in Tron Fan Club2 years ago


As it name imply, DeFi is a finance sector that operates using the decentralization feature, I.e. controlled by multiple nodes rather than a single server. DeFi does not require Know Your Customers (KYC) or document that reveals identity.

Although this finance sector have lots of merits over centralized finance sector I.e. Local Bank, but this finance system is always pathetic whenever its users are victim of fraud or hack. A typical example of a decentralized wallet is Tronlink

Centralized finance sector usually trace out the initiator of a fraudulent transaction and hence freeze their account. In decentralize finance system (DeFi), such counter-attack is impossible.

However, thanks to cryptographic security that have protected people’s finances but at the same time, there are lot of measures that individuals should choose in order to enhance the level of protection offered by the nodes.

Basic rules to safeguard your funds in a DeFi wallet

Hide your seed phrase: This is the fundamental step to protecting your DeFi wallet.
In case you didn’t know, A seed phrase is a form of cryptographic security that involves the use of certain words which are arranged in row and columns to protect a wallet. It is not Self-made by wallet owner but automatically generated by the nodes when setting up a wallet. The seed phrase is regarded as the master key.

A typical example of seed phrase is shown below;


You can easily get a seed phrase when setting you a Tronlink or Metamask wallet.

Measures applied for protection of seed phrase safe

  • Always be observant of spam message from hackers that claim to be your customer agent.

  • Write down your seed phrase in your private diary. Avoiding saving seed phrase as a document on your device in order to avoid a double lost should in case you lost your devices.

Never accept a coin doubling transaction
The simplest way to trick you to sending of your fund to any wallet is by promising you a double or certain percentage of increase amounts in return.

Even here on steemit, you will see such post or comments on your post. Be careful of them.

Remember, in DeFi, transaction that are initiated can never be retrieved except the receiver returns it, of which is mostly impossible. So think about this risk.

Be careful of unknown Airdrop link
Although lot of airdrop are legit but believe me, scammers have now initiated technique for hijacking of people’s funds by sending them an airdrop link. Although I don’t know how this is done but many people have testified it.

Verification of link before transaction
A single mistake in public key can result in lost of fund to another wallet. Always ensure that you write the correct link and observe it very well before proceeding.

The above are the major measures that will guide you forever.
Do not loose your Trons or any coin to an hackers/scammer.
Be smart!!

In case you will also like to read, here is link to my previous post:
Home Work Post for Tron Fan Club Tutorial | Understanding Tron-link Web Wallet || 10% to TFC

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I really like your tips. Honestly, I have learned a lot and newcomers can learn a lot. Good luck to you.

Wow!! Thank you very much
I appreciate this nice feedback

You have discussed a very important issue with us today. It was much needed for us to know. Thanks for sharing with us. We can keep our wallet safe by following these tips.

Thank you for this wonderful feedback.
I’m impressed

Safe keeping of private keys is very important. This is the reason I will always store my assets on a non-custodial wallet where only I will have access to my private keys

Yes!! That’s the best decision.
As for me, I protect my keys just like the way I protect my certificates

At a point it will even become more important than your certificate just keep powering up😊

Tron Link gave a very nice idea about the security of the wallet. Which I like a lot. I learned a lot and got to know. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful post with us.

This is really an important topic for all the Decentralized wallet users. You have taken very useful facts regarding its security. Thank you very much for sharing such valuable articles here.

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