Losing Oatmeal
Disneyland 1992. Hagg Lake 1993. Astoria Columns 1994 or whichever year it was. Later on got lost at the high school. After that, the first female I slept with who died. After that, Tiffany Cumbo was victim number three. After that, Woof. After that, I lost my Dick. After that, I lost my Hawk. I lost my jobs. I lost Hawaii. I lost WOLBI. I lost New York. I lost California. I lost West Virginia. I lost my soul in prison. I lost my rights to my image and likeness to Comcast & NBC when I signed a contract with them. I lost Kathy Bike, Leaf Pagoda, Zizi, Anna Barbie, Anna Hanoi, Circle K, Remi Cafe, Dai Trinh, Blake Webb (who I didn't kill), Sharon Clayton, Farmer Hanna, Jennifer Moore, Sawyer Frye, Adam Wills, Kells, Daniel Grout, Dead Wing Dork, iJustine, and God knows what else over the years.
Oatmeal Losing at Video Games Like a Boss
Losing Oatmeal
Oatmeal Daily - 2023-02-26 - Sunday | Published in February of 2023
Losing Oatmeal Introduction
The following is an incomplete boring mundane outline preview rough draft echo of when I got lost, when I lost things, or whatever else, during the course of my life from 1988 to 2023 meaning each year. You will see events from each of those years.
This article may overlap with my Sorry article.
This post may also connect with the likes of the introduction to the Case Against Oatmeal.
I'm not sure if I literally and physically got lost every single year in my life. You can confidently say no way would Oatmeal do that. I was lost for a second at Disneyland in 1992. I did get lost at that lake in 1993. However, outside of that, I may have not been lost all the time in the traditional sense. But there are definitions to what it means to be lost. This web page here is being loose on what it means to be lost. It will also includes I felt emotional, spiritually, mentally, and socially lost. I may not have included every single instance or time I got time. Instead, I tried my best to highlight my favorite or least favorite moments from my life. I'm trying to define the biggest moments almost every year of my life minus the first three years to 1988. I turned three in 1988. I was trying to only include one big memory from each year of my life minus anything before my third birthday. Sometimes in life, you get lost physically, emotionally, etc. There different ways you can lose. There are different ways you can lose games. These are different ways to lose things.
There is probably more I could say about these different events from my life. I could probably dive deeper into different topics I reference here. But for now, I'm just going to publish this article as is. I just wanted to get this outline released as soon as possible. Enjoy.
In 1998, I lost my mom to a car in November. Wait. Maybe it was a truck. Never mind the horses, the ponies. Never mind almost drowning in a pool in Seattle in July. Never mind the drums I was pounding. Never mind all of these other events and places that year. The biggest thing was losing my own mother. Now, she didn't die. My brother shouted at mommy. She was reaching down to grab something as she was coming out of the island on her way towards the ghetto. My brother also pulled me out of the way. Well, to be more accurate, he either pulled me back or kept me from leaving the island section of the Pacific Avenue road there. Not Pacific Highway. We were coming home that Tuesday from seeing Katie at gymnastics. My mom gets hit. She breaks her arm. An older couple took us to their home. Don't talk to strangers folks. Jeopardy was maybe on at first. Not sure. But I do remember Wheel of Fortune on TV. We played hide and seek. Dad picked us up. Dad poured me grape juice on the dishwasher at home in space 163. I had a sippy cup. We saw mom at the hospital in Forest Grove maybe that day or later on. It took months for her right arm to heal. So, again, I lost my mom. I mean her arm. That day. I mean she broke her arm. So, she didn't die. And I didn't get lost in the middle of that road either.
Did I lose anything in 1989? I have no idea. That year is hard to distinguish and remember.
In 1990, I lost death as I got saved. Well, I I think that happened that year. At least by 1992 allegedly. But I would always say that is when I asked Christ to come into my heart, to be my savior, my lord, to redeem me from the curse, the penalty, that sin brings. Well, the wages of sin is death. So, I do remember asking my brother to lead through the sinner's prayer. I think I was like five years old. I think my younger sister was a baby meaning it was not before she was born in March of 1990. Losing things can be bad depending on what they are. But in this instance, losing the fear of death is a good thing and not a bad thing. I don't mean to get religious in this post. But this is a fundamental part of my life. I think I found some purpose from the experience, some hope over dope.
