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RE: Reprogramming Your Mind to Live a Happier, Healthier Lifestyle

in #life7 years ago

When you have severe treatment resistant depression and trying to manage your life while caring for a disabled child, and fighting with the system to get him placed in a home in a timely manner, all of this will not work for me. But it was well written and well intended anyway. So I will upvote you for that. My life just plain sucks haha.


I am sorry you are having such a challenging time right now @miriamslozberg but, believe it or not I understand what it is like. My husband has been disabled for many years, he has severe epilepsy and I am his primary caregiver. I am unable to work outside of the home due to this. Then, last year, I nearly died from an infection in the colon and was diagnosed with crohn's disease. My point is, I believe everyone has something horrible going on in their life, the difference is how we handle it, work through it, and whether or not we have a support system. If you ever need to talk, I'm not far away from the computer.

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