Twitter Promotion Report of Steem4Nigeria Community - Week-11 | Total 50 posts shared on Twitter

in Steem4Nigeria3 months ago


Greetings to all members of this noble community, we the members of the steem4nigeria community are delighted to be part of this wonderful initiative brought by the SA community. Based on the announcement requesting all active communities to be part of this community and also work hand in hand for the betterment of the steemit platform, we are delighted to present our contributions.

The SA community has advised all communities to encourage their members to promote the steemit platform by sharing their publications on Twitter and other social media platforms. Given these, we have always tried to encourage users in the past weeks to share their posts on Twitter.

Today, we want to make our 11th report of the year on the progress so far and we have also put into place some other strategies which will encourage more users to share their posts on Twitter as we have made it criteria to win the contest prize. We hope you will find this report of ours attractive enough.

Number of Posters in community100
Number of Tweet36
Number of Participant50
SLUser IDPost linkTag
1@divinelifePost LinkYes
2@dazzle55Post LinkYes
3@waqarahmadshahPost LinkYes
4@rumanaafrozPost LinkYes
5@ruthjoePost LinkYes
6@ruthjoePost LinkYes
7@josephaPost LinkYes
8@josephaPost LinkYes
9@xkool24Post LinkYes
10@shawlinPost LinkYes
11@saintkelvin17Post LinkYes
12@bossj23Post LinkYes
13@bossj23Post LinkYes
14@bossj23Post LinkYes
15@nsisong2022Post LinkYes
16@emmyjnrPost LinkYes
17@eveetimPost LinkYes
18@destinedhanikPost LinkYes
19@bela90Post LinkYes
20@kidi40Post LinkYes
21@kidi40Post LinkYes
22@alli001Post LinkYes
23@awesononsoPost LinkYes
24@impersonalPost LinkYes
25@tripple-ePost LinkYes
26@tripple-ePost LinkYes
27@missyleoPost LinkYes
28@ngoenyiPost LinkYes
29@emmaboy23Post LinkYes
30@emmaboy23Post LinkYes
31@josludPost LinkYes
32@josludPost LinkYes
33@josludPost LinkYes
34@fredquantumPost LinkYes
35@imadearPost LinkYes
36@imadearPost LinkYes
37@imadearPost LinkYes
38@rogue22Post LinkYes
39@m-fdoPost LinkYes
40@marynkePost LinkYes
41@usoro01Post LinkYes
42@usoro01Post LinkYes
43@talktofaithPost LinkYes
44@yhudyPost LinkYes
45@mybestPost LinkYes
46@mybestPost LinkYes
47@negro-bbyPost LinkYes
48@shohel44Post LinkYes
49@jozzie90Post LinkYes
50@jozzie90Post LinkYes

For the just concluded weeks, we have a total of 50 articles shared on Twitter, we have also planned to encourage more users to always share their publications on Twitter by giving some steem to the person with the highest tweet for the week. We believe that this will encourage other users to do the same. More also, we have made it mandatory for contest organizers to make it a compulsory rule for those entering their contests.

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