
Irish is still spoken in parts of the West of Ireland, but the British did a pretty good job of wiping it out during the hundreds of years they colonised us. What little interest there was left in preserving our language seems to have died with our entry into the European federation not to mention with the recent flood of immigrants.

Here's a link to a translation of Óró Sé do Bheatha 'Bhaile.

The British tried hard to wipe the native language out, that sounds about right, what do most Irish think about England, don't much care for it or them?
What kind of immigrants are flooding in? I didn't know that was happening.
thanks for the link!

There used to be great animosity between Britian and Ireland when I was growing up but we're all the best of friends now;)

Since 2015, just like the rest of Europe, thanks to Mrs. Merkel, we've had a surge of immigrants from the Middle East and Africa.

that doesn't seem right, doesn't seem like a good fit.
maybe I'm racist!

I'm sure I'd be accused of being racist as well. It's not that I'm against immigration per se, just not en masse and especially when we can't even house the population we already have.

Well plus if they are Muslims they don't assimilate.
You can't house the population you have, you mean you have
alot of homeless?
I haven't heard about the Irish economy for a few years but
when I did it seems that it was booming.

The economy is doing well especially in comparison to other European countries, but property prices are rising in excess of 10% a year while wages are rising at less than 3%. I can't imagine what's going to happen when interest rates begin to rise.

very interesting, thank you deirdyweidy!

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