Fitting - horror story - fiction story

in #horror8 years ago (edited)

The woman pushed the girl forward. She looked at her mother with a sudden fright. In shopping malls trying always going crazy.

-- Come on. After all, here you will not undress? - She scolded her daughter indignant voice. Both at the same time resulted in a heavy curtain, shutting out from the rest light-polluted dim light of the corridor. More than tables operating in the far depths of twinkling lights complicated instrumentation.
-- I promised you something of a shotgun for Christmas, and I know how to keep my word. Trying one after the other - has said different tone of voice the old lady, hook some things. - We'll start with short breeches.
-- Mom, but I do not want ...
-- Hold your tongue. Father already now merged to your mouth for insubordination. Remove this a stained skirt. And panties too. Come on!, The woman nervously reached for fastening skirts. Not finding him, repeatedly he jerked a little hair. Sally squeaked horribly. Immediately he found a hidden zipper. Skirt dropped.
-- Drop with each other this school blouse - demanded the woman.
Sally again he resisted. She said that it is nice to be sweaty. Blouse ended on a hanger.
Behind the curtain he peered curiously face assistant. It was her smile a lot of glare clear plastic. Too many to grimace he could pass for a natural.
-- Can I help you with something? - She asked politely. - We do spot any amendments. Clothes are universal, age-standardized size.
Sally tried on pants. They hung on her as ungrateful as a hanger.
-- It's the latest model. Whether you're sure that the child is in the relative age of nine, as requested by the label? - Plastic assistant slipped discreetly into the dressing room. A little intrusive movement pushed the mother toward the wall, where the fluorescent sign politely informed;
"Selected samples watch wearing this point! And only with this one!"
The last sentence was twice handwritten underlined.
-- But I'm not blind - woman blurted out an offended tone.
-- I did not say. From where you can see now is more accurately any shortcomings. So in any case, the designer believes.
I do not give a damn what your designer thinks! Exactly I drew a range of age daughters.
Assistant pretended not to hear. She watched every detail of the body Sally.
-- In the current standards, the leg should be tightly run over the thigh. And these are loose! I'm not blind! - Tore up shop, nervously arranging unruly folds shorts on a child's bottom. - It seems to me that a lot of shorts too loose at the waist. And the legs are too skinny.
The mother smoothed the material, pushing too aggressive and filthy white hand assistants.
After all, I have no objection - said, addressing sardonic smile toward the brazen use.
-- It's shorts from the drawing board of Shido. You know what they're strict is the protection schemes proper arrangement of folds of material?
-- Shido? - Hollow mother repeated.
-- Yes Yes. With them is no laughing matter. They will demand in court the amputation of legs for disfigurement of the project. In the best case, you will meet a lot of compensation for exposure to the reputation of the company. How many clothes as many precedents. They earn more on processes than on sales.
-- Damn ...
-- Gladly will fill the missing space material petroleum. This new measure, perfectly matching shapes for clothes brand Shido. The better-than-induced heating of natural obrzmień limbs.
Mother again grimaced with disgust. She shook her head with displeasure at the clumsy attempts of matching shorts by Sally. The girl clearly oszroniła and trembled all over his body with emotion. Stroked, he was pulling frantically changing patterns fasteners. As if it was about survival, rather than a simple modernization appearance. Her eyes were swollen from the pressure of a sizeable body fluids, not just blood. The mother suddenly lost patience.
-- Demolish it, but! - He roared.
Little he was now bare. On her body pulsing skin. Big, blackening veins seemed to be under it nieruchomieć and remind wire, tightly-woven mesh. Freckles and moles were huge disgusting.
-- Beautiful she is not ... - Cold tone shop was like a blow with a knife. Assistant already discreetly removed the old stuff to the recycle bin. Both clients have become completely confused. Hideous, shop jade allowed himself more and more.
What are you two looking at? Do not let you go unless you buy something suitable. He has fit perfectly. We are fighting with wybrakami. And there are always guilty of clothes. - He shook his hand. - Too often deficient buyer.
-- I'm here customer! - He tried to get his mother.
-- Only if your youngster or something you buy. For now you are nothing. - She made a dismissive gesture. - You better spojrzałaby to its old-fashioned, dirty of clay pins, and not dealt with the damaged one Pisser.
-- I beg your pardon. I complain to the manager.
You will see the lady in front of him in the old dress with buttoned at the neck unfashionable sticking plaster? After all, he will laugh at you. It's obsolete design company Yorldan. He had long since gone out of fashion this cut. Besides ... I'm sorry, but complaints against my person is pure nonsense.
-- Why?
-- Head answer for the success of each operation. And so far no one managed to sneak up on me. For me to be a service complicated equipment. - The last sentence sounded like a threat. - Better not waste time, lady. We buy?
Woman nervously reached into his pocket for the same lighting a cigarette in parchment paper web with young skin printed in 3D guinea pig.
-- Well. We continue - she said, inhaling the red smoke. Involuntarily she covered her purse Pete burned a hole in the tights at the height of the left calf, which did not go unnoticed by the operator.
-- Please try on a dress for the nine-spiffy.
At the sight of who enters the same treadmills truck with a set Toriniego mother with her daughter almost gasped with shock.
-- Shorts were over-dimensional - the saleswoman said dryly. - Daughter looked at them like a blown out by a pervert. It must pass either ...
Sally hung on the lips assistant. None of this is not understood. She was afraid to attack these two closed with her in a tight stopping women. From the constant clamor conversation she was splitting her head.
-- If the dimensional inaccuracy happens again bring the applicator and make rapid treatment completion. We offer from injections of fillers to complex recharging inert bodies of animal origin. All at a promotional price.
-- And if I make the same operation?

