
Hey @foodosaur- so good to hear from you! Will be posting their pics soon! Actually I have 2 red-ear sliders & 1 diamondback terrapin/ they were all rescued: the diamondback was a new hatchling that HS kids were getting ready to crush. That was 14 years ago, & at that time my daughter caught this going on, grabbed the baby turtle from them & brought him home! He has thrived! One of the sliders was rescued from NYC’s Chinatown- a baby turtle in a bucket being sold for soup. The second slider was being mistreated raffled off at a church street fair. I offered up $25 for him & left with the turtle! All the turtles are 14 yrs old now! As promised, pics will be posted soon!

Hey! I just posted a new post with my turtle in case your interested!

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