Confession of a serial killer ... (A Horror Short-Story)

in #horror6 years ago (edited)


-Today is May 5, 2018, exactly 8:30 am and I am Dr. Gabriela Sánchez, specialist in psychiatry, this recording is about case 468, file 3489, name of the patient to be treated Maikel Rangel, and so far not He has wanted to cooperate with the investigation, I request that I be his treating doctor.

-Good morning Mr. Rangel, you know me, since I request my presence in this case to cooperate, I want you to know that this conversation is being recorded and that it depends on you whether it is a short or long process, you will tell me I can help him?

- Apparently, do not you remember me?

-The truth? No, but tell me, where do I have to meet him?

-Don't worry you'll remember me later.

-Well, let's continue, he is accused of murder in the first degree, and he is transferred to this psychiatric hospital with a diagnosis of necrophilia and other pathologies, if he understands what I am talking about?

-Of course.

- What do you have to say about it?

-I want to confess.

-Perfect, then continue.

-I will start saying that since I was a child I grew up in a very happy home, in an old house, small, but very well taken care of, I am the oldest of four brothers, my father owned a funeral home and he took me so that from a very young I learned what was the job, from the beginning I liked to see the blood, it was not like those children who feared the dead, for me it began to be something exciting to learn to prepare them, I did it very fast.

When I turned 16 my father let me do it alone and it was fascinating, that was my motivation to study medicine and then I specialized in forensic medicine, there I learned how to do autopsies, I had that direct contact with the dead I could still feel them hot, I appreciated his organs when I extracted them, I liked to fill with blood and if I close my eyes I can still smell it.

I began to feel some attraction for dead women.

-and I guess that's why he started killing?

-Let me finish, When I began to feel some attraction for dead women, things were given, when the bodies of young women came to the morgue cleaned and prepared, I liked to see his naked body on the stretcher before doing the autopsy, one day I felt the need to kiss one of them, I do not know if it was nostalgia to see her so young and lifeless, I remember that it was a car accident and she died instantly, she was so beautiful that after the kiss It made me want to make love to him, everything happened alone, I loved my work and now it had become something satisfying for me and the best thing was that I liked it, it was something different it was as if everything was merged.

After a while I no longer felt like living women, it had become a kind of fetish to make love with corpses, since I did not run the risk of being told no, I was never very popular with girls, they always They mocked the foolish thing that used to be and while others were horrified because I worked in my family's business, they saw my liking for my work as something aberrant and that caused me not to have friends and only isolate me, I had to talk to the corpses They were my best friends, I could even say that I listened to them answering me.

My life in the university was not very different, since it was dragging my past, it all started when I fell in love with a classmate in the university, who was totally invisible, I loved her in silence, and it was there that I started all .

-Let me see if I understood you started killing for love?

-I need a cigarette.

-I'll get you one, Henry, send me a lit cigarette please. Here you have it, continue ...

Thank you very much, and answer to your question is yes, I explain, it was not easy, I wanted it too much, and I started looking for his face in other women, killed them and then made love to them, it was too exciting, I I chased her wherever she went without realizing it, killed several of her friends who shared with her, to be able to feel her aroma, everything was very easy for me since I had everything the morgue of the town and my father's funeral home needed. .

- You killed the girls similar to her to be able to make love with their corpses and thus to feel that you were doing it with her?


- And how many women are we talking about?

-Good question, there were 14 women, apart from her sister. You still do not remember me? Does not this story seem familiar to you?

(There was a time when Gabriela began to associate history with her personal life, since in her college years she lost several friends and then her sister died in a strange way, this confession caused fear to run through her body and her skin erizara)

-With tears in my eyes, I ask him and why not kill me at once? She got up from the furious chair and threw herself at him, the nurses took her by the arms to try to control her.

-Do not kill you because I swore that one day I would have your attention and achieve it. He said between laughs.

-What a macabre story, why did you get mad at me? What fault do I have for your insecurity problems? My sister was very young when you took her life.

-It was not that I was mad at you, it was just a small sample of my love for you and some revenge for always going unnoticed before your eyes, even though I took great pains to see you or at least notice my existence I never achieved it, sister was a trophy for me with her if I truly felt that it was you, before I possessed her I turned her into you, it was very satisfying, I remember when you prepared your body and you went with your parents to remove the body, I could not understand why they were crying before such wonderful work that I had done with her, with this I only want to be always in your thoughts, and I thank you very much for coming and I want you to know that if someday I get to leave here I go for you, you will always be my great love but to be perfect for me you have to be dead.

-You're sick, perverted, you'll never get out of here, I'll spend my whole life doing your impossible, (he said with anger between tears).

-What I want with this is to position myself in your mind forever, I do not care if it's in a positive or negative way, what I care about is not to get out of your thoughts, since I'm going to kill you and then make you mine, I want that you know that many times I dreamed of this day and that if they grabbed me it was because I left, because that would be the only way to talk to you and share something as important as my love for you.


Very good I loved my pretty.

Thanks for sharing.

A kiss from me.


Vaya, veo que has decidido cambiarte al inglés. Yo puedo leer inglés pero no soy capaz de discernir si un texto es bueno o no escrito en inglés. Espero que te vaya muy bien y que crezcas con tus nuevos lectores.
Un saludo.

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