packed with beta carotene, containing carotenoids, which are helpful in neutralizing free radicals. Pumpkin seeds are nutrient rich as well.

Sweet potatoes are also packed with nutrients like vitamin A and carotenoids, which are necessary for healthy eyes, skin as well as lungs.


Of course, most dark green and leafy foods are also great sources of cancer-fighting nutrients as well as lots of other vitamins and minerals.

These include spinach, kale, swiss chard, collards, and green beans as well (even though they aren't exactly "leafy.")

While fresh fruits and vegetables are always the preferred choice, canned or frozen will work too, as long as they aren't overly processed.

Other Power Foods To Eat Regularly


As mentioned earlier, studies have shown garlic, when consumed regularly, can be very helpful in increasing blood circulation (think sex) and lowering cholesterol.

Other studies have shown several more powerful benefits of having a clove of garlic everyday.

Add crushed garlic to dressings, olive oil, add to soups, or even pizza.

A good way to make this a part of your diet is to roast them in the oven (which gets rid of the bite and also adds a little sweetness to it.)

Grab a whole garlic, slice a cross-section off the top so the meat is exposed, drizzle a little olive oil, and roast it in the oven.

When done, let it cool a bit, then hold the uncut end and squeeze out the meat (almost all of the skin will remain in your hand.)

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Can't eat a salad without salad dressing?

Use extra virgin olive oil as the base for your dressing.

Throw in some herbs, crushed garlic (microwave for several seconds to let the flavors infuse with the oil) and maybe just a pinch of salt.

You'll be adding some potent nutrients to your meal, while also adding great flavor.

You can even add a teaspoon or two of balsamic vinegar. Yet more flavor.


Already mentioned above, you can easily add lots of nutritional value

(protein, B vitamins, plus lots of minerals and amino acids)

to your diet by including avocadoes: mash and mix in with some lemon juice and fresh salsa for instant guacamole, add chopped cubes into salads or even soups, or simply slice them thin and add to sandwiches.


Also mentioned earlier… Almonds (and other nuts: walnuts, peanuts, pistachios, brazil nuts) are good for your heart.

They also provide fiber and other nutrients. Have a handful of them as a snack or throughout the day. Other alternatives, such as almond butter work as well. Nuts can be high in calories so don't over-indulge.

Peanut butter is also great. Whenever possible, substitute that for regular butter (on toasts, etc.)

If you need a quick burst of energy before a run or active sport, have a teaspoon or two of peanut butter.


Fish, especially salmon, is a much healthier alternative to chicken or beef, and also offers some nutrients (Omega-3) that meat just doesn't have. Fish is also great brain food.

To prepare an entire week's worth, buy a big piece, cut them into single serving sizes and marinate in lemon (or other citrus) juice, olive oil, and crushed garlic.

Add salt and pepper if preferred and bake in the oven on high, for about 15 minutes.

Have a piece for dinner with some of your favorite veggies.

You can even crumble some up into a salad, make a sandwich, or even add some to your omelette in the morning.


Having oatmeal regularly can reduce cholesterol and lower blood pressure.

It also provides your body with energy-providing sugar the right way.

Plus, it increases your fiber intake, which is always a good thing.

Certain breakfast cereals, like raisin bran, cheerios, are also great substitutes.

And some of these can also be eaten dry, as snacks.

Of course, if you want to have cereal (or oatmeal) as an afternoon snack, for an added boost to your day, there are no laws against that. In fact, it's recommended.


Yogurt (as well as other dairy products) provides your body with bone- building calcium as well as protein for muscle and carbohydrates for energy.

The cultured variety can also provide beneficial bacteria. Low fat or nonfat are best.

Just add some fruit to it for a great snack.

A cup of non-fat yogurt, with a handful of blueberries is probably one of the best power food combinations in existence.

It's a great way to start your day. Add some nuts or seeds to that and you're really on your way to living longer, healthier, and stronger!


Soy has many benefits and is often used in Asian cooking for this reason.

Make soy products - soy milk, tofu, and/or edamame (edible soybean) - a regular part of your diet.

Soymilk can be taken as a refreshing, cold beverage, added to coffee (instead of milk) to enhance flavor, or even used in cooking (to thicken sauces, etc.)

Firm tofu can be cut into cubes or slices and used in stir frys, soups, and pretty much anything else. Edamame can be boiled in water (add salt if desired) and eaten as snacks or appetizers.

You can also buy boiled, ready-to-eat edamame in packets. All of these can be found either in your neighborhood grocery stores or the nearby Asian market.

You can also add tofu to burger meat or meatloaf to boost the nutritional value of the meals.

Note: I highly recommend buying organic foods whenever possible.

After all, you're putting all this food into your body.

