Steem up Your mind

in #life6 years ago

God in His own wisdom created us to operate in a systematical way. Everything about us depends on the other to function. Look at this, in
Proverbs 30:25, it was said about the ant that the ants are not a strong people, But they prepare their food in the summer. I believe He has reasons for doing so.

Personal organisation helps to reduce loss. It is a powerful way to increase life productivity. Of course you are to increase in all ways; body, knowledge, social status, finance, endless list.

Be organised in whatever you do. When you do so nothing absolutely takes you unaware. It gives you direction of what to achieve and when to achieve it. I speak of the truth, if you are organised what to wear won't be a problem.

See, life runs via assured system based from inception in Genesis 1. Put things in place sir and ma'am. Stop running here and there, be organised. Is not when you should eat you now think of working on projects. Have a time for everything.


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