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RE: NewStoryGame 4.3 - Il Destino del Titanic
…Alex annuì, ma invece di staccare la corrente, abbassò il termostato. L'aria si raffreddò e gli orsi, con cappelli da sole e occhiali, ballavano la conga. Uno sventolava il cellulare di Alex, rimproverandolo in tono canzonatorio. La luce rossa nei loro occhi ipnotizzò Alex, che iniziò a ballare…
…Alex nodded, but instead of turning off the power, he turned down the thermostat. The air cooled down and the bears, wearing sun hats and glasses, danced the conga. One waved Alex’s cellphone, scolding him in a teasing tone. The red light in their eyes hypnotized Alex, who began to dance...
Alex's friend noticed a red light flashing on one of the wall buttons, and underneath it was a warning about a hacker attack. The picture is now clear and how the problem can be solved. But how to wake up Alex from hypnosis?