"Disturbance", Art Museum, Ahtopol, Bulgaria

in WORLD OF XPILAR16 days ago

If you love The Arts and of course, creativity, and you find yourself near the beautiful small Bulgarian city of Ahtopol, I'd say this place is a must-see!

I think this place is one small gem, as it usually gets avoided by the tourist crowds.

Presently, it is property of the National Academy of Arts in Sofia, Bulgaria and is used as a remote and sort of solitary location to hold art workshops and to gather artists to craft together.

Now, go check out the surroundings of that building. See the satellite view on the map.

Wow, its location is amazing, isn't it? Almost fully surrounded by Black Sea...


Its popular name is "The Greek School"

At the time I visited it, the main building was closed so I couldn't see the exhibition inside the gallery but all the art outside, in the yard, is accessible 24/7.

I'd suggest the best times to visit this artistic "garden" - around sunrise or sunset.

The light at these times will make you feel these pieces of art with your whole body, trust me on that. :)

Some of these really have bizarre energy...


A wooden sculpture, the Greek school, Ahtopol

As more workshops are held each year, one could expect to see more new art exhibited...


It took me quite some time to find some useful information about the opening hours.

The official page of this branch, strangely, doesn't contain any text, at all :))) https://nha.bg/en/page/ahtopol-455


A wooden sculpture, the Greek school, Ahtopol





A wooden sculpture, the Greek school, Ahtopol





More info, only a Bulgarian language version: https://www.tsarevo.info/zabelejitelnosti/gratskoto-uchilishte-v-ahtopol/

It's good that I found this page, as it is the only one with opening hours being mentioned.

"Можете да разгледате музейната сбирка в сряда, петък и неделя от 09.00 до 12.00 часа и от 16.00 до 18.00 часа."


"You can view the museum collection on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays from 09.00 to 12.00 and from 16.00 to 18.00."

No info with regards to tickets, so my wild guess, admission is free ;)


Allow me to translate another interesting part from that page for you:

"Гръцкото училище в Ахтопол е символ на населението обитавало тези земи, преди българите окончателно да си възвърнат властта върху тях.
То е построено в началото на ХХ в. от български майстори по проект на гръцки архитекти и със средства на гръцки изселници в САЩ.
Стените му са дебели 60 см и всички ъгли на стените, прозорците, портала и покривния фриз са облицовани с червени тухли, докарани с гемии специално от Марсилия.
Било е предназначено за шестокласно училище и за събрания. Стените на шестте класни стаи са били дървени, което е позволявало лесно да се демонтират и преустройват в голям салон с подиум и трибуна в дъното.
Днес гръцкото училище не функционира като такова, но е реконструирано и обявено за паметник на културата. Използва се за творческата база на НХА и всяка година там се провежда лятна академия, в рамките на която преподаватели и студенти от България и чужбина се събират, за да творят. В него има и постоянна изложба, в която са показани археологически находки открити на територията на Ахтопол, както и произведения на автори, участвали в летните академии. В двора на гръцкото училище е разположена открита изложба с дървени скулптори."


"The Greek School in Ahtopol is a symbol of the population that inhabited these lands before the Bulgarians finally regained control over them.

It was built at the beginning of the 20th century by Bulgarian craftsmen based on a project by Greek architects and with funds from Greek emigrants in the USA.

Its walls are 60 cm thick and all corners of the walls, windows, portal and roof frieze are lined with red bricks, brought by ships especially from Marseille.

It was intended for a sixth-grade school and for assemblies. The walls of the six classrooms were wooden, which allowed them to be easily dismantled and rebuilt into a large hall with a podium and a tribune at the back.

Today, the Greek school does not function as such, but has been reconstructed and declared a cultural monument. It is used as the creative base of the National Academy of Arts and every year a summer academy is held there, within the framework of which teachers and students from Bulgaria and abroad gather to create. It also has a permanent exhibition, which displays archaeological finds discovered on the territory of Ahtopol, as well as works by authors who participated in the summer academies. An open-air exhibition of wooden sculptures is located in the courtyard of the Greek school."


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Have a great day!

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Much appreciated :)
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Cheers :)
That makes sense, something like the tip at the restaurants :)))

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