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RE: [Steem Seven website update] Improving the Booming selector tool: The vote list, perfomance & graphic improvements

in Steem Alliancelast year

¿Quizás puedas programar algo así para sc-Votes también?
Desgraciadamente, observo cada vez más a menudo que "el pequeño sc" vota, aunque otro equipo o booming ya hayan votado. Algunos "pequeños sc" incluso votan cuando sc01 ya ha estado allí... :-(


Tal vez podríamos brindar la posibilidad de escoger las cuentas curadoras que se desean checar, así ampliaría las posibilidades y serviría para cualquier proyecto!

That would be a good option.
However, I personally do not want to name specific accounts, it gives me such a feeling of "denouncing". I think the curators of the "small sc" see very well that there are already higher votes on the items they choose. Either, they make it easy for themselves or engage in nepotism - both not okay on posts of trust.
But if there were a tool, with the "official" request to use this, the respective conscience would have to take one more hurdle.
I have no idea about development. But would it be possible to query steemcurator01-09 in summary?

If you can imagine it, you can program it!

You might, I can't...

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