I'm a Girl - Loser in the Past and a Keen Dancer Passionate About Machine Learning and Blockchains Now

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

Hi, Steemers!

To begin with, my name is Kate, I’m twenty years old, live in Moscow and have a lot of hobbies. I always tend to make my life colorful, interesting and try to change everything and everyone around me to the best. I've learned about Steemit from my geek friends and extremely excited to make my first post here.

I look forward to contribute to this open minded community and meet talented people here.

Dance battle

As for my Hobbies, I am really keen on #dancing. I gave and give it a lot of time, effort and love since childhood. I’m dancing all the time, when I’m sad, anxious, happy or exited, always, my passion is endless. I have taken many master classes from stars of dance, have been to different countries like Sweden, Bulgaria, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Belarus, where I took part in dance festivals and won numerous trophies.
I study jazz-funk, hip-hop, strip-plastic, vogue, dancehall and other styles to create my own dance.

Thus I hope I will be able to share with Steemit my vision on this beautiful and expressive art!

As a good dancer, I’m going to create my own rubric #KateDance here on Steemit, where I’ll lay out video lessons on different types of dance.



I participate in a dance battles

Besides that I was always interested in math and computer science. I graduated from top math school in Russia and continued my education in Moscow State University where I was fascinated by the machine learning algorithms and blockchains. I even created my own trading bot that helped me to waste the first bitcoin in my life). Scholarships in Russia are meager, thus 1 #bitcoin is a big money.

Now I remember with a smile how much I was upset at that moment. Since then I called myself a loser and even gave up with trading. Anyway, I’ve learned a lot from this lesson.
Machine learning is also one of my research topics. I closely follow the boom of neural networks and learn why they are needed and how can be used to simplify our life. Most likely you've heard about Google AlphaGo algorithm that beaten a human professional player. Nowadays neural networks create music, draw paintings and even determine your age. This topic is very hot, so please stay tuned to see my posts about it.

Besides my main hobbies, I like to read and do it a lot not only in Russian, but in English too. My favorite writers are Dostoevsky, Remark and Maugham. I always try to improve my English and every time when I’m learning, it is a lot of fun. I am glad to communicate with everyone and I’m so happy that English enables me to have friends all over the world.

I think that happiness is in improving yourself and our world.

Let’s go for it together!

Hi steemit

I also made this short video for you, please check it out.

Here are some links to my social media:

I'll do my best not only to bring here #girlpower but also to share my thoughts on scientific topics.
So thank you for reading and stay tuned for my new #KateDance and #MashineLearning posts!

With love!


Ok, now serious time: You are just putting machine learning in the title as click bait, you dont know shit about machine learning, not even about basic neural network theory as anybody can see below via your responses.

You are a POSER and you are just doing that intellectual posing in the hopes that people will
upvote this nice-face-tits-and-ass post while feeling they are rewarding not just a nice face, tits and ass, but an intellectual woman who is really interested in machine learning, blockchain technology, etc.

I dont know who you think you are fooling, but its certainly not me nor the real users commenting,
and lies my dear, unlike you, have short legs.

At least in a strip club you know who you are dealing with,
and the dancers dont tell you they know about machine learning to charge you more. Look at the reward in your comment :)

In this post, half of the comments belongs to You. You really like her. Just admit it and move forward.

Sure, I didn't say she wasn't attractive,
that's another separate matter,
don't let the halo effect fool you.

"The Halo Effect is a cognitive bias in which an observer's overall impression of a person, company, brand, or product influences the observer's feelings and thoughts about that entity's character or properties.[1][2] It was named by psychologist Edward Thorndike in reference to a person being perceived as having a halo. Subsequent researchers have studied it in relation to attractiveness and its bearing on the judicial and educational systems. The halo effect is a specific type of confirmation bias, wherein positive feelings in one area cause ambiguous or neutral traits to be viewed positively. Edward Thorndike originally coined the term referring only to people; however, its use has been greatly expanded especially in the area of brand marketing.

The term "halo" is used in analogy with the religious concept: a glowing circle that can be seen floating about the heads of saints in countless medieval and Renaissance paintings. The saint's face seems bathed in heavenly light from his or her halo. Thus, by seeing that somebody was painted with a halo, the observer can tell that this must have been a good and worthy person. In other words, the observer is transferring their judgment from one easily observed characteristic of the person (painted with a halo) to a judgment of that person's character.