In 1991, I lost a creek. Well, I mean my finger. We went camping in August. I tried picking up the white cooler or ice chest. But it slammed my six year old hands into the back of the metal truck bed. It left a scar on my right knuckle, my ring finger or middle finger. Well, the third finger from my thumb and also the third finger from my pinky or smallest finger. Well, I guess my middle finger which is ideally being the middle child of four at exactly five years younger and older than the oldest being Katie and the youngest being Crystal meaning my two sisters and younger than my brother Rick. I tried doing things my own way. The penalty was a scar on my finger. I was trying to help out. I wanted to unload things. We were placing items onto the picnic table and what have you. We set up a tent. I tore up my hand. It was bleeding. I tried to hide it from my mom. She eventually saw it and took care of it. I was bandaged up.
In 1992, I got lost at Disneyland in December. Either during or after the situation, what came to my mind was Home Alone II: Lost In New York. Kevin thought he was following his dad. He could only see the back of the man's head and body. He ended up boarding a plane heading to New York instead of Florida. In the end, that lead to Mack saving the day. He was also able to meet Trump whom people want to scrub off that movie. Let's erase Donald. Let's remove Lord of The Rings. Let's delete that 1984 book by George Orwell as that can lead to right wing extremism they say. In other words, let's lose all of these things. Let's eradicate Hitler from Facebook so we can not learn from history. I ended up in a line. I wanted to go back on Space Mountain. That was a fun ride. Maybe I thought my dad or others were standing in line ahead of me same as Kevin. Hard to say exactly what happened. Somebody must of found me and got me out of that line.
In 1993, I got lost at Hagg Lake that summer. We went off riding bikes one Sunday afternoon after church. We cycled over to the lake. It probably took hours or less to get there. The lake may be 30 miles or less south of our house. We stopped a few times as we were riding on a road that circles the lake. We stopped to hop on an abandoned air mattress or whatever it was. We went out into the lake a little. It was me, my dad, my brother, and probably Katie too. Crystal stayed home as she was only three. We stopped at another place to look at a trail. I think Ricky was interested in looking around. We must have stopped again after that or maybe not. But at some point they told me to continue going. They said they would catch up. I thought to myself they would probably stop at the same place we were at during the Brian Morehead and Jim Williams family reunion we had a week or more earlier. It was a reunion of my mom, our family, her sister's family, and her brother's family. So, I thought we would go to that spot again. So, I went to what I thought was probably that spot or close to it. I got my feet wet in the lake. I did see my family ride on the road past me. But I thought I was seeing things. So, I went back to where they were. I shouted for their name. After that, I was walking my bike home. A family picked me up. They took me to their house. On their TV played Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III (TMNT), I danced to the introduction part where they are doing their fighting moves.
In 1994, or whichever year it might have been, I got lost at the Astoria Column, it was in and around the spring break. In other words, it was spring break. Me and my brother were at Karen's house for a week. We slept in like sleeping bags as we usually would there until later on. At least by 2001 or perhaps earlier, it switched to a guest bed at the top of the stairs. So, there were two other boys who were over. We went to hike. We started at the foot of the hill. We were going up the hiking trail towards that Astoria Column tower. Rick and the older boy were racing. I was trying to catch up. I was running. They kept on getting ahead of me. I was trying to catch up. I started taking short-cuts to get ahead of them. I ended up taking a path to a different location. I saw a maintenance shed or whatever it is. I thought I was on the wrong route. I ended up going somewhere off to the side. A park ranger or something found me. After that, Karen was like no more oatmeal cookies. She made some delicious cookies. My punishment was I was not getting any or more.
In 1995, I got lost in the world of fighting, karate. I was taking Taekwondo lessons. I lost my nerves. I lost something. I didn't want to go to Portland for a test without my mom. So, I ended up quitting. I lost my mojo perhaps even as I was also in a Christmas play with lines in December. Did I ever get my guts, balls, drive, back? Perhaps I lost it that year or never had any at that point.
In 1996, my dad got lost trying to drive the family to the coast in June or September to see Karen. We went to the coast twice, June and September. I forget which of the two we got at. Dad ended up taking the wrong turn. We ended up going south. We went by the Tillamook Cheese Factory. Mom had to go the bathroom. She had to hold it.
