I don't have money to be ECO - friendly... so, Petrol or Diesel?

in #life7 years ago

If you want to drive green vehicle, electrical vehicle or hybrid vehicle, in order to protect your environment, well, you need a bag full of money. Without that bag, you don't seem to be responsible for my environment. I have an empty bag prepared, but it seems that each bill that I put in the bag, somehow disappear under mysterious circumstances ;). I think I know what is happening with my money bag! I keep it in my old car and my old car always needs something! Always asks for more and more! Two months ago, it were bearings, a month ago it were the tires, now should be turn for a new air exhaust. And I must say that my car started to drink a lot. As it gets older, it becomes a real gasoline drunk and I can't rely on it anymore.

I've never bought a new car in my life.

I prefer second hand cars (o maybe third hand) and I never payed too much for the car and I've never had a car for more than three or four years. Some things changed about that, but some things are still the same. So, let's talk first about things that changed.

Now I need a family car!

My wife's pregnancy changed all my needs. So I need a bigger car than I have now. I don't need some large SUV or minivan. I don't need a mini car, neither. All I need is compact family car with 5 doors and trunk large enough to put there a baby stroller. And it has to look decent, for change. Now let's check things that haven't changed:

I still don't have any money for a brand new car!

So, it has to be an used one again. But it has to be in good shape. I make about 20 000 kilometers each year, so it would be nice if I could find a car that haven't been through too much. I will not buy a car that passed over 100 000 kilometers.
So, last few days, I spent a lot of time checking advertisements. And I found few good options, cars made between 2011 and 2013. Well, that's like brand new to me. A car that I have now is from 1999. I found few good Hondas, Renaults and I even considered FIAT (Bravo), but what I liked tho most was Ford Focus from 2013. It has 75 000 kilometers behind and it is in best shape. The seller asks 8 500 € for it. It has engine powered by Diesel fuel and I was Petrol - kind of driver up to now. But I found exactly the same car but powered by Pertol fuel and it costs 7 700 €.

My needs are diverse and I use my car in the crowded city same as in the highway... so, what do you think?

Thank you!


I have always held the belief a diesel works out more expensive over time, as it is expensive to service. So if you plan to keep the car for quite a few years you may end up paying more in the long run.
No evidence to back that up though.

In Portugal you pay extra road taxes on diesel cars, I think that is important, why is the government making you pay more? Probably to dis-incentivise people from buying diesel cars.

I would buy petrol over diesel any day, I have bought a few cars at auctions (repossessed cars), mostly dealers would be there, they did not TOUCH diesel cars. Any fault would cost them too much.

Until electric is more accessible we have no choice but to keep using petrol, I would have loved a leaf, but they are still very pricey here!

I don't know about Portugal, but here everything about diesel seems to be cheaper... except the price on the start. But I am a Petrol guy... I prefer 1.6 Petrol engine and for Diesel that should be 1.9? Maybe I'll stick with Petrol, thanks

Seriously, I went extremely economical, because I'm poor. The little red car doesn't feel safe, but it runs on fumes. I'm thinking safety first my friend. I hope your choice is easy.

Thank you, @runridefly, for meme and all! I hope that our crypto micro trades will pull us out of misery:)

Some cities may be banning or at least restricting access for diesels in the next few years. There should be a few used electrics available now. The Nissan Leaf may be viable depending on your needs. Obviously you need somewhere to charge it. The running costs will be low and that should be a factor. There's a lot less to go wrong than a petrol car. I've not owned one, but I'd like my next car to be electric.

Well I know families who go to buy bread 2 streets from home use their car, so maybe the money limits the conditions to be eco, but much of the things we could do to help the environment are of the conscience

Well put in words! One of my friends lives 200 meters from here. Always comes by car

Thank you, this is nice advice.

I think electric cars are becoming a more viable option. In the UK there are lots of places to charge now in carparks and elsewhere. There are lots of new models coming out now and people will be upgrading.

You just gave me another good option. Browsing nissan at the moment

Have a look at Nissan Qashqai. It's a Crossover or what some called a mini-SUV.
I'm enjoying it so far. It's more easy for adults to get in and out but probably not kids.

I checked Nissans today, they are way out of my league

OK, i thought they are cheaper then the Hondas but I guess you have more choices there.

Ford Focus is nice. Tough choice with diesel or petrol, it would be the better to go with the diesel one, but that one is more expensive.

Well, it's not much more expensive than Petrol powered car but it would be if I decided to buy a new car

In my country, ( Chile ) diesel is way more economical

In my country (Croatia) is the same but, somehow, I got used to Petrol...

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