RE: UK Murder +27% In 2017; Govt Determined To Ruin What's Left By Embracing Islam
Have you heard of Ayaan Hirsi Ali? She is an ex Muslim activist working towards peaceful reform. She states that there are multiple types of Muslims, two which she brings up are Mecca and Medina Mulsims. Mecca Muslims focus on peaceful teachings, while Medina Muslims focus on war and conquest.
Mecca Muslims just want to perform their rituals, pray etc. I don't see a problem with these people. The issue with immigration is that it's very difficult to separate them from Jihadists and Islamists. In fact, even when we do identify extremists, our governments are often not competent enough to do anything about them.
Don't worry though, because the UK managed to stop a 22 year old journalist Lauren Southern at the border for saying 'Allah is Gay'. Thankfully our streets are once more safe from hurt feelings.
As soon as a reformed sect of Islam explicitly disavows and stops supporting radicals, similar to the modernization of other religions, I'd put them in the same category as any other (mostly) peaceful modern religion. Note that this comes with being willing to live in a society with multiple faiths simultaneously, and not forcing your views on others. That's usually where the problem starts.
We just don't see that happen unfortunately.
She does great work for all the millions of innocent to the deception going on, especially around UK.
Haha no more butt hurt britts, praise the lord!