In 1997, I felt like I was losing my friends. Around this time, Bill Bailey's family and Tiffany Cumbo's family were moving or were talking about potentially moving out of our ghetto trailer park. Bill and Tiffany were my favorite friends generally and on average in the 1990s. Both families ended up moving out of the ghetto during like the late 1990s. I was feeling a lot of the emotions in like 1997 and beyond that too. But I think the feelings of sadness and other things too perhaps started in 1997. I got lost or so the story goes when I went to basketball one year in the late 1990s at the high school. I ended up walking home possibly in 1997. Not sure which year but it would have been my first year doing a basketball camp at the high school. The high school police officer or security guard dude with the mustaches and glasses spotted me as I was walking through the park towards home.
In 1998, I lost Oreo. First female I slept with and she is dead. I thought she ran away from me. I was 13 years old. Talk about losing your virginity. Wait. It was just a guinea pig. After that, I eventually got the legendary Ra Ra Roo Roo Hercules Roberto.
In 1999, I lost the Hillside Bible Church as I was graduating from the Word of Life Olympians club. So, in some ways, I was losing my childhood. I was entering my teenager years. Well, in some sense, I was already being a youth as I was already attending youth groups sometimes since like 1995 or 1997. I would go to several different youth groups at different churches or what have you and sometimes several at the same time each week. I was able to get a trophy for completing six years worth of Olympians clubs work in only five years. Well, I did attend one year at my home church, CCBC, in 1991. That was before I started attending Hillside as early as 1994 or at least by 1995. So, I attended for half of the 1994-1995 school-year and through to the 1998-1999 school year making it five consecutive years plus the 1991-1992 school-year. My mom begged them to consider that 1991-1992 as the first year as it required that I attended the club for six years. I did all of the work but they also required six years. In the end, they ended up getting it for me.
In 2000, I lost my basketball in that I ended up giving up. I was home schooled before this. In September, I started attending high school as a freshman, 9th grade. I tried out for the basketball teams. I didn't make the cut. But they said I could be a manager. They said if I worked hard in the practices and as a manager, then I would perhaps get to play a few minutes in actual games. I ended up not riding my bike in the cold wet rain to attend the practices and games. I felt like I lost a lot during that time. It was emotional. It was tough for me. I was a little cocky in some ways before that. I sort of thought I was so good. My confidence levels sort of took a beating.
In 2001, I lost sanity with 9/11. That was crazy. 9/11 was an inside job.
In 2002, I lost Phenomenon as my brother jumped into a portal. It was a Narnia lamp stand. Little did he know his evil twin, as Jay Leno would warn David Letterman about in the 1980s, came to steal his identity faster than Rey Palpatine could in Star Wars Rise of Skywalker.
In 2003, I lost Tiffany Cumbo to the jaws of death as she died in April. I was going to call her the day before she died. I felt a tug to call her. I didn't call. She was a friend of mine since the early 1990s. I know I knew Tiff, Lil Devil 544, at least by 1992 or possibly earlier. I can confirm 1992 with photos I have from that year. She is in my home videos in 1996. I filmed some video of her in 2001. But the video was not working. So, those videos were audio only. I wanted to hang out with her and Bill Bailey the summer of 2003. I was looking forward to that. But then she died. I was a bit selfish as I was mostly thinking about myself. Perhaps I lost some security in the sense that sometimes people die as Matt Kurtz would say.
In 2004, I lost my Pocket Ball Table which was based off Gutter Ball, Carpet Ball. This was for my high school senior project which was required to graduate. Well, technically I donated the table to my HCBC church.
In 2005, I lost my campers, my students, my kids, my teenagers, as a counselor at Snow Camp around January to March in New York at WOLBI. I remember telling people these stories of how I would let my kids run up a snow hill. I would say they went up and apparently never came down. I also lost WCC due to "Go To Sleep Little Boy." John Carpenter, I'm sorry. But that Water Boy punched me in the face Andy Pandy, Chris Zuagg.
In 2006, I lost WOLBI in a sense. I also lost the Impact Team. Kazu Kato of Japan said I didn't make the cut due to my lack of experience. I was like how am I supposed to get experience if nobody will let me get experience in the first place? I felt like it was not fair.
