The Meaning of Life (Arti Kehidupan) Cover Song
This is a masterpiece song of Doel Sumbang. Legend musician in Indonesia. Doel is famous as a singer who always represent voice of the low class people in Indonesia. Doel Sumbang (born in Bandung, West Java, May 16, 1963 is a musician from West Java. He began his career in the theater world at "Theater Braga". And he also learned a lot from Remy Sylado, who was none other than the director of Dapur Teater 23761, from where he got the nickname "Doel", the name "Sumbang" is associated with his eccentric, vulgar, and nosy songs. He often critized the government through his song. Not only speak about those all, He writes and compose many love song. As a Sundanese, one of many tribes in Indonesia, Doel Sumbang records many songs in Sundanese language. His works which are counted quite a lot and the character of his strong works as musicians and singers make him often equated with other musicians such as Ebiet G Ade, or Iwan Fals. 'Arti Kehidupan' is the most memorable song that still fresh in my memory. The million people song in Indonesia.
Here is the lyrics and its translation
Jangan Berkata tidak bila kau jatuh cinta
Don't say no when you're in love
Terus terang sajalah buat apa berdusta
Just be honest don't lie
Cinta itu Anugrah maka berbahagialah
Love is a bless you must happy
Sebab kita sengsara bila tak punya cinta
Because we suffer when we have no love
Rintangan Pasti datang menghadang
Obstacles Will surely come
Cobaan Pasti datang menghujam
Trials will surely come to pierce
Namun yakinlah bahwa cinta kan membuatmu
But rest assured that love will make you
Mengerti akan Arti Kehidupan
Understand the Meaning of Life
Marilah sayang mari sirami
Come on dear, let's watering
Cinta yg tumbuh didalam hati
Love that grows in our heart
Marilah sayang mari sirami
Come on dear, let's watering
Agar merekah sepanjang hari
In order to blossom all day
With Love,
Reza Sofyan
I like the melody. Great!
Thanks for your appreciation, mate. This song is melodious indeed.
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Pleasure to join you. I"ve just subscribed your art community. Thanks to let me there..:-)
Great job!