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RE: Witness and STEEMIT must solve the problem of abusing.

in INVEN Gaming4 years ago (edited)

There is no abuse on Steem if looked at through the eyes of a DPOS system`

Fighting abuse will also be based on that. DPOS. If the Steem blockchain is agnostic, international actors aren't, they abide by definite rules that reached an international consensus. Same here, the community has the right to define what should be considered as abuse by using the same mechanism. You may think that something should not be seen as abuse, but it does not matter, if you want to change that idea, you need to back it up with your stake to be able to influence the consensus.

Proof-Of-Brain is a fantasy that does not exist.

Partially agree. It can work perfectly for niche communities or gaming. Of course, I am referring to a PoB that will be based on SMTs.

There is no abuse on Steem; everyone with stake is entitled to distribute inflation in any way they see fit.

Correct. The code also allows downvotes to regulate the distribution (Steem whitepaper). Abuse, as I stated above, is defined by a community consensus.

The current witnesses have agreed with this assessment and claimed to be against downvoting entirely.

Incorrect, but everyone has the right to speak freely about his opinion without getting shamed as long as he doing so according to the rules he agreed on by using a specific medium. If downvotes were not good in the past, they might be good now, then become useless again in the future. Maybe the community will decide to scrap the concept ... who knows.

This is a non-issue as most of these "abusers" are powering down and exiting.

It's ok to sympathize with abusers, you can openly support them don't be afraid, no need to sugar coat your feelings with sophism.

Steem is much more than a blogging platform,

I couldn't agree more.

and users should stop basing all economic policy via the blogging aspect.

I also couldn't agree more. But since the current model relay on a fixed reward pool, it doesn't matter if it's blogging or gaming or ... people need to engage in policing the reward pool for a fair distribution of rewards. This is not ideal, but this is what the current code is forcing everyone to do.


The witnesses are hypocrites that took an oath to never freeze stake.
They were against downvotes until they came into power.
They have no real power, they only have the proxy power of the one account that controls this entire network.
Don't forget to ask for permission before you do any of these things, because you absolutely need it.
So much for permissionless networks.
Nuff said.

The witnesses are hypocrites that took an oath to never freeze stake.

I believe you once made a long post The Flawed "Witnesses Started This Argument explaining why it is OK to freeze stake. Since you believe that Code is not law then there s no problem here. I remember when former witnesses posted publicly way back that they will never touche Inc stake ... I wonder why they didn't stand by their oath, maybe something changed, or maybe people are just hypocrite and used to having double standards and unconditional support ... seems like you have a new war that you need to fight on the other side too.

Anyway, we will honor that other, nothing can be done now until we have the time to reflect such a change and progress on the code (Fixing the governance), but we can't really do that while the ship is sinking. Think of it like martial law, we need to secure the chain and the ecosystem first.

They were against downvotes until they came into power.

Again, what do you mean by THEY. What you are assuming here is incorrect

They have no real power, they only have the proxy power of the one account that controls this entire network.

A bit confused here, you are saying that they don't have power, then you say they only have X power. I thought you said this is a DPOS. This feels more like having power from X is good and great, but having power from Y is bad and evil. Power is power, regardless of how you want to portray it. What do you want exactly? That each witness buys 30 million Steem and votes for himself?

ask for permission

As I said, it's a DPOS, your feelings or ideas do not matter, the only thing that matters is your stake.


lol I just realized you said "consensus" 3 times there.

What part of this totalitarian dictatorship do you think involves consensus?

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