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RE: Insurance Activity in Times of Covid

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Hi friend @juanmolina

Imagine $ 2,000 and $ 3,000 in just 24 hours to receive medical treatment, with salaries less than $5 is an abysmal difference not to say from another planet. It is true what you mention, the insurance companies that have historically provided their services in the country have had to reinvent themselves in times of pandemic, however, the insurance companies in the hands of the state do nothing to cover minimum medical expenses to public employees who deserve hospital care.

Best regards, be well.


. ? And this site Cost of Living in Venezuela. I mean if the cost of living is that high comparing on what you say, so people in your country eat only once a month ? Strange.

We also in Russia don't have high salaries comparing the prices of goods, but if the lowest is about $100, it could be enough for feed for one month. But, people may find good work if they look very well and don't stick to one town and work. Maybe it's the same in your country.

Fisrt I don't trust all websites. So, I would like to ask you. How much is $1 in your money ? And how much is the cost of food for example ? Maybe you have so low prices where even $5 is enough for food. I mean we need always to compare salaries with the prices.

I lived even in Algeria and they had the same salaries as Russia almost. Maybe a bit less, but not $5 a month of course. In Algeria $5 also may feed only for one day or two !


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