And you only get one body. It's definitely worth investing a few extra cents towards your health and longevity.

Super Foods

Here are a few more potent, power-packed foods that aren't as commonly used (or known) as the ones listed above.

Sunflower Seeds

Mentioned earlier, sunflower seeds are concentrated energy pods.

Have them as a snack, sprinkle them over salads or other meals, blend them into dressings, sauces or even soups. Other seeds, including pumpkin seeds, have many powerful nutrients as well.


Flaxseeds are also great.

They can add fiber to your diet as well as Omega-3. (If you don't eat fish, flaxseed is a great alternative.)


Yes, it's that sprig of green that restaurants add to your dinner as garnish. And, no one eats it.

Yet, just a tiny bit of parsley (with food, blended into fresh juices, or even thrown into soups, salads, or other meals) can provide you with some powerful nutrients, including lots of vitamin C, plus calcium and fiber.

It also improves digestion and soothes adrenal glands.

(Pregnant or nursing women should limit their parsley intake to one sprig per day.)

Green Tea

Regular black tea (and even an occasional cup of coffee) has some health benefits when taken occasionally.

Green tea is the preferred choice, of course.

It is packed with anti-oxidants and flavonoids and can reduce the risk of cancer.

It also seems to be helpful for the brain.

You can have this everyday without any side effects that coffee or other caffeinated drinks may have.


Yes, chocolate is actually good for you, if you pick the right one. Instead of milk chocolate, opt for dark chocolate with a high cocoa content.

Anything over 70% is great. It can provide powerful anti-oxidants and flavonoids, and well, it tastes of chocolate! :-)

But be careful, eating too much can also add calories fast. Having a small piece of dark chocolate each day is ideal.

Red Wine

Drinking alcohol, in moderation, can actually improve HDL levels (the good cholesterol.)

The best choice, of course, is red wine which also packs anti- oxidants.

Please don't use this as an excuse to drink more alcohol or start drinking if you don't already.

A great alternative, which I personally go for since I rarely consume alcohol, is pomegranate juice (especially the one blended with blueberry juice, mentioned earlier.)

Herbal Remedies

While these may not all be as effective as the sex boosters and stimulants listed earlier, herbs have been used for tens of thousands of years to cure all kinds of aches, pains and ailments.

Just like people did a long time ago, you can safely treat a wide variety of things with herbs or herbal extracts you can find in your backyard, at health food stores or online.

Here is a list of common herbs used to remedy everything from burns to headaches.

Aloe vera

Aloe Vera is perhaps best known for being an excellent sunburn treatment with superb skin revitalizing properties.

Some of its lesser-known uses include aiding the digestive system and maintaining energy levels.

It is also commonly taken as a vitamin and mineral supplement because it is chock full of great vitamins that you need.

Aloe is typical sold in gel form for use on skin and sunburns and in a drinkable form for use as a dietary supplement.

Hawthorn berries

Hawthorn berry is well known for the positive effects it has on the circulatory system and heart.

This berry is packed with vitamin C and vitamin B and is typically taken over a lengthy period to reap all of the great benefits it has to offer.

Most health food stores offer it in liquid and capsule form though the body much more easily absorbs the liquid form.

Milk thistle

Milk Thistle is a powerful antioxidant that aids the liver and has been proven by many studies to help all liver related problems including alcohol related liver disease.

The important compound in milk thistle, silymarin, can be hard for the body to absorb and is most effective when taken in the strongest form available.


Suma is also known as a form of ginseng from Brazil and has been used traditionally for a variety of reasons including: fighting fatigue, supporting the immune system and helping to stay stress free.

Suma is often consumed as a tea, but is also readily available as a supplemental pill.


Ginger is an excellent remedy for upset stomachs and has long been used as a remedy for pregnant women experiencing morning sickness or nausea.

It is also commonly used to treat inflammation and arthritis pain.

Ginger is often consumed as a tea or other beverage to treat nausea.

However, it has been used in cuisines around the world as a flavor additive.

Black cohosh

Black cohosh has been the subject of many successful studies proving that it helps menopausal women reduce the severity of their symptoms including reducing the effect of hot flashes.

Its healthy chemicals help regulate and balance a woman’s hormones so she does not experience

the normal intensity of menopausal symptoms.

Typically, black cohosh is taken as a supplemental pill that is available at most health food stores.

Ginkgo biloba extract

Ginkgo is well known as a memory-enhancing agent and is most commonly found in supplemental pill form.

The plant originates from China and has a long history of medical uses. It is also thought to be a mild sex booster, Alzheihmer’s cure and a great antioxidant.


Echinacea is widely used to help the immune system, as an antibiotic and to purify the blood.

It is typically sold in supplemental pill form, but it makes an outstanding herbal tea as well.

