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RE: Let's Do Better.

in WORLD OF XPILAR5 months ago

Right now, I love you so much! (I do, anyway, but you know...)

hahaha!!! and right back at ya @denmarkguy!

featuring content that draw people in from the outside. And I think you know what I mean.

BINGO!!!!! That was a large part of what I was trying to say actually... I know I tend to waffle a lot and I de-railed quite a bit in this thesis long post, lol - but that is exactly my point. Content needs to have substance and it needs to have something to offer the readers. Now, I am not trying to be rude or unkind, but I genuinely have NO interest in reading about peoples mundane daily tasks... some of which even include the mentioning of using the toilet and brushing teeth!!!! It is crazy that ANYBODY would think this is something that another person would want to read.

I know the intention is good and there is relative effort - but there is a great lack of understanding and personally, I think that is where the problem comes in.

People want to learn something, feel something, relate to something or be inspired or motivated. That is what the content should be about if it is EVER to appeal to a broader audience.

But we both have extensive professional writing, publishing and editing experience... and 99.9% of the good folks here do not. So the challenge is convey why different facets of writing and publishing matter.

Absolutely!!! I can recall countless people who used to produce content similar to what I mentioned above and with a little guidance and encouragement grew their content creation into something absolutely read-worthy over time.

Tags in titles annoy me, for starters because they are not "hot," and thus have little bearing on content discovery. Wasted real estate...

I agree with this wholeheartedly... and only suggested the swap as I know some of these "initiatives" will insist on the tag being in the title... but really speaking that should be left to the section literally holding its name.

I'm tired, and it's oh-dark-thirty in my corner of the world so I'm just going to re-Steem this and head to bed. Shortly. But I shall return.

Happy Hump day upon your return, lol!

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