SEC13 WK2 “Life partners and their qualities”

in Steem For Ladies7 months ago


What qualities would you like to see and don’t want to see in your future partner? Why?
As a man, there are certain qualities i would love to see in my future partner, and there are those I'd rather avoid. Here is my view about this below

Qualities I'd Love to See

  1. She must be respectful: Mutual respect is the foundation of any healthy relationship. I would want my partner to respect me and my opinions, and my boundaries, just as i would respect hers.

  2. She must be truthful: Trust is important and honesty is the key to building and maintaining that trust. I would appreciate a partner who is open and truthful with me.

  3. She must be well coordinated: A partner that can keep things organized and well-coordinated is a valuable asset. It makes managing our life together smoother.

  4. She must be beautiful because physical attraction is important, but beauty is subjective. I'd love to find my partner beautiful not only in appearance but in character and personality as well.

Qualities I'd Rather Avoid

  1. She must not be dishonest: Just as I value honesty, I'd dislike any form of deception or manipulation. Trust is broken with ease when there is a lack of honesty.

  2. She must not be disrespectful: Disrespectful behavior or communication can destroy a relationship. I'd hope my partner and I can maintain mutual respect.

What should your dream life partner be like? Express your views

My ideal life partner would be a woman who possesses these qualities such as being respectful, honest, well-coordinated, and beautiful in my eyes. We would share mutual trust and admiration for each other. I'd want us to support and uplift each other in our life journey.

What must your dream life partner do to melt your heart

For my future partner to truly melt my heart, she would need to be loyal and submissive in the sense of mutual understanding, not dominance. She would also know the way to my heart is through a delicious meal, sharing meals and cooking together can create a strong bond experience for both of us because it will bring joy to our lives. It's often the little things, like a well-cooked meal, that can create lasting memories and strengthen our connection together.


When it comes to seeking life partners, we all look for a someone who supports our dreams and aspirations, someone who believes in us and encourages us to reach for the stars. In the midst of all these, you've mentioned your own attributes, but we must understand communication is key in any relationship as times keep changing, so will our goals. Good luck for this wonderful lessons for the single ones like us

I tend to enjoy reading the last part of this post that says it's often the little things that can create memories. Women love it too when they see their husbands help them out in the kitchen regardless. It's good to know you'll want all these qualities from your wife to be. No one won't want a beautiful partner to produce beautiful children. Looking forward to seeing that time. Hope I'll be invited? 😁😁😁 Wishing you best of luck in this challenge and looking forward to reading more of your posts

😅you are right boss J, i will invite you for my next post👊

I meant your marriage oh 😁😁😁😁

Okay boss no problem🤭


 7 months ago 
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 13 in the Steem For Ladies Community.
I hope that you can find that beautiful woman you are looking for so that you can form a beautiful family.

Success in the challenge 🤞🏻
Many blessings..🙏🏻

Club Status#club75
Steem Exclusive
Plagiarism Free
BOT Free
AI Free
Score (quality/rules)9,5/10

Sure everyone wants a beautiful life partner, our wives deserves to be very respectful and honest.

I wish you good luck in this contest my man. Hope your day went well.

Yeah bro thanks🙌

I will be dropping my entry soon

Thank you, friend!
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Saludo amigo.

Tiene usted muy claro como le gustaría que fuera su pareja y eso es bueno. Son cualidades muy importante que todas mujeres debe tener.
Estoy seguro que la encontrarás y podrán tener un buena relación que les dure por muchos años y de la cual aprendan mucho.

 7 months ago 

Hola @crowd1, el tener en mente como queremos que sea la pareja para uno es muy importante.

Y usted tiene bien definido como le gustaría que sea esa pareja para esta toda una vida unidos

Con esa cualidades que son necesarias en una pareja. La belleza física es importante pero lo mejor es es belleza que nunca se acaba que es la belleza interna creo que es la de mucho valor porque deja huella en las personas.

 7 months ago 

Que una persona sea respetuosa y honesta es muy bueno, también que tenga belleza interior, tal como dijiste la confianza es muy importante a la hora de una relación. Éxitos en el concurso.

Hola amigo

Las cualidades que quieres ver en tu futura pareja son muy realistas y entre ellas la más predominante es la del respeto si no hay una persona respetuosa la relación no será muy cómodo Y amigable.

Cuando en una relación alguna de la pareja falta al respeto todo comienza a venirse abajo, entonces es bueno que la persona que consigas en un futuro tenga esta cualidad muy sobresaliente.

Te deseo mucha suerte en tu concurso


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