There are many manufacturers that have an Echinacea tea so it is very easy to find online or in your local supermarket.

St. John’s Wort

St. John’s Wort is used to fight depression, anxiety and other mental disorders.

Over the ages, it has been used for a few other things, but mainly for mental disorders.

Recent studies have shown that it may not be as powerful as once thought in combating these illnesses, however, St. John’s Wort has many followers, including medical professionals that stand by it’s uses.

As you can see, there are a wide variety of uses and benefits of extracts.

The even better news is that this is just a very partial list of supplements available.

Other powerful extracts include: Bilberry, Boswellia, Cranberry, Elderberry, Eyebright, Goldenseal, Grapeseed, Milk Thistle, Tea Tree Oil, and many, many more.

Top Ten Natural Sources of Important Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins are very easy to find if you know where to look.

Meats, grains, fruits and vegetables are all excellent natural sources of vitamins.

As an added bonus, your body will typically absorb the vitamins found in foods more easily than those found in supplements.

This article will discuss the top ten natural foods that contain important vitamins that your body needs.


Oranges are not only jam packed with vitamin C, but they also contain potassium, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12.

Vitamin C is commonly know to help prevent and cure the common cold and helps aid in iron absorption

but has also been tied to the prevention of heart disease. Vitamin B6 is a powerful tool that aids your metabolism as well as other vital bodily functions.


Salmon and other oily fish such as trout, orange roughy or sardines are all rich in vitamin A, D and two important B vitamins. Vitamin A is essential for your immune and reproduction systems.


Carrots are heavy on the Vitamin A and also have a good amount of calcium and vitamin C.

However, it’s important not to overcook them or all of the healthy vitamins and minerals will be cooked right out.

Tossing a fresh carrot into your lunch bag is a great way to keep all those great vitamins right where they should be in the carrot.


Folic Acid or B9 is found abundantly in spinach.

Folic acid is vital to pregnant women because it can help reduce the risk of birth defects in newborns.

Spinach also has some other important nutrients such as vitamin A, C and E and should be eaten raw to get the most benefit from the nutrients it contains.


Blueberries are perhaps best known for their effects on memory.

Studies have shown that the vitamin B compounds in blueberries help improve memory and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia. They are also a great source for vitamin C.


Almonds are chock full of calcium and vitamin E.

Vitamin E is thought to help prevent certain cancers and cardiovascular diseases.

It’s also a great source of calcium which helps build strong bones.


Vitamin K, A and C, calcium and fiber are all very abundant in broccoli and a good dose of broccoli once a week will help prevent cancer as well as help build strong bones.


Cauliflower is hands down the best source for vitamin K, which is vital to your body’s ability to make your blood clot.

It is also a good source of vitamin C, fiber and some great nutrients that are believed to help prevent certain cancers like breast and prostate cancer.


Beans are a great source of folate which is great for cell formation.

Iron is also found in beans which helps keep your energy up.

Other important substances in beans can help prevent cancer, reduce the risk of diabetes, aid your circulatory system and help control your weight.


An apple a day may just keep the doctor away.

Apples are a great source of vitamin C which will help boost your immune system.

However, studies have shown that apples also contain other vital properties that help boost your immune system in ways that vitamin C supplements can’t.

As advised earlier, please consult with your physician before taking any nutrients, supplements, and/or herbal remedies that you’re not familiar with.

The Game Plan

Okay… there’s a lot of stuff listed above! How the heck does a person make sense of it all?

Now, focus on other foods and supplements that promote overall health and fitness (both physical as well as mental.)

Start adding them to your diet - and your lifestyle gradually.

Change in any form can be tricky for many people.

So, just work on eating and living healthy today. And, let tomorrow take care of itself.

Another great tip is, combine several of the foods together, into one meal.

For example, you can have power shakes, salads, soups, omelettes, stir frys, etc. that can contain several of the power foods discussed in this report.

You can have omelettes containing spinach, mushrooms, salmon,

tomatoes, and maybe even a sprinkle of brewer’s yeast and wheat germ, etc.

You can have a power shake for breakfast containing orange juice, yogurt, peanut butter, bananas, berries, bee pollen, wheat germ, brewer’s yeast, and pretty much anything else that you'd like to add to it.

Your salads can have all the vegetables you'd like, plus a sliced egg, nuts and seeds, avocadoes, chunks of salmon or tuna, a sprinkle of wheat germ, you get the idea. You can do the same with soups. And, fruit salads too.

There really aren't any rules. You're in control. Have fun with this stuff, and enjoy the process. (Of course, be sure to check with your physician first, before consuming foods that you haven’t had before.

Some people may be allergic to certain wheat products, yeasts, etc.)

Here's to a stronger, longer, more frequent and more vigorous sex life!



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