Benefits Of Journaling

in Steem Sri Lanka2 months ago

Journaling is a trendy topic in these days. Many people tend to do it since it brings a positive impact for our lives.


So here is the Benifits I see in Journaling!

Provide a greater relaxation

When we do journaling we write all the things in our mind. Whether it's positive or negative we write it down on the journal. Then what happenes? It relaxes our mind which was full of thoughts and emotions. It releases our mind from the heavy load we carried through out the day. It feels like we are sharing our soul with someone we trust.

Self Discovery

Journaling gives us a chance to understand our inner self. We can identify good and bad within our self. This identification open a door for growth.

Self Development

Once we identify our mistakes and weak points through journaling, it eventually opens a door for self development. Ex: If we feel like we are getting angry most of the time, we can work on managing our anger.

Also we can find answers for these two questions. what we should do and what should I not do for better life?

Sometimes we learn through our mistakes, so you can write about the lesson you learnt, instead of focusing the mistake you've done.


Practice of Gratitude

If you are someone who tries to write a journal please do not forget to write your blessings in your life. Even having an healthy eyes may seem normal. Wait... Is it normal? Or a blessing that some people never have to experience? In that way you would find many blessings in your life, which leads to a happy life

A Little Day Review to Yourself

You can identify your day through journaling. It will provide details on your daily routine. If you are following an unhealthy, un productive day routine, you can shift to a healthy and productive day routine. Jouranling helps for this identification.


I am doing journaling more than a decade and it is my go-to mind relaxing activity. It is a form of art if you actually do a little more than writing.

That's great! Then you know more than me,cz I started few months ago.