Lifestyle Diary Game [Date: 04/05/ 2024] An Amazing Day. "

in Steem For Lifestylelast month


Hello, it's another day to share my diary game with you all, after an amazing day. Yesterday was really tiring and I was unable to share my diary game, we were moved to another hostel on my campus, so it was really a hectic day for me.

[My new hostel]


I woke up by 5:00 am as soon as my alarm rang, I said my prayers and I headed to take my bath because I had a meeting to attend by 6:00 am. After bathing I arranged my things and dressed up so I won't be late, as soon as it was 6:00 am and I went for the meeting but I still arrived late. The meeting lasted till 10:00 am and I had my entrepreneurship training to attend which started by 9:00 am, on my way for the training, my friend called me and said the training had ended and attendance was taken, I felt so bad and I decided to reschedule my day to make it interesting.
I decided to attend a wedding of one of the past president of my fellowship. I dressed up and we left for the wedding by 12:00 pm we were very late so we didn't get a table to sit but the wedding was so interesting.




[Photos from the wedding]


The wedding lasted for about 3 hours and by 4:00 we left because we had other engagement, I had a meeting that I had to attend so I left, on getting there, the meeting started quite late and I wasn't happy about it, but I stayed till the end because I didn't want to walk out in the meeting. We were served a bottle of drink while waiting for the meeting to commence. The meeting started by 6:30 pm instead of the 4:30 pm it was scheduled to start. The meeting did not take time it was basically just appreciating us for a successful event WeaveDB which held last Friday.
After the event we were all given transport to go home but it was late so I decided to sleep in my hostel, I wanted to go home because I wasn't comfortable in the new hostel, it's so dirty and there are no cleaners and students have refused to clean up.


I headed back to my hostel at about 7:15 pm in the evening, on getting there I had to look for what to eat before I go fetch water because there's no water upstairs. I didn't find food so I had to get bread and hollandia since I had already drank soft drink at the meeting today.

[My dinner]

I later went to a bukka to fry two eggs and toast the bread because I couldn't chew the bread dry.


I spent like an hour at the bukka's place. When I finally got to my hostel, I went out to fetch water again an bathe so I could have an amazing night rest. After taking my bath I ate my dinner and started typing my diary game because I didn't want to miss it like yesterday. I really enjoyed my day and I thought it wise to share, I was so excited as I logged my steemit to realize I got a booming vote, I couldn't contain my joy, I felt so happy because I've never had such high vote but I kept pushing and I feel more encouraged to continue in steemit.

Thanks for reading my blog I invite @adachukwu, @imadear and @mybest to participate in this contest.

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