SEC - S17W2 | "Homeless people in my country"

in Scouts y sus Amigos16 days ago





Hello my dear Steemians,


Today I wanted to invite you to this challenge by Scouts y sus Amigos Community:


"Homeless people in my country"


To be homeless can happen to everyone, sometimes it could be the fault of a person if he will decide:

  • not to work
  • spend all money for gambling and being a addictive to that
  • spend money and all what they have for drugs or alcohol those substances also make people addictive and we know that being under such influence some can commit crime without even thinking much about the consequences
  • maybe to split with partner and being thrown out of house
  • young people who split with parents and want to show that they are independent but they are not and who hesitate to come back because then they have to admit their failure
  • people after loosing their jobs , due to health issues or maybe the job was closed down and being elderly have no funds for living

Actually many of those circumstances having a psychological problem at their roots.

In our life we come across people who sleep on streets in tents or just laying on ground, often we just walk passing by and do not pay attention to them.


The lesson that I learnt


When I started my first job and received a salary I had a feeling that everything is nice and life is great.

Once when I was walking to work my path was going along the back of cinema and I noticed a woman probably about 30 years old and her son about 6 year old, who had a little space where they had some blankets and little place for sleep over, both when they noticed me were scared for a moment. When I saw them I just wanted to share something what I had and it was my pay day, I then decided to give them some money it was in value appr. 20 USD. When I started approaching them they wanted to walk away, but I called them and said that I just wanted to give them some money. Son came to me and took money, then returned to mother. When she saw the money she was surprised and thanked me. I simply said welcome and continued my way. I did not want to make her feel bad.

Since then I gave me a word that I will do any job but do my best not to land on street and that is still my position. I have no problem to do any job and feel that any job should be respected.


Social support in Scotland


If you are homeless in Scotland you have a chance to get a sheltered housing, the only what you need to do is to submit all necessary papers and application to Council.

We see often patients in hospital who then have no place to go. In that situation we have social workers who will find an appropriate accommodation for the person and also they will provide financial support so that people can buy necessary stuff for living: food, clothes, support for their children.

The important thing is that in order to get an accommodation it is also a job to find what you need to do and prepare all necessary papers, because without that you are not entitled for the process of application.

*I wish that everyone will do their best and take everything in their hands to avoid the situation that could lead them to live on a street.


I would like to invite @davidad, @senehasa, @fadlymatch for this challenge


CURATION TRIAL @worldofxpilar




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Greetings to you @stef1.

Going through your post gladden's my heart, telling me that there good people around the globe, homeless people are lucky and fortune in Scotland, with your papers housing is not an issue.

Here in my country, no body care about how you feel,.lf it is from the people',s nemesis or natural disaster. Every one tends to be silent about what is happening to another human being. Thousands of people at the park, uncompleted building,bridge and roadside.

Am proud of Scotland, for them to implement a law, that helps homeless people, here there is no such law.
The small building the government term to build for this people, the government official use it to take of their families members, Go for vacation in overseas and lot more.

Thanks so much for putting a smile on the face of the helpless once, l believe you will gain more than what you give in return.

Your presentation is one of the best post read by me this night.I wish you success in this contest.


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Curated by : @o1eh

Thank you @dequeen for reading, I think, people here do not realise how good they have it here, we can only find it when we compare the situations in different countries. I think it should be in every country that government should have a social system, because it could happen with anyone that we might need a help just to get back on track. Glad that you like my post :)

You have shared a good post but I will say that the situation in other countries is not the same as in yours country. As you said people in your country are involved in bad things, like gambling, which made these people homeless.

  • There are countries where unemployment is the issue.
  • Higher inflation rates.
  • Paying greater taxes is a problem.

Thank you and best of luck for the contest.

Thank you for reading and for you thoughtful comment :)

Hola amigo. Tal como dices, detrás de la realidad de las personas que viven en la calle existen muchos motivos, entre ellos pueden ser los problemas psicológicos, adicciones, el mal uso del dinero, el no trabajar, ser expulsados de casa, en fin, son muchas las razones que pueden llevar a un individuo a vivir esta dura realidad...

Cualquier trabajo dignifica, lo importante es sentirnos útil y poder producir los medios necesarios para vivir dignamente. Tuviste un gran gesto con esta señora y su hijo es muy lamentable que estén en esa situación.

Me alegra que en su país atiendan estos casos espero que la cantidad de personas que viven en esta situación disminuya. Fue un gusto leer tu publicación.

Saludos y bendiciones.

Thank you for reading, yes, I am glad that we have such well worked system, so long we do not need it we do not notice that but once we hear some stories from neighbours only then we realise how good it is and that is done from the taxes that everyone who works pays.

