SEC-S16 / W4 | "The Environment and Our Health"🌍👩‍⚕️

in Healthy Steem2 months ago
Assalam O Alaikum

Hello Steemians! Well come to my post. How are you all? I hope you will be doing well by the grace of Almighty Allah. I'm also fine and enjoying my day. Today I'm here to participate in this Steemit engagement challenge season 16 week 4 in this Healthy Steem community. The topic of this challenge is "The Environment and Our Health🌍👩‍⚕️". So let's start without any more delay of time.


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What do you understand by the word "environment"?

Friends as we all know that everything which is present around us is known as environment. It including all the living and non living components and if we talk about living components they are human, animals, trees on the other hand if we talk about non living components they are air, water and soil etc. They all are very closely related to each other and they have a great influence on each of them such as the human activities can affect the nature such as plants and animals and their activities can affect humans as well.



The humans activities has a great influence on our environment both positively and negatively. Such as the good activities of humans can make our environment neat, clean and healthy but on the other hand the bad activities of humans can pollute our environment and can damage the other things which are living in it as well. So we should try to keep our environment clean so that we may live a healthy life.

How do our surroundings impact our well being?

Yes indeed, our surroundings is our environment too and it can impact our well being both negatively and positively as well. In this regard we can say that if we keep our environment neat and clean we remain healthy but if we damage or pollute our environment, it can damage our well being and we may suffer in various diseases we have also discussed it above. Just imagine you are living in an area where a huge pile of dirt present around you, Mosquitoes are swarming on it and there is a foul smell coming from all sides. So here you can easily understand how this environment can affect your health and other people.



Surely, you can suffer in various diseases such as heart diseases, lungs damage and various other chronic diseases as well. Once again imagine the area, there is no dirt all around, cleanliness is everywhere and the atmosphere is totally fresh so in results there People's lives will be happy, they will be healthy, they will be safe from diseases and they will be active. So in results we should keep our environment neat and clean try to add more trees into try to keep it dirt free so that we can live a happy life. Through these examples you can easily understand the impact of surroundings on our well being.

What are some ways pollution, like air or water pollution, can affect our lives?

Actually the man has a great connection with pollution and since the some past few years that connection has been increasing which is affecting the humans and other living organisms. This is because the man has became more digital in order to make more money, he has been forced to take such measures which are affecting our environment very badly. In this way Factories are being set up everywhere, trees are being cut down And colonies are being built on agricultural land. And the results of these things are coming in the form a a massive increase in the air pollution and water pollution. Let's have a look at the affect of air and water pollution on humans.



1. Affects of Air Pollution:

  • When the dangerous smoke from factories and road traffic enter the atmosphere, there it exchange with various gases such as carbon monoxide, caron dioxide and sulphur dioxide which pollute our atmosphere. Thus it results in various health problems such as respiratory problems asthma, bronchitis and various health respiratory tract infections. Also air pollution cause heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular disease.

2. Affects of Water Pollution:

  • In most of the cases the polluted water from factories and other resources are thrown openly and use to water the fields then these polluted water casue water pollution. In addition drinking polluted water can be dangerous because it contains heavy metals, harmful chemicals and pathogens. So drinking polluted water can cause cholera, dirheea, typhoid, dysentery and hepatitis also.
What are some simple actions you take everyday to promote environmental health?

Yes indeed it is super important to keep our environment clean as we are due to environment. So if we damage or pollute our environment our lives will become miserable and Evey individual on earth may suffer in numerus diseases. I think it is the responsibility of every individual to play his role in keeping our environment clean. But anyways there are some things which I do inorder to play my tole in promoting encouragemental health.



  • First of all, I try to keeo myself clean because if I don't do that then it doesn't matter how clean my environment is.

  • I try to use plastic bags as little as possible because they are a great source of environmental pollution.

  • Also I try to use the bags made of clothes because they can be used again and again also they are pollution free.

  • I manage and try to dispose garbage at a proper places Where the risk of spreading contamination is minimal.

  • I also prefer to utilize public transport instead of riding my own vehicle to minimize air pollution.