The halo effect works in both positive and negative directions (the horns effect): If the observer likes one aspect of something, they will have a positive predisposition toward everything about it. If the observer dislikes one aspect of something, they will have a negative predisposition toward everything about it.

I think you guys are slandering . she's not a stripper but a dancer (a big difference)and she's a graduate in Mechanics and Mathematics . so machine learning is bound to be among the interests. she didn't claim to be an expert, just a student.

you know very well what Im talking about simon, come on,
you see the play.
Yes and whores are technically sexual workers.
She's selling her sexual looks, the machine learning is just a moral bait.
And how do you know that profile is real? Thats not an official document

earnest - keeping the spirit of skepticism alive! :)

@earnest, to give you some insight regarding machine learning:

For the last 5 years I've been doing similar things that @krishtopa claims to be doing and if you started to test my theoretical knowledge you would be quite disappointed. The thing is that, when you apply machine learning to practical issues, you don't need to accumulate lots of theoretical stuff - you research things that you need at a given moment, turn them into code and forget the scientific theories behind them. Or you just use tools created by people who are smarter than most of us. It's not an academia environment, it's dealing with hard-core tedious little details that matter in this business.

The girl might be fake but most probably she is not. Her answers make sense - I wouldn't give you better ones. So you might say that I'm a poser as well.

earnest messed up real bad on this one!
girl has higher education and it checks out, probably higher than earnest!
maybe its not easy to explain things when english is not your native tounge!
great introduction! btw and welcome. dont mind earnest, he enjoys harrassing rape victims!

@armitrage, what's wrong with that? This link just confirms what's stated in post
education: Lomonosov Moscow State University, bachelor, department of math and mechanics

with what? harrassing rape victims? earnest and somedude are both misogynistic sobs that has a history of targeting great female contributers and scaring them away. This shouldn't be encourage at all and it's not good for the community.

Great female contributors?????????????????????????
LOL man you are killing me, I just spilled my coffee,
you call @lauralemons a great contributor???
Are you high on crack or what?
give me a fucking break.

Well, if you must know (which you don't because I don't use either as a card) I am both a woman and been raped several times.

So your comment makes you misogynistic and harrassing rape victims, just because I don't put up a pretty picture and a sob story

you're saying the same thing. that earnest is wrong with his attack on this girl . she obviously has an education background compatible with the subject.

How do you know that this http://profi.ru/profile/KrishtopaEA/
is real? thats just a profile she made, not an official document

Right and your account has 2 posts, both in this thread.
I didnt say she didnt have higher education.

Well yes :), I need to run a fast OODA here if Im to make an impact with my work,
the first payout is 24 hours from the posting time, it went down from 5 to 3k.
Not bad. Not good enough either though.

you've lost the plot dude. such vile sexist attacks are unjustifiable. especially towards a girl graduating in Mathematics & Mechanics (that alone deserves some respect, and hints that the machine learning interest is legit )
after this profile of her offering math lessons was found (she has reviews since 2015!) you should have at least given it a rest
but you just continued in your vile attacks confirming what others have been saying. that you're a psycho.

especially towards a girl graduating in Mathematics & Mechanics

That sums it up pretty well

you do not know that profile to be real, nor if the reviews are real,
con artists dont just use recently created accounts/profiles, for obvious reasons,
The profile can say whatever, I observe reality from many angles , I dont just read something and believe it because I think it would be cool if it was true, in reality, as her answers below sufficiently demonstrate, she doesnt know shit about machine learning, not even about basic neural network theory, which she would if she had a real interest in the matter.
Shes faking it to gain sympathy and attention, you just dont wanna see it because its a nasty reality you would prefer to ignore.

you're bat shit crazy. you're seriously claiming that in 2015 (before steem was even announced) she was already preparing for this steemit post so she setup a profi.ru profile offering math lessons and left reviews for herself in december 2015 and april 2016 ?
sorry but impossible to discuss with someone who is clearly deranged. bye

its possible to buy such profiles in the darkmarket,
it doesn't need to necessarily be a profile made specifically to scam,
it can be a hacked profile, a bought profile, etc.
Even if it is the case that she actually gives math lessons,
99% of math teachers are not interested in machine learning,
I hope you realize of this.

subjective value is subjective value,

Very, very cool Kate! You look like you're killing it out there- but welcome to in here. Welcome to the Steem Machinnneeeee =D Keep dancing like a dream, and shining moonbeam.

