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RE: Calendar Quest & Unexpected Discoveries!!!

in WORLD OF XPILAR4 months ago

WAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Oh honey! lol - It takes all sorts to make the world go round, lol!!! I cannot say that dog poop or cat balls are appealing to me in any way... but I do know someone that will giggle literally everytime you mention anything to do with poop... but I won't mention any names... (cough @quirk-it cough) haha!

I know HayHouse Publishers generally focus on quite positive uplifting stuff - I see they have three calendars available, which seem nice, but they look traditional in make up... so doubt they would have cool slider thingies... but here is the link nonetheless

there also seem to be a few uplifting options available on amazon books:

I do hope you find something a little more to your taste soon...

Good Luck sweetie!!


Hahaha! Yes I've seen these, you can get ones called "dogs pooping in beautiful places" too, sooo credit to them for that lol!! (I only know this because I accidentally stumbled across them... 🤷🏻‍♀️

Hope you find what you're looking for! :)

 4 months ago 


Precisely! 🤷

What on earth!

Thank you for stopping by🙂

 4 months ago 

Actually, these will cost me too much due to the "delivery charges." I can opt for the customized one in case I don't find a suitable option.

But thank you so much for sharing the links. I will definitely look into these to remove this bitter taste from my mouth after these discoveries... Hahah

I always like window-shopping 😉

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