In 2007, I lost ABC. Better yet, I lost Jennifer Moore. Not that she was mine for the taking. But emotionally I was feeling heavy like Marty in Back to the Future.
In 2008, I lost Hawaii. Part of me wanted to continue working in Hawaii. I also lost Jeannette Whitaker because I called her ugly. Well, did I say she was ugly? Did I say a little ugly? I forget what I said exactly. I saw her on MySpace. I would talk to her on the phone. I also said she looked like Star Wars Padme of Anakin Skywalker, I mean Natalie Portman. I lost my Dick. I really did lose my Dick. Also. Another thing I lost. The biggest thing I lost in 2008 was Jimmy Woof Williams, my favorite uncle at least at that time. I also lost Camp Kuratli as that was my last time working there.
In 2009, I lost Michael Jackson. Wait, better yet, I lost Lincoln Hawk of Long Beach, California. Well, in some ways, I felt like I missed out on an opportunity to join his team. I also lost my jobs at Kells and at Daniel Grout. I also lost iJustine. I also may have lost my rights to my image and likeness when I signed a contract with Comcast when I auditioned for the Comcast Wanted Adventure Host show on their channel 38 Sports Net in the Pacific Northwest. The show premiered early in 2010 and many people saw my Green Oatmeal line featured in their promotional commercials, ads.
In 2010, I murdered Blake Webb in May. Well, I wrote an article with that headline. So, you could say I lost Blake. After that, I lost Farmer Hanna and Redwood Glen of The Salvation Army.
In 2011, I lost PDX as I returned to the Arnold Attic Basement Shed. I made a sudden decision to run off. I ran away from Charlotte Battle with the help of Matt Smith who owes me over $10K USD. That is over ten thousand dollars plus interest. So, I lost like thousands of dollars to Matt. I gave him a lot of money over the years. Matt promised to give back double the money each time he got money from me. We also agreed on interest. He already owed me over $10K by like 2012. It should be more than that now. So, I lost money. But I also lost my life in PDX meaning Portland, Oregon. Well, it was basically my choice to leave PDX.
In 2012, I got lost in prison on Friday the 13th day of July of 2012. My dad's GF, Robin Baker, got me thrown in prison for trying to stop her from making a prank call. I want to say prank calling 911 should be like a crime. I am not saying it is a crime. But they say me trying to stop a prank call is a federal crime. So, they said I may end up in the big house for at least a year. I was guilty of a crime I never knew existed. People try to kill me. I was already thrown in prison meaning in 2012. They'll try to get me locked up again. I didn't kill myself. I didn't commit suicide for the record. I will never and did never Jeffrey Epstein myself. I was in the slammer for 2 weeks. I will not say I lost Sharon Clayton. Mentioning specific people by name may cause some people to get mad at me. God knows what might happen. Perhaps I will lose myself as more and more people come after me. But you will never remove all of my content off the Internet. Trying to sue me, imprison/murder me, will cause my content to go into the black market and other places too. My videos, articles, photos, etc, are on many different websites, apps, etc. I dare you to beg all of them to deplatform me again.
In 2013, Kathy lost my bike in March and April. I mean, she stole my electric bicycle. It's not like I'd be killing people. Sorry Blake. I'm sorry momma, I never meant to hurt you, I never meant to make you cry Eminem, but tonight I'm cleaning out my FYG closet. I'm joking about that last past as things went off the hook at Masters Cup in District 7 later on or so the story goes. I did get lost in Vietnam at times while teaching English for five years to 2017. But a major chapter was that of Kathy and things relating to that story. It tends to go back to that story. She might say she didn't steal it. So, there is always more to the story than the surface level. Don't judge a book by it's cover. But what you going to do, read every book? It's a jungle out there to steal a line from Monk. Not the Leaf Pagoda monk. No disrespect to monkeys. I lost 3 bikes in 2013.
In 2014, I lost the Leaf Pagoda. Never mind Remi Cafe, Dai Trinh, and Circle K. Why am I yelling at people on video? Good thing YouTube deleted those videos. You will never ever see the truth on what really happened at the Leaf Pagoda and Another side of Vietnam (ASOV).