That was so cheesy I could spread it on my toast :D

Welcome to Steemit Kate!

Thank you, senseiteekay. I appreciate any, even negative feedback.

Nice to meet you Kate, I just posted about my visit to Russia. It's a great country with friendly people

It's nice to meet you too!
Come to Russia more often! Our country is huge and there are plenty of stuff to see

Welcome Kate - what fantastic dance moves you have, and it seems by your pictures that everyone loves what you do - I'd really be interested to see some dance tutorials! :D

Soon I will post dance tutorials and tell what I know about this ;) So stay tuned

I like. Thank you :)

Здравствуй, Катя)
I mean hello, Kate.

Здравствуйте, рада что русскоговорящие люди вносят свой вклад в это сообщество.
Hi, I'm glad that Russian-speaking people contribute to this amazing community!

Русскоговорящих здесь хоть и не много, но они весьма активны) Welcome!

Wow, what an introduction . . . You're English is better than mine; you clearly dance better than me (which isn't saying much--I'm a white guy that grew up playing ice hockey in Minnesota--that fact and dancing ability of any sort are mutually exclusive; You're clearly into the many of the same philosophies and ideas that I lean towards (and even if you were my polar opposite, you are highly intriguing). Теперь, как насчет того, чтобы приступить к делу (Я наполовину русский - Это хорошая половина меня). How about teaching me how to dance, many have tried, all have failed...Now, you could quite possibly be the "Most Interesting Woman In The World." a la the Dos Equis guy: The Most Interesting Man In the World

The cynic in me, however, has a sneaking suspicion that you're a 48 year-old, unemployed, sweaty, reeking of desperation fat guy that lives in his parent's basement in Cleveland....But we've bound and gagged the cynic so I have my fingers and toes crossed that you're real...and you can teach a white hockey player from Minnesota that now lives in Phoenix how to dance.....Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!

@a9inchcock , what a huge comment). Thank you! I'll publish dance lessons here, so stay tuned

awesome ! really excited about your next post ! i think singularity is a very interesting topic for the future, whats your take on that?

unrelated: @anyx check this shit up
we need humans to stop this kind of abuse

5 grand?
please advise @dan @dantheman @ned @positive @abit @smooth

she ticks all the boxes for verification.
or is your problem with the 5k? that's kinda average for a good verified intro by an attractive girl. maybe a bit of an embellished story. but not an identity thief or a plagiarizer. those are the issues anyx deals with. even if (not sure) she's acting up her studys to get more votes, no law is being broken in this particular case. up to us voters whether to believe her or not. frankly I upvoted cos at least she's verified and an attractive dancer. the rest is a bonus.

It is that embellishment that makes the post to go to such rewards,
if she didnt mention machine learning, it wouldnt have 100.
It allows the viewers to vote for a nice face tits and ass, while simultaneously
self-deluding themselves into thinking they are making a moral vote
due to the intellectual posing. Thats exactly the trick she's using.
Believe me, I know very well what Im doing.
If this works, you will see many more introduceyourself like this one in the coming days.

she would've made 1000s regardless. just like other pretty girls posting pics and some blabbings made 1000s. heck even id thieves posing as girls made 1000s.
you're bashing on one of the few decent girls that signed up. she's pretty, can dance and she's graduating in maths &mechanics (rare for girls these days and totally compatible with machine learning interest). in that profile which was found online she advertises offering math lessons. and she even has reviews.
you're just confirming what others say about you. that you're a psycho. especially the tone of your attacks towards her. vile.

That profile you mention could as well be fake too, thats not an official document, the account that presented that link was created to do so, its a sock puppet account, look at it: @armitage
You have no idea the lenght to which conartists go,
making a fake profile is nothing. And it certainly pays off in a community with a large market of men with cognitive biases towards unicorns.

Please tell me a bit what you think about machine learning,
why do you think its important?

Hi, earnest.
Machine learning is one of my research topics in University, that's why I'm passionate about it. Generally speaking, it will usher in a new era of human development and will help us to get rid of routine. But unfortunately, there are limits. Neural networks are able to distinguish only those features that a person is able to distinguish the "peripheral vision"

This is the stupidest explanation of machine learning I have ever heard in my entire life.

