
in LAKSHMIlast month

Traffic is never a good experience and driving in traffic takes a lot of time which I think is a waste of time but sometimes we have no other option than going through it. I had some work so I was required to visit one of the places which I wanted to do over the weekend but somehow I had no such flexibility. Because of this, I had to move today and go through this traffic situation. I had to spend more than one hour in traffic which I think is a lot when the entire drive is for almost 45 minutes and this time is completely wasted for me.

Generally weekend is a good time for moving around because I get less traffic at that time and weekdays are mostly crowded especially in the morning and evening when people are commuting from their workplace or are going to their workplace.


Still, my task is not complete and I will have to visit again so I hope I can get it done over the weekend if that flexibility is not then we'll have to deal with the same on Monday or maybe Tuesday. Being stuck in traffic is not just a bit of a waste of time but also a waste of fuel which is related to a waste of money. I don't see any solution to this problem, to be honest.


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