Winners announcement of Steemit Engagement Challenge S10/W2|Elon Musk, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos- Whom would you like to choose for an interview and why?steemCreated with Sketch.

in Incredible Indialast year

Hello, steemit family,
We are here to announce the second week of the steemit engagement challenge of S10:W2 winners.

This time, the entries were lesser than in the previous challenge.

That was a creative writing challenge where our friends shared their expertise about the mentioned topic.

Before announcing the winners, we would like to compliment each participant;
who took part in this challenge.

There are various exceptional posts, but as per the criteria of the engagement challenge;
We picked three winners in terms of engagement.

Hash tag#incredibleindia-s10w2
Total number of entries89
Number of Valid entries66
Number of Invalid entries23

Club Status
Number of entries
Club505044 entries
Club7512 entries
Club10031 entries
No Club2 entries

Country name
Number of entries
Not mentioned country0

However, following the criteria of engagement, we selected three winners.

User Id


Post Link

Prize amount


First position
Post link5 Steem
Second Position
Post Link3 Steem
Third Position
Post Link2 Steem

Reason behind selection:-

  • User ID:-@mile16
    Position:- First

Había alguna razón de peso que te indicaba que la creación de MS-DOS (1981), te iba a llevar al éxito Y cómo diste con la programación exacta para que el resultado fuera tan bueno?

Cómo tuvo que lidiar con los plagios presentados en las competencias de las creaciones de los ordenadores?

¿Te entristece haber perdido la batalla ante los sistemas operativos para teléfonos celulares?

Often, some questions oblige us to divest some visions of others. Here the author raised three questions while going through the talk show that not only give others some motivation that we must not give up once we are determined to move forward;
and another thing is not that once we succeed in any pastureland means every attribute we will be victorious in life.
Apart from that, one question about plagiarism is also impressive; Because while working in the blockchain, it would be a meaningful and valid question.
Hence, we keep this content at the top.

  • User ID:-@lil.albab
    Position:- Second.

Setelah mengikuti dan mencari beberapa informasi tentang Bill Gates, saya yakin dan mengambil kesimpulan bahwasannya kesuksesan beliau diperoleh atas kerja keras yang tidak dapat diukur dengan pasti oleh banyak orang. Dan saya akan menjadikan hal itu sebagai saran kepada diri saya sendiri. Kerja keras merupakan hal yang sebenarnya sangat bagus untuk dilakukan dalam segala bidang, karena tidak peduli bagaimanapun >keadaannya, kerja keras selalu menghasilkan yang terbaik bagi kita.

Saya pun yakin tokoh sukses lainnya seperti Elon Musk dan Jeff Bezos juga melewati pahitnya bekerja keras sebelum merasakan manisnya kesuksesan. Kita tidak tahu pasti seberapa besar kerja keras yang mereka lakukan sebelumnya. Yang terpenting adalah kita pun harus bekerja keras untuk mencapai segala impian kita.

Failure is the key to success.
The author here wants to take the suggestion of the same from Bill Gates, and he also mentioned that behind every successful person, there is some hidden story of challenge. It would be nudging to listen to those stories.
Thus we selected this post as a second position.

If I could ask him one thing, I’d say, “How do you stay true to your vision when it feels like the world’s not on your side?” We’ve all been there, haven’t we? The moments when it feels like no one understands what you’re aiming for.

Elon Musk has faced such situations many times in his career. He had to deal with a lot of skepticism when he came up with the idea of building electric cars or when he decided to launch a private space exploration company. But he remained steadfast in his vision and is now a leader in his fields.

Honesty is a virtue and after perpetrated success in various fields;
often people forget the meaning of modesty. So we appreciate the suggestion the author wanted to get from Elon Musk. The author also wanted to clarify from Elon Musk whether he harbored any doubt while thinking about electric cars. Above whiffs can make us convinced if we get the answers. Therefore we selected the post in the third position.


It was a much more enjoyable week to read and go through the various thought process of our steemian friends.

We are unable to select some great posts;
because of less engagement,
some made mistakes in titles, hashtags, etc. Nevertheless, it was quite a great week for us. We would adore thanking each steemian for taking part in this challenge. Congratulations to all the winners.

Prize distributed among three🏆 winners




Thank's a lot for put my post on the second position 🙏🏻

 last year 

Congratulations to all the winners🏆🎉🏆.

 last year 

প্রত্যেক উইনার ব্যক্তিকে জানাই অভিনন্দন। এখানে অংশগ্রহণ করাটাই মুখ্য বিষয়। তবে অংশগ্রহণ করার পূর্বে অবশ্যই নিয়মাবলী দেখা দরকার কেননা নিয়মাবলী ফলো না করে এত কষ্ট করে পোস্ট লেখার পরেও যদি সেই পোস্ট গ্রহণযোগ্যতা না পায়, তাহলে এর চেয়ে দুঃখজনক আর কি হতে পারে!
সুতরাং এই বিষয়গুলো অবশ্যই আমাদের নজরে রাখা দরকার। আশা করি এরপর থেকে আমরা সকলেই এই বিষয়গুলো খেয়াল রাখব। যারা যারা এখানে অংশগ্রহণ করেছিলেন আমি তাদের সবাইকেই আন্তরিকভাবে শুভেচ্ছা ও অভিনন্দন জানাই। কেননা অংশগ্রহণের মাধ্যমেই সফলতা আসে। সবার জন্য রইল শুভেচ্ছা।

 last year 

Muchas gracias por el apoyo y por la selección a mi contenido, lo hice con mucho cariño y fue genial participar y seguir cada regla expuesta por los moderadores de la comunidad.

Felicidades también a los demás ganadores y participantes que hicieron buen trabajo .
Éxitos y bendiciones para todos.

🎉Congratulations🎉 to all participants and winners for making this contest a huge success!🏆👏

 last year 

Congratulations to all the winners 🙏🙏🤍

 last year 

Congratulations to all the winners.🏆

 last year 

congratulations to all the winners❣️

Felicidades a los ganadores, estupendas entradas; en especial a @mile16. Continúen los exitos para tod@s!

Discord link is expire. I can't get in. @piya3


 last year