How can education and awareness play a role in promoting environmental health?

Some people think that pollution is normal and their unusual activities don't have bad impact on their lives that is why every time we say a lot of pollution on public places so it is very important to raise awareness among that kind a people so that they can understand the importance of environmental health. I think it should be start from the schools and educate every child about the importance of healthy information. Also through this they can easily understand the bad impacts of pollution on our health.



Also we should organize seminars, public events and raise awareness through advertisements on social media and other digital platforms so that the people understand the public health importance and the affects of pollution on our lives as well. I believe that through doing these things we can educate the people and also can see a huge improvement in our environment.


So friends that was my entry about that challenge and I hope you will like it. Now it is a time to say goodbye to everyone and I want to invite my friends @josepha, @dove11, @abdul-rakib, @patjewell, @jyoti-thelight and @sahmie to take a part in this amazing challenge.


Written by @abdullahw2

Thank You 💖


My friend. Your insightful exploration of the relationship between the environment and health is commendable. Pollution's adverse effects on air and water quality, alongside simple daily actions like waste disposal and reduced plastic usage, underscore the importance of individual responsibility in preserving environmental health. Education and awareness initiatives are pivotal in fostering a collective understanding of these issues for sustainable change. Great contribution!

 2 months ago 

It's a pleasure to read your comment dear friend. I really appreciate your kind words and thank you so much for visiting my post and leaving a beautiful comment. Keep shining 🌟


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 2 months ago 

Thank you so dear @chant mam for your love and kind support 💗

 2 months ago 

Hi friend I really enjoy reading your entry, I have gone though everything and some wisdom have been given to me on how our environment can be kept clean, thank you for sharing this with us, as we also go to school, wisdom and knowledge are acquire on how to keep the place neat. Wish you success...

 2 months ago 

Yes... I really appreciate your kind words brother 🤗. Thank you so much for stopping at my post and leaving a lovely comment ☺️.

 2 months ago 

Wa alaikum assalam Your post is very informative and well-written covering important aspects of the relationship between the environment and our health. I appreciate your efforts to raise awareness about environmental issues and the actions we can take to promote a healthier planet. Keep up the good work in educating others and advocating for environmental health..

 2 months ago 

Wow... I'm very glad to read your comment dear friend. Thanks a lot for a lovely comment. Stay blessed and have a great day 💗

 2 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 2 months ago 

Just imagine you are living in an area where a huge pile of dirt present around you, Mosquitoes are swarming on it and there is a foul smell coming from all sides.

Oh, I can vividly imagine that scenario! It reminds me of a time when I visited my grandparents' village during the rainy season. The stagnant water attracted so many mosquitoes, and the stench was unbearable. It really made me appreciate the importance of cleanliness for our health and well-being.

So drinking polluted water can cause cholera, dirheea, typhoid, dysentery and hepatitis also.

You know, I've heard stories from travelers who ventured into areas with contaminated water sources. They often ended up suffering from severe stomach illnesses like diarrhea and typhoid. It's scary to think about how something as basic as clean water can impact our health so significantly.

I try to use plastic bags as little as possible because they are a great source of environmental pollution.

Absolutely! I've started bringing my own cloth bags whenever I go shopping. It's a small change in my routine, but it feels good knowing that I'm reducing my contribution to environmental pollution. Plus, I've noticed that using reusable bags sparks conversations with others about the importance of sustainability, which is pretty cool.

All the best

 2 months ago 

Ooh... What a lovely comment dear friend. Also I'm very happy to know that you have read my post and share your compliments. I really appreciate your kind words 😊. Stay happy 😁

 2 months ago 

A través de los años el ser humano ha contaminado cada día más el medio ambiente trayendo como consecuencia diferentes enfermedades a nivel respiratorio asma bronquitis etcétera sin embargo Si todos ponemos nuestro granito de arena podemos reducir la contaminación para poder tener una vida mejor

 2 months ago 

Yes that true the humans are affecting the environment which is very heartbreaking because that thing is increasing pollution day by day. We just have to change our actions and make our environment pollution free. By the way thanks a lot for a lovely comment 🥰

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