RE: My mother went to our Municipal Town Hall to receive these "Gift" in my behalf for Persons With Disabilities (PWD)
First, your mom looks better than a while ago.
Secondly, what they gave can get spoiled unless it's kept under poor conditions. It reminds me of a (Christmas) package I received for several years (red cross and some other aid agencies). We had to pick it up as well and in most cases it was a collection of leftovers (food/drinks) a normal person wouldn't buy or gift anyone with. Useless in this case. Only the last time we could prepare 2 meals out of it. A part we gave away to a neighbour.
Back then I could walk the distance but lifting and carrying the parcel was a different story.
I assume picking up has benefits for example they will know a certain percentage will not show up. I am glad we didn't have to hear a promotion talk from the mayor. definetliy I wouldn't go over there to hear the greatness of the leading party. Mayors are not chosen by the people with us. That's not part of the democracy.
Hot cocoa is always good in case of need.