Thank you for sharing this with us. I have also lived in a haunted house and had many experiences. It sounds like that entire area had spirits. Same with the town that I lived in, many people in the town have seen a little girl spirit, she was murdered in the 1800's. A little over 10 years ago there was also a 16 year old girl who shot both of her parents in the head and said that something just took over her.
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Thank you so much for appreciating, yes the whole town was possessed by different types of spirits, some were good and some were really dangerous.
Thank you for sharing your experience, the girl said something took over her, it takes a little time to occur, her parents should have noticed something...
we should share such stories quiet often as they can teach people to be attentive enough to figure out and deal with it.
Thanks again, if you have time please share more of your experiences, i will be very grateful to you.