You did catch how the get upvotes thrown at you flawlessly, I have to admit

somedude, if you think I told that just to make money, okay, it's your right. I told as is and I don't claim that I'm professional in this area of research. I'm 20 years old and it's just beginning of my scientific career. If my words about machine learning and blockchain somehow offended you, then I sincerely apologize

check his post histories, somedude seems very bitter and anti-women for whatever reason. I don't know why people seem to be harshing/testing your knowledge on you so much...

for example an above user: P.S. your eye color changed and left a watermark on the photo It should be pretty obvious that the photo with the water mark was taken by a professional photog at a dance event. The three photos are clearly the same girl that is in not only the verification picture but in a god damn VIDEO...

krishtopa's post is completely full of proof of her identity and is a great example of what one of these threads should be imho. Get over the fact that she is making more $ than you because she is pretty... All this bitter hate takes the fun out of this site.

its very interesting how the accounts that defend you, like @mikestyley and @armitage, are all new accounts that are making their first posts in this thread

Oh, no.

I'm not offended, don't worry

I welcomed her and gave her the benefit of the doubt. I defended her lack of knowledge on the subject because she is clearly not a native speaker.
I also mentioned that she left a watermark on her photo, sorry that's a redflag.
She genuinely does not look the same in her pics, but hey if she's really here I look forward to meeting with her. Just remember @ricegum and several others have come on here bragging and explaining how they scammed this place.
That's not bitter and anti-woman. That's trying to defend the community from a massive outflux of money that is frankly causing the price of steem to tank and making us look like a bunch of horny teenage boys with way too much cash.

For an example of most likely "not a catfish" see this one...

p.s. It's not fun to be scammed by the same few people over and over again. But if this one comes back with a regaling tale about how they pulled the wool over our eyes I'll be sure to drop by and let you know.

@somedude Could also be she means she will be studying it at university not that she is. She claimed an interest, not an expertise. You do have to give a break because of language barrier issues.

Frankly, I think somone told her to say that, probably the same person that introduced her to steemit, someone who knew this would catch.

"I am interested in machine learning, blockchain and stuff like that"

Maybe I'm wrong

Neural Networks can be connected to senses that are not human, for example a radar,
you can have a nn learn with any input.
What does your research consist of?

You understood my phrase too literally. In a case of features that couldn't be detected by man, the principle is interpreted as follows: the neural network is able to recognize only a blurred images. For example: they are not able to understand whether the object at a given point, but only to understand in what area they are in. Features are blurred.

My research is devoted to pattern recognition and image classification

Ok, now serious time: You are just putting machine learning in the title as click bait, you dont know shit about machine learning, not even about basic neural network theory (which you would if you had a real interest in the matter) as anybody can see above via your responses.

You are a POSER and you are just doing that intellectual posing in the hopes that people will upvote this nice-face-tits-and-ass post while feeling they are rewarding not just a nice face, tits and ass, but an intellectual woman who is really interested in machine learning, blockchain technology, etc.

I dont know who you think you are fooling, but its certainly not me nor the real users commenting, and lies my dear, unlike you, have short legs.

@krishtopa Ok well I legit believe you are interested in the topic and I'm hoping I can chalk what you're saying up to a language barrier and not to the fact that this is what they are teaching in University now days.

If you are legitimately interested in this topic and have some reference knowledge to draw upon, a really good resource is @dana-edwards her stuff is just incredible if you already grasp the basics.

If you'd like a more hands on approach I invite you to come over to STEEMBOTS


p.s. Your eye color changed in a couple of pics and there is one where you left the watermark on.

Im sorry, Im just a simple mortal,
pattern recognition and image classification ok,
what do you think of HTM?
"Hierarchical temporal memory (HTM) is an unsupervised to semi-supervised online machine learning model developed by Jeff Hawkins and Dileep George of Numenta, Inc. that models some of the structural and algorithmic properties of the neocortex. HTM is a biomimetic model based on the memory-prediction theory of brain function described by Jeff Hawkins in his book On Intelligence. HTM is a method for discovering and inferring the high-level causes of observed input patterns and sequences, thus building an increasingly complex model of the world."

any original thoughts you could spend on that would be greatly appreciated.

Pretty cool. I've studied some machine learning topics, but nothing as in-depth as you apparently. I look forward to your future posts on machine learning as it's a topic I'm interested in too. Thanks.

upvoted :)

A good intro with a video verification, thats why I will give you my vote.

Thank you, very much!

Video verification in which she never said a word about steem. Just saying, theoretically anyone could have taken that video from internet and added steemit logo reel :) Not a proof of anything.

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