Ten underlying principles of weight loss

in #healthlast month

1.The difficulty of losing weight is related to physical fitness
Due to genetic influence, some people are born with a "fat prone constitution", and their bodies are very good at accumulating fat. If keeping fit is seen as a game, people with a tendency to gain weight are assigned to the 'difficult mode'.
A good mindset is the foundation of successful weight loss.
Understand your body's temperament and accept it, don't blame
yourself, don't be anxious.


2.There is a 'weight adjustment point' in the body, and short-term changes are difficult
In a natural state, a person's weight tends to remain within a stable
range, just like a set point for body temperature.
If the weight suddenly drops below this range in a short period of time, the body will activate various compensatory mechanisms,including but not limited to increasing appetite and reducing metabolism, until the weight returns.
So, weight loss cannot be achieved in a hurry. It is necessary to
gradually change lifestyle over the years and reach a new
consensus with the body.

3.It's not difficult to lose three scales, it's difficult not to bounce
Of course, people can quickly lose weight through
dieting, but what happens after that? If the time dimension for measuring the success of weight loss is extended to more than three years, it will be found that those who
quickly lose their balance find it difficult to laugh until the
Losing weight through extreme methods will
only bring more trouble to the future.

  1. Severe weight rebound, very harmful to the body
    Rapid weight loss can lose a lot of muscle, but the majority of the rebound is fat; Endocrine disorders can cause people to struggle with unhealthy
    eating habits in the following years, and even suffer from eating disorders such as binge eating.
    More seriously, the study found that once the weight experienced such a big fluctuation, the health risks of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other diseases would increase significantly.


5.Don't be superstitious about energy gaps
The body is not a simple machine, it has many feedback and compensation mechanisms, and its®energy formula 'is much more complex than we imagine. Additionally, it is difficult for us to
accurately estimate the actual calorie content of
a food.
Strictly recording the calorie content of food every day will only make eating more complicated and difficult to execute, increasi ng time and psychological costs.

6.What to eat may be more important than how much to eat
Eating 1500 calories of hamburgers and fries every day is definitely different from eating a healthy diet of 1500 calories every day.
Eating different types of food in the body can cause different metabolic reactions, which over time can alter hormone secretion and body weight adjustment points.
Try to choose foods with "low processing levels" and foods with"low glycemic load" as they can change the body's metabolism in a positive direction.


7.Healthy Diets, Pain Free for Sustainability
If eating becomes a form of punishment and pain, it will inevitably
lead to inability to persist and even retaliatory binge eating.
Don't force yourself to eat things you dislike.On the basis of understanding the principles of nutrition, choose a suitable and sustainable combination according to your taste preferences,and gradually reduce unhealthy parts.

8.Pay attention to the circumterence, the numbers on the weight scale ere not that important
The numbers on the weight scale are highly deceptive. Losing
weight could be muscle, fat, or water.
The pursuit of weight loss is for a healthier body and better looking
body lines, and these benefits cannot be weighed by a scale.
Put away the weight scale, you can record your circumfer ence, pay attention to yourself in life, whether you are more energetic and confident day by day!


9.The body has a circadian rhythm, try not to disrupt it as much as possible
Eating frequently at night can disrupt the body's circadian rhythm, increase appetite during the day,alter gene expression in adipose tissue, and even impair glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity.
It is best to finish the last meal 4 hours before bedtime to allow
sufficient rest time for the body.

10.The advantages of exercise for welght loss are not in the short term, but in the
lang term
Research has long found that weight loss caused by exercise often does not achieve the expected results. However, exercise is very important for maintaining weight loss effects, and can even reverse the tendency to gain weight to some extent.
At present, it has been observed that exercise can regulate the secretion and action of various hormones in the body,alter the physiological activity of thousands of molecules, not only reverse the body's tendency towards obesity, but also combat the increase in appetite and metabolic decline
caused by weight loss.
If you exercise every day without losing your balance, don't give up easily.

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