Winter is the key to good health and positive energy

in LifeStyle4 years ago

In life, everyone's physical condition is different, some people are strong, almost all year round without any problems, generally said he "good resistance". Some people have headaches and fever, a little weak taste, people often say he has "poor resistance". Living in the same environment, why some people are prone to disease, while others are not prone to disease? The reason for this lies in the adequacy of their own body's "positive energy", the more adequate the body's positive energy, the stronger the ability to resist disease.


The righteousness is the protector of human health

In Chinese medicine, immunity is equivalent to the body's "righteousness", which refers to the body's ability to adapt to the environment, its ability to resist evil and its ability to recover. In TCM theory, the occurrence of the disease is related to the confrontation between the positive and the negative aspects of the body. The phrase "when the righteousness exists within, evil cannot dry up" means that when the body's righteousness is sufficient, external evil will not easily infect the body and cause disease to occur. In layman's terms, positive qi is like a 'patrol' in our body, less positive qi, evil qi will come in, so the disease is always repeated, the body is also easy to fatigue.

This is how to protect righteousness in winter

In the cold winter, how can we improve the body's positive energy and reduce the occurrence of avoiding diseases?

It is important to avoid staying up all night. Staying up all night for a long time will damage one's Yang Qi, so it is recommended that we try to go to bed before 11:00 in winter so that we can maintain our Yang Qi well. If you have enough yang energy, you will be able to resist external evil and will not easily suffer from respiratory diseases.

To protect the body's positive qi in winter, in addition to going to bed early, you should also avoid cold and warm, sweat less, and eat less cold food to avoid loss of positive qi.

Avoid excessive exercise in cold weather, winter should pay attention to "hide", inappropriate time strenuous exercise, such as exercise at night before going to bed, not only can not achieve the purpose of physical exercise, and may even cause adverse effects on the body. In terms of exercise, we recommend Taijiquan and Ba Duan Jin, especially Ba Duan Jin is easy to learn, the movement is continuous and soft, suitable for winter exercise.

How can I tell if I have enough positive energy?

In general, when your body has sufficient positive energy, you usually sleep well, have sufficient energy, do not feel tired easily, have good immunity, do not get sick easily, have a short recovery period after illness, and your whole body is lively and speaks with sufficient energy.

On the contrary, when there is a deficiency of righteousness, it often manifests itself as a lack of energy, easy fatigue, frequent colds and illnesses, long illnesses, slow healing of wounds, etc. In fact, when the body is deficient in righteousness, the body is usually in a good state of health.

In fact, when the body is deficient in positive energy, it does not immediately manifest itself as a disease, but rather as a gradual and serious development process, with different manifestations in different stages. The initial stage of deficiency of positive qi may manifest as poor appetite, insomnia and dreaminess, easy fatigue, mental weakness, and memory loss. Long-term deficiency of positive energy may be manifested as easy to catch colds, recurrent illnesses, and slow recovery from illness.

Myth: Low immunity is not always suitable for tonic

Winter is the high season of cold and other diseases. Many people think that being prone to colds and having a low immune system means that the body is weak and must be supplemented. This is actually a misconception.

Low immunity is not necessarily a sign of deficiency. If it is simple deficiency evidence that causes easy illness, you can take a tonic. However, some people are relatively deficient in positive qi, but due to long-term accumulation, dampness is a little more prevalent, we consider it solid evidence, and this type of people also manifest themselves as easy to catch a cold, or other diseases recurring. For people who are deficient in qi and prone to external sensations, the deficiency is represented by qi deficiency and the actual evidence is represented by dampness, judging by repeated illnesses alone as a deficiency, the practice of blindly taking supplements is not scientific, the wrong supplement may also have adverse effects on the body.


Does surfing and excercise promote positive qi?

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