How Blockchain Could Transform Healthcare

in PussFi 🐈4 days ago

In healthcare today there are alot of areas that needs improvement to better provide high and good medical services to people and is especially in this area that challenges exist that blockchain could step in and better indeed blockchain potential to transform healthcare is beyond every reasonable doubt and is quiet capable of doing so much in healthcare.

Many don't know how important healthcare service is, this is one area that is most crucial to human as it involves things that helps saves life, the preservation of life is one thing man fights for and that's general what health care entails, caring for the health of humans and there and today there are some challenges health care faces which limits it's ability to provided the fullest services possible to man.

Now security and proper management of patients data is just one such area needing attention amongst others and these are just the right problems that blockchain could provide solutions to, so today I will share some ways I believe blockchain could impact health industry.


How Blockchain could impact health care industry

Secure and Interoperable Health Records

Most times today in the healthcare industry there is no accurate record of the data's of patient and sometimes too the system that ensures for this safe storage are easily manipulated and one can easily login into the system and gain access to a patients data and even change as they seem fit but blockchain could help provide the integrity of patients data since it's tamper proof meaning no record of any patients data on blockchain could be altered.

Also it makes interoperability between many healthcare providers very easy and possible, blockchain is decentralized now with it integrated into healthcare it will make the healthcare database to be a decentralized and standard one allowing easy access to patients data from the healthcare care givers without any much delay as blockchain integration makes interoperability between healthcare providers very feasible.

And blockchain will absolutely hand full control of patience data over to them, this means that with blockchains integration into healthcare that patients data are not just secure but they also have more control over their data and at any point in time the patient could choose to Grant or revoke anybody's right or access to his or her data.


Clinical Trials and Research

Today, at times we do have instance where after a research is carried out due to some reason or another we find out that the data collected has been tampered by any nefarious individual which means that the authenticity of the clinical trial or research data is now questionable making it inaccurate or invalid as the case might be but with blockchains integration into healthcare it becomes next to impossible for anyone to even attempt to alter any research data collected.

With blockchain any data collected for clinical trials and research could be trusted since we know that any data entered on the blockchain cannot be altered by any individual no matter how evil this in turn means that this data will be more reliable so blockchains integration into healthcare could potentially ensure that research and clinical trial data's collected are always accurate and reliable.

This in turn will ensure there is enhance collaboration between researchers who would willingly share their data with fellow researchers without fear of such data's been compromised and this in turn is going to help to ensure a breakthrough in medical science which is truly the hope of man.

Personalized Medicine and Genomics

Blockchain potentially transforming healthcare also transcends into even ensuring the full ownership of data by patient especially the genomic data yes all patients have absolute and full control over this, their genomic data. With blockchain it ensures that. what we see today in healthcare industry will not be so anymore where the genomic data of patients are used or even monetized without their consent.

So truly blockchain ensures that in healthcare industry patients have full data ownership especially over their genomic data and no one could use or monetize this data without the patient signing off on it since they are in full control of their data.

With blockchain patience being in charge or in full control of their genomic data is not just a false security nope blockchain offers full data security ensuring that patients can absolutely protects information about their genomic data that they wish to stay hidden and no unauthorized user could assess nor could any malicious user breach in order to gain access to this data blockchain offers full and maximum security which is another way that blockchain could potentially transform healthcare.

Telemedicine and Remote Monitoring

The full potential of telling medicine could actually be actualized with blockchains integration into healthcare providing medical care to those who are not physically present could become an even more real possibility as all the datas regarding a patient could actually be made available through wearable devices.

Even when patience are not physically present health care providers could be in a better position to provide full medical care if they have access to the patients data and with this wearable devices this could become a real possibility as blockchain could potentially ensure that with this devices information and data's regarding a particular patience could be transmitted back to healthcare providers whenever they need arises hence ensuring that telemedicine is working perfectly through remote monitoring.

At times two the challenges that arise is with tele-medicine is payment issues but of course that is a small challenge to blockchain and it has been known to facilitate efficient transactions so efficient that if integrated into healthcare it could potentially improve the payment services in healthcare and there by helping to greatly improve tele-medicine as it will ensure for efficient payment after delivery of medical service



Well blockchain potentially transforming healthcare couldn't be anymore clearer, of course there was never any doubts on blockchains potential to improve many industries today but now most especially in the area of healthcare. Blockchain truly possesses immense capability to improve on this and thus help to improve this standard of living so the importance and the role that blockchain should not be underestimated


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