SEC-S17 /W5| "๐Ÿ”ฎ What is your biggest Fantasy?๐Ÿช„"

in Steem For Pakistan โ€ข 28 days ago


No doubt, everyone has dreamed of another world in which he would like to live. Most often, for sure, it was during childhood, when the imagination was at the highest level. My dream world is a world where people would be for each other, and help each other, and artificial intelligence and robots would work for us. We could then enjoy life without fear of missing something. I wonder if this would be possible in the real world. When it comes to a world where I would be some superhero, or more of these worlds from my childhood, I often thought of a world where people have powers, help each other, and our good deeds are rewarded.


I always dreamed that he could fly in this world and that I could become invisible whenever I wanted. More than once I even dreamed about it. It feels so good. From these dreams, I just got such a vision of the world. I remember the best part for me was learning to fly. I jumped from roof to roof, higher and higher, and I was able to stay in the air longer and longer. After several attempts, I was able to fly all the time. It was great, I could fly up to people, activate my invisibility, and listen to what they were talking about. It gave me a sense of true freedom. I think I'll think about it before I go to bed tonight, maybe I'll dream about it again like in the good old days.

If I could live in a fairy tale, I would probably choose "The Little Mermaid". It would be nice to see how you live underwater and it is also similar to flying. Gravity is different. I would feel that freedom too. I would explore underwater life, explore coral reefs, discover treasures in sunken ships, and swim with dolphins. It would certainly be an interesting experience. Maybe I'll take a diver course, then I can do it.


If I could revive one fantastic creature, I think it would be Pegasus. A horse that can fly and is very friendly to humans. Here again, this creature is combined with the desire to fly. I'm sure I could talk to him quickly and we could go gliding together.

I invite


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ย 28 days agoย 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

ย 28 days agoย 

I understand exactly how you want youe dream world to look like. There will be a time we all will live in a world where we'll get to help each other, but talking about artificial intelligence and robot, I don't think the Almighty has such plans. The picture of your fantasy creature you would like to bring to life is so eye-catching. A horse that can fly. I'm sure you want it to take you around the world. That's a good fantasy to wish for. Best of luck ๐Ÿคž

ย 25 days agoย 

Thank you

ย 27 days agoย 

Of course, I can understand how your dreams come true and what kind of world you want to see yourself. Whatever is fancy, it is just an imagination and it is reality. Only Allah knows what it is or what it is not. This night, everyone is hidden by Him, He did not reveal them. He is the greatest power over human beings and He is the Sustainer of all, not these ghosts and fairies, so we should not focus on them, but on Him. One should believe in self and seek help from him and think his thoughts. Thank you so much. Take care of yourself.๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ’ž

ย 25 days agoย 

Thank you

ย 27 days agoย 

Hello friend ๐Ÿ‘‹
Pegasus, having a flying horse is great imagine going on an adventure with the horse ๐Ÿ˜ฑ you can go to any with it, I soo much love your fantasy creature. And I enjoyed reading your post and good luck with the contest ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ˜Š

ย 25 days agoย 

Thank you

ย 24 days agoย 


ย 27 days agoย 

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and also for inviting me. But I have already written this post.
Best wishes

ย 25 days agoย 

Thank you

The world of fantasy is a very funny world because everything in it I funny, but if we could make it real it would have been a very sweet world, I like your fantasy world, thank you for sharing it here
Good luck with the contest

ย 25 days agoย 

Thank you

ย 26 days agoย 

Mermaids have always been a very mysterious subject. I was also very interested in my childhood as to whether mermaids exist or not. I felt very good to see that your imagination is very good and you want to move ahead in life.

ย 25 days agoย 


ย 24 days agoย 

Greetings @emsomic,
Imagination and fantasy has some similarities and differences between them. Being able to fly is a goof imagination and also imagination of some people. In my childhood, I do pictured myself flying through the Space and entering the Earth surface to display a great arrival. My imagination ehhnn ๐Ÿ˜‚. Pegasus should be brough back. It's Celestial nature is something that do anaze me. Good luck on your entry.

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