SEC-S17W4- "Extraterrestrials"


I read and watched a lot of movies about extraterrestrials. Really a lot. I also often see content on this topic. I believe without a doubt, I know that there are extraterrestrials and certainly not one species. It may seem controversial to you, but I believe that the Earth is flat and there is a FIrmament on the mountain above us that separates us from the waters of great depth. The question is, who locked us up here and why? In many ancient cities on the walls are paintings depicting aliens. They certainly exist, I am even inclined to say that they created us and perhaps they are watching us. Anything is possible.


I often watch the sky at night and have seen so many strange objects that I am sure there is something there. Even recently about an hour Friday afternoon I saw something strange. It was like a shooting star, but it was moving up and down, and unfortunately, when I took out my phone to record it, the object was gone. Sit down one night and watch the sky, I guarantee you'll see some strange things. My mom was driving through town one day, and she saw a strange object that looked like a flying saucer. It went behind the building, but it didn't go out again. He just disappeared. My friend also saw strange objects at night, they were definitely not planes.


I'm saying that aliens have always been here and are still here, they just don't show up. But do they want good for us or not? I have no idea. They just want to keep order in this world. Let's not hide it, people are a bit like animals and they will take something from each other's nerves. They make sure that our system works so that we do not harm each other, although so much harm in the world happens unfortunately. Maybe they just left us and watched us, didn't want to interfere. You can think for hours and still not know the answer. Only the elite of the world know the truth. Maybe someday we'll find out. I personally prefer not to know what the truth is and just live my life. I don't know if I'd be ready for the truth.

I invite



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Правда в НЛО! И они, инопланетяне, смеются над нами, если у них конечно есть чувство юмора...

Mas que buscarle una lógica a la incógnita de si existen o no, considero que lo mas importantes analizar de que si existe ¿Por que no han echo un contacto?

No es de loco pensar la alternativa de que puedan existir seres de otros mundo vigilándonos. Me parece simplemente que son pensamiento de mentes que están abiertas a dar las posibilidades de que exista algo mas.

Hasta la próxima...

 last month 

Alien adalah makhluk luar angkasa yang unik, saya sangat berharapnbusa melihat mereka secara langsung suatu hari nanti, semoga kita bisa sukses di kontes ini kawan

 last month 

¡Holaaa amigo!😊

En una ocasión alguien me dijo que los templos antiguos son la base de estas criaturas y, que para nuestra vista ellos están cerrados pero, realmente no es así y, en momentos específicos salen a hacer sus monitoreos.

Yo no creo en ninguna de las teorías que han dado sobre este tema porque, me parece que todas carecen de realidad pero, en el fondo, me encantaría que me demuestren que estoy errada porque sí existen.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Hello @emsonic Seeing the sky in the middle of the night is very enjoyable because we can enjoy the beauty of the night and also feel the silence of the night. When we look at the sky filled with billions of stars, it makes me wonder if life really only exists on planet Earth? It's an extraordinary experience to see something strange happening in outer space, but it's a pity you didn't have the opportunity to capture it. Of course, it would be spectacular to capture that moment and it could be one of the proofs of their existence👽.


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