To be homeless can happen to everyone, sometimes it could be the fault of a person if he will decide...

It's like what I've seen in my own community too – sometimes people make choices that lead them down a difficult path. I remember a friend who struggled with addiction and ended up losing everything because of it. It's a reminder of how important it is to support each other and make wise decisions to avoid such situations.

When I started my first job and received a salary I had a feeling that everything is nice and life is great.

That's such a touching story. It reminds me of when I started working and felt like I was on top of the world. But seeing someone in need can really put things into perspective. I remember once when I encountered a homeless family while walking home from work, and it made me realize how fortunate I was to have a roof over my head. It's moments like these that remind us to be grateful and help others when we can.

If you are homeless in Scotland you have a chance to get a sheltered housing, the only what you need to do is to submit all necessary papers and application to Council.

That's really commendable. It shows that with the right support system in place, homelessness doesn't have to be a hopeless situation. I wish every country had such comprehensive social support systems in place. It's like a safety net that helps people get back on their feet when they've hit hard times.

All the best

Thank you for reading and for you nice comment :)

If you are homeless in Scotland you have a chance to get a sheltered housing, the only what you need to do is to submit all necessary papers and application to Council.

The homeless are very fortunate to get such a level of support in Scotland. I can tell you that the problem of homelessness in South Africa is dire and there is very little support given to anybody, anywhere... sadly.

Yes, there are "shows" of support from government which are essentially a drop in the ocean for the level of problem - but the severity of desperation is so crazy that when "some" get support or aid... others will destroy it out of anger and jealousy, because they did not get it themselves... so it is a really ugly and vicious circle.

Here, we have "levels" of homelessness - some people live in tin/scrap houses in areas which are referred to as squatter camps. So technically, they have a "house" because they have a roof over their heads... but to my mind, that is not a home. The conditions they live in are unfathomable actually - sometimes 8 to 10 people in a space that is smaller than a closet or pantry in some peoples houses. They have no running water and mostly illegally wired electricity - which generally leads to the demise of their dwelling because of all the fires.

Then we have the "homeless homeless" - who literally live under plastic sheets and whatever else they can find on the streets to cover themselves. They live on the pavements / sidewalks in city centres, under bridges etc.

All the while, our government lie and steal - filling their pockets as they watch the people who continue to blindly vote for them suffer.

This world is a sad state of affairs really, but South Africa - well, Africa in general really... is so out of hand it is pretty dismal when you start to look at it closely.

That is true anyone who hear about social system here would be glad to have such support. On other hand some people here are spoiled and even simple application that they need to fill they do not do and somehow end up on street.

I can imagine that people would be glad to have any roof over their heads so that they have any shelter. I am sorry to hear about the homeless people's life condition in South Africa, it is a shame that government do not think that the more unhappy people the more problem they might face.


Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through steemcurator04. We support quality posts, good comments anywhere, and any tags.
Curated by : @o1eh

Thank you @o1eh and Steemcuratot04 for visiting my post :)

 16 days ago 

Saludos @stef1.

Que buena anécdota nos has compartido, en primer lugar porque tuviste la bondad de brindarle una ayuda a esa mujer y a su hijo y en segundo lugar porque te sirvió de motivación para trabajar y esforzarte por tener tu hogar y una vida digna.

Es cierto que a veces el hecho de tomar una decisión equivocada puede cambiar nuestro destino y llevarnos a situaciones extremas como el hecho de no tener un hogar.

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Hello @stef1 hope your day is going well.It's important to show kindness and support to those in need. Your story about helping a mother and her son is touching and shows the power of a simple act of kindness. It's great to read about social support programs in Scotland providing help to those who need it.,thanks for sharing wish you success 💖🤗🌸.

Thank you for reading, I am glad that you enjoyed my post :)

Hello my friend, It's always a pleasure to read your posts, my friend. You can explain things simply but it hits the nail on the head. And I guess, when someone is able to explain something simply, it means he really knows it. Not only that, the information you provided about homelessness in Scotland really became a new information for me and other people. So I guess, I really admire this post 👍👍👍👍👍

Thank you for stopping by and I am glad that you found it enjoyable :)

So many issues that always make a whole lot of people to be homeless and I believe if the government can really do something about it, it will actually go a long way. One of the ways is if the government can actually helps in providing shelter

Yes, it is a great help for the people who are in need, I think it is important for people with children so make sure that they have everything :)

Perfectly true. Whenever I see the homeless people, I always have pity for the innocent children there who didn't know anything but have to face the suffering of this world on their own

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