Contest : Gender Equality in the Workplace

Hello my dear Steemians,
Today I wanted to share my thought about tis topic which is very popular almost in all the societies and it would be interesting to know what people think about that. The contest is running by @alfazmalek and here is the link to contest:
Workplace is one of the important part of our life, because we spent a lot of time by work therefore when you choose what profession you go you need to find out what the condition of work and if there is people of different gender, religion or maybe disability can work together with respect between each other bit also if the employer respects them and also there is no limitation to the benefits for any of the group.
When I think back about the past, in 50s-60s it was normal that women stayed at home, there was no female managers, there was no detectives pr captains in Police or military and also we could not imagine that women were working as firefighters or surgeons.
Within very short time everything has been changed and we do not think about that and it is not a wonder to see a female members of team in any of those profession.
One regulation about Inclusion is firmly now in place, it is about the people who have any disability are now also allowed to be a part of classes in normal school, so that they have communication with other children. Starting that early it gives a chance to get adopted to our society and to learn to communicate with others starting from childhood.
Later on at workplace it is another rule that the employer should create certain helpful measurements like ramp between the entrance and a ground. Within the building there should be an elevator so that people with wheelchair could reach the upper floors.
The same with workplace between tables and chairs, that it should be spaces to move freely between offices and also in cafeteria.
Last decade the number of organisation while following the governmental requirements employ women in their management level. The whole life of women is also changed that instead of be a housewives some families swapped their roles. The mothers are working and fathers are at home with children. I remember how in the past it was weird but nowadays it is absolutely normal.
We also see that there are some presidents of some countries who are ruling the country.
Men should consider women as an equal co-worker who can do everything like them. The only in some jobs like police, military, firefighter, builder women may experience some weakness because of their strength.
I would like to invite following users @dequeen, @pea07, @sitaraindaryas for the contest.

Thank you @adeljose for supporting my post and for SC06 :)
Hola estimado amigo. Ciertamente en los últimos años la mujer ha tenido una inclusión bastante significativa en el área laboral y es importante tal como lo señalas al momento de obtener cualquier profesión oficio preguntarnos si esa ámbito laboral admite a ciertos tipos de personas ya que aunque tanto mujer y hombre tenemos derecho al trabajo el trabajo siempre va a determinar tanto las capacidades como las limitaciones de los individuos. Te deseo éxitos y bendiciones