To the One Who Keep Flowers

in Steem Sri Lankalast year

In our factory, we order flowers for special occasions like customer visits, VVIP visits or leadership team visits etc. I know plant pays a big cost on these things. But always throw away those flowers after the event. I always felt sad for this.

When I reach factory in the morning, I always go to washroom to comb my hair as I sleep a good sleep during the travel from home to factory. 😅 One day there was this scenery. 😍 It was refreshing, relaxing and beautiful.


I felt warm gratitude for the one who kept those flowers here. It is just a small thing. But I felt a lot. We always are in a big work stress. Seeing something like this is always relaxing. Hence I felt that so much.

Seeing something like this on the corner of the washroom helped me to fix my mood for another working day. So I’m thankful for the one who did this.


If you wonder who did this, it’s an aunt who is from janitorial service. She is always kind and do her job with great interest and commitment. She greats us ‘good morning’ each day. She cleans washroom before we arrive.

With her commitment, it is always clean and tidy. No bad smell. But we feel when she is on leave. On those days, washrooms are not clean as they used to be.


She will not see this. But I should say I’m thankful for her effort. She may feel very happy if I say that I write this for her. Let’s see if I get chance. I do not want to make her uncomfortable. Moral of the story - do what ever the thing that you do with passion. Help others in every possible way if there is no harm of doing it.


Thank you, friend!
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lovely gesture..❤️


We need more people like her who does their duty with passion and to the fullest.

very few people in this world with such passion

Actually it's a great idea for a beautiful morning. They look so fresh and beautiful.❤

and it freshen up ourselves.

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