  • Of course, it will be cheaper if you use your own tools. But I would be afraid of infection power. It's an old fitting. Besides ... What do you want to make such a complicated procedure? I did not notice the suitcase cosmetic?
    Sally quickly dismissed downloaded shorts. With trembling hands he was wearing a new dress. In her eyes they stood tears when the expected size again missing a few centimeters in the waist.
    -- Damn - she snapped, eyeing her mother.
    -- Oh, I see here a more serious problem.
    Sally's eyes fearfully went toward his mother. She was looking at her face any feelings. She found only cold emptiness.
    -- Your mom looks like a highly intelligent person, and acts like Blind rage purchases grub.
    -- What?! - The voice of the accused went toward the menacing bass.
    -- That dear mom, and she did not notice that Corus has one leg shorter?
    -- But what are you saying? Nonsense! Adjust the sharpness of a storefront witch! - Woman smiled as the most venomous.
    -- I do not what to doubt, ma'am. Let's look at samoustawiacz heel of the left shoe. You see? Automatic sensory non-stop trying to adjust the height. I do not know whether the difference causes the level of crooked gait, posture defect that Corus has a problem with a broken hip during labor. I assume that we are dealing with improperly built leg. And to establish such a freak of nature whatever does not agree to neither Shido nor more Torinni. I propose an exchange of both limbs in the price of one free fluid transfusion. I would add gratis nails Alfred Honecker.
    -- You give a guarantee on their feet?
    -- Two years. If you opt for you to take out a five-year service completely free add extra ribs. You know, this never enough. Automatically controlled ribs perfectly control the setting of the bust, and the operation retracting the abdomen. Nobody wants to bloated oil brat pressed in a dress Torinniego!
    -- Why do not you just narrow the clothes - Sally asked timidly, but then he got hit in the ear from there. Old child survived the worst. Assistant calmed the situation.
    -- Stitching the garment is impossible in practice. Do not allow this rigid copyright law. Today, no one messes with the designers. Their lawyers are able to accuse each wearing clothing in a manner offensive to design. A mere mismatch can demand huge compensation. It is a struggle for the company's image; not infrequently life and death.
    -- Well - he agreed to a woman a heavy voice. - Let's do this operation.
    Her sigh was charge indescribable pain. Sally squealed pressed the narrowest angle. The movement has not gone unnoticed assistant. She grabbed her ear stronger than it would have done najmocarniejsza machine.
    -- It's just that I'm afraid that your daughter is too small for such an operation. A veritable weakling.
    She gestured with his hand, inviting whispers.
    The woman leaned heavily ear to mouth assistant. Getting quieter and faster and faster.
    -- Very weak skeleton - expressed its concern assistant.
    -- I know. Driving me crazy this uncertain gait. Most I'd give it to the shelters.
    -- They have no place on naturally born. - She laughed lightly. - May I suggest a deposit daughter bank part. By the way, the lady collects tens of thousands of loans.
    -- No no. This output falls - mother caught trying to escape a daughter. - But I can agree to the temporary hibernation.
    -- We are talking about a mannequin hibernation?
    -- Let's just say?
    -- Oh, you do not know how it works? - Shopwindow returned to the natural tone. Firmly upright he looked even higher than she actually was. The tip of her strange head touched the ceiling. She smiled evilly patiently explaining: - Inside is left dormant consciousness. Serve syringe liquid preservative. The girl immediately freezes into position. You have the right to decide about her attitude exhibition. But I say right away; weak it will be a mannequin. Let's say you will serve on the shelf with samples of belts and bracelets.
    -- However, no. It would be too humiliating. Despite these malformations love my daughter. It is naturally conceived. I can always go back for her after changing the existing standards. I ask her about hibernation capsule of frosted glass.
    -- That costs more.
    -- I'll pay in advance.
    -- Therefore ... Sally follow me. A lady we'll call a new baby, holidays, it's always feast. It's nice to have someone waiting under the Christmas tree.
    The girl still resisted, but aggressively pushed by her mother gave up. Even from a distance came the receding voice.
    -- Where can I find a replacement?
    -- On the shelf adoptive perfume Gerona. Immediately to the left at the entrance to the store - cried assistant. Strongly he pulled a little toward the frozen aisle at the back of the dressing room. - Can you choose a scent of the child to the home air freshener!
    -- But they are very cold! - Came the voice again we have.
    -- Of course they are. They stand there for a week. Let the lady warm up a girl in a microwave resuscitation! - He tore up shop shrew.
    Sally meekly followed the leads me his. Leading hand seemed cooler than ice and even more rigid than before. Small splinters of her skin, in fact, were applicators regularly, every few seconds, falling into the baby's skin silver drop sedative. Thus, the handle was so crippling and terminal not to relax.
  • Your mom loves you very much, Sally. Nowadays, such love is a treasure. You must forgive her this weakness for fashion. Assuming that the old will live yet only eight hundred years, as indicated by the current statistics, will never be awakening. Better think about mommy wallet and give up. But it also should be a gift for Christmas, right?
    -- How is it? - She said, weeping girl.
    -- Natural children are fashionable only occasionally, and so thin and shapeless as you are extremely rare. Fashion houses do not like challenges. For Hibernator you have to pay several thousand credits, which is full of fashionable clothes from the wardrobe Velor and Dawson. And I will do everything for the customer. So I was programmed - she inspired voice saleswoman.
    They stood in front of a small coffin.
    -- Well, what are you waiting for? Come small. Do I have to kill you standing?

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