The church with a heart in Christ!

in HeartChurch4 years ago

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ

In the sacred scriptures the words of God are reflected that were given to Abraham in the desert in which he was promised that his descendants would be like the stars of the sky (Genesis 12:2-3), being Moses later after the people of Israel left their captivity to Pharaoh, who would receive the commandments of the law of God, which are guides for each of us of how our relationship with God should be, with our family and our brothers (Exodus 20).

After the people of Israel reached the promised land and already established there, later on in time they cooled their relationship with the omnipotent God to worship false gods, so they suffered many tribulations and exile to Babylon after losing the favor of the Lord (2 Kings 2:20).

Already when they returned to Israel again after their repentance and returned to their roots of faith, in a humble little town a young woman kept in her heart the love of the Lord and her prize was to be selected as the spotless virgin in which she manifest the glory of God, announced this event by the prophets, the son of God would be born, whose name Emanuel, Jesus, the Angel Gabriel would bring the good news of his birth that would bring goodness and love to the men of his time (Luke 1:26-38).

Image source

In the Gospels all this event is reflected and the good news that God wants for men is proclaimed thanks to the public ministry of Jesus, who chose twelve men to nurture them more closely with his teachings, forming with them at that time the leafy tree seed, represented by the church.

One of Jesus' commands to his disciples is:

19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19

Thus the church is made up of men and women from different places, of different professions, with different gifts and abilities which are part of the living body of the church that give Glory to the Lord with a Heart and that we depend on each other focused on love. to Christ.

Today I ask the Lord to continue pouring out his blessings to the Church so that we may be faithful examples of his redeeming grace. I ask it in the Name of Jesus Christ.



For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. [Romans 12:4-5 NIV]

[screenshot @felixgarciap]

Receive my affection and blessings.


Connect with HeartChurch

In the HeartChurch community we have technological tools and spiritual guidance available in which an outstanding place is represented by the contributions of its members and the power to share musical expressions with the psalms that lead us to share the love of Christ beyond our borders.

A first step to access the HeartChurch Community and be able to enjoy the added value of our Community is to complete the affiliation to our services through a simple data registration process, in which we will immediately be registered in an account Blockchain Telos with our user from whom we would receive a daily message from the sacred scriptures and a universal basic income (UBI) consisting of a Heart token based on TELOS technology. From there the parishioner will have access to our digital channels in which, in addition to sharing the word, he will meet brothers from all over the world.

[Image autorized by @heartchurch Community]

The goods that we receive and those that we can give through our incorporation as members of the HeartChurch Community will give us the joy and Peace that our Lord wishes for our lives and also the opportunity to help other people anywhere in the world.

We continue to Reach to the World

I am proudly a #Heartchurch member.

[Use of Image authorized by @heartchurch]


So blessed by this.
Thanks for sharing

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