Listening and reading lesson for little ones

in Steem Education4 years ago

Put on your thinking cap - today you are going to read, listen, think, write and speak...

1.  Read the following story and then answer the questions

It is fine if you need to read the story more than once if you do not know the answers.  Take your time, read carefully and check your spelling when you write you answers.    

Peter's alarm went off.  He wanted to stay in bed a little longer, but then he realised that it was not Saturday, but Friday and he still had to go to school.  

He jumped out of bed, ready to face the day.

First he went to the bathroom where his mom gave him his toothbrush.  He did not like brushing his teeth but his mom would always check on him to see that he does.  She always tells him that he has to brush his teeth for 2 minutes.  He always moans and groans but still does it.

After brushing his teeth he quickly washed his face and ran back to his room.  His mom was so nice to put out his clothes which he had to wear to school.  Peter especially liked the t-shirt with the Spiderman on it.  It was his favorite.

After he got dressed he ran down the stairs to the kitchen.  His mom made some pancakes and bacon for him. He loved it!!

He ate his breakfast and almost forgot about the time, when he heard the bus stopping in front of his house.  He jumped up and ran out of the door.

Just before he got on the bus he realized that he forgot his backpack.  He quickly ran back into the house, just to bump against his mom on her way out to bring him his bag.

Peter suddenly realized how much his mom does for him every single day and that he takes it for granted.  He gave her a big hug and said "Thank you mom for always being there for me and helping me.  I love you."

His mom gave him a kiss and he was sure that he saw some tears in her eyes.

Now try and answer the questions

  1. Why did Peter want to stay in bed a little longer?
  2. How was he wrong in thinking this?
  3. Make a summary of what Peter does first, second and third - do not write the words directly from the reading piece.  You have to use your own words and sentences.
  4. What does Peter hate to do?
  5. What do you do if you moan and groan?
  6. Write the number 2 as a word.
  7. Say if the following is true or false (correct it if it is false) He eats pancakes and bacon for supper.
  8. Say if the following is true or false (correct it if it is false)  Peter goes to school with his bicycle.
  9. What is your favorite type of breakfast?
  10. Peter runs out of the house very fast.  What does he realize when he gets to the bus?
  11. Did he thank his mom for everything she does for him?  How do you know this?
  12. Why do you think his mom had tears in her eyes?  Was she crying because she was sad?

For fun you are going to design and make a Thank you card for somebody close to you that helps you a lot and loves you.  Tell them in the card how much you love and appreciate them.

You can watch the video for an idea or use you imagination and make any type of card you like.  

Remember to write a nice note and check your spelling.


2.  Watch the video below.  

After you have watched the video you are going to make a summary of the story.  A summary is when you re-tell the story in your own words, but in a shorter version. Your story must have a beginning, a middle and an end.  

You may not change the order of the story you have watched.  Re-tell it in the same order as what you saw in the video


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