In 2015, I lost Old Ink. After that, I was "ALLEGEDLY" told by travel agencies and what not that I was allegedly on an alleged blacklist, that I was unable to fix my travel passport as I was on perhaps an alleged business visa which was extended twice. I was unable to extend my visa a third time in December. I came to Vietnam in 2012 with a visa which I extended 2 times. I made a second visa in August of 2013 in Cambodia. But that was like only a one month visa maybe. So perhaps I made a third visa which was extended like five times. Each visa extension was generally three months each. Third or fourth visa I made was in March of 2015 which was extended like I said twice. It looks like two of my visas only extended twice. But a middle visa extended like five times. I think I counted five extensions for the middle visa. I could be wrong. And for the record, I'm saying allegedly I was on a black list or what have you. It could have been the Vietnamese people used the wrong English words. I cannot say right now if I was on black lists or what. I made a new visa in 2017 and then left to return to the United States of America. In some ways, you could say I lost Vietnam in 2015. I also lost say Old Ink that same year. But losing Vietnam at that time was big. Not that I lost Vietnam in a sense as I remained there for 2 more years into the end of 2017. The whole passport visa story takes a while to tell. At the time, I felt lost. I felt like I had no idea what was happening. I felt like people were bad at explaining the situation. I was demanding clear legal advice. I wanted to understand law. I wanted to understand what actually happened from the perspective of the law and not that of opinion. For a long time, I felt like people were unable to give me a thorough investigation into my situation at that time.
In 2016, I lost Zizi. Not that I had The Snow Girl in the first. Not that I wanted her. But part of me wanted her. I also wanted my Arnold Attic DVDs and LEGOs back. I think I got them back or at least some of that stuff. Anna Barbie threw a McDonald's ice-cream sundae at me around April. Speaking of treats, the family as a whole treated me well as their mother was trying to get my visa fixed. I gave them over a thousand dollars around this time. So, I lost that money in a sense. They knew I needed the money to make a new visa. The travel agency probably made me the wrong kind of visa in 2015. I think I wanted one visa and they gave me a different visa. I was not happy about that. I wanted that company to pay. I was going around trying to fix my visa. I would run into different people who tried helping. I started listening to Infowars Alex Jones. In some ways, I was losing my mind. I got lost in my head you could say.
In 2017, I lost Vietnam for good during Thanksgiving, that is the end of November. Well, not to say I won't ever try to return assuming I'm not on a blacklist for killing Blake. Well, I was in prison in 2012. So you better hide your kids and wife. I was saying goodbye to Vietnam mentally my last eleven months or so even as I was uncertain how I would exit. I ended finding somebody who made me a visa. I was thinking about whether or not I should leave Vietnam or not. I was thinking about the pros and the cons. I was not sure if I was on a blacklist or what. I was unhappy that I was not able to get a straight answer regarding that. I thought about teaching English in other countries. I wanted to also return to America for several reasons. I wrestled with the decisions during my last two years in Vietnam. It was painful thing to wrestle with. I was constantly going back and forth with the different options I may have had at that time. I was thinking and I was feeling that I would be eventually returning to the USA someday. My thought was that it might be better to get it over with it and return now to deal with some things. I didn't want to regret not taking care of some business and what not. But I'm not saying I made the correct choice in coming back to my hometown allegedly. Like, I can only tell you my perspective on the matter. I felt like I was not happy about the visa thing and I felt like I wanted to at least visit America. The idea was not that I stay in America forever. Well, I was open to the idea of staying or returning to teaching abroad. I talked myself into giving America a try. I wanted to work on some projects in America. I wanted to try to do some things back in the states. Again, I may be totally wrong in my logic, my line of thinking. I could be way off base. God only knows. But I decided I would do this.
In 2018, I lost Oregon in a sense as I ran off to Shelton. So you could say I lost the Arnold Attic Basement, the Forty Four Tapes, the home VHS video tapes of Billy Breaker, Red Dog Mickey Morehead of Gangster Run, Ra Ra Hercules Roberto the guinea-pig, and many others.
In 2019, I lost my JoeyArnoldVN Twitter. I lost Infocomms.
In 2020, I lost the world to the the lockdowns. I'm NOT saying Covid is fake. For the record, I believe people can die from diseases, sicknesses, germs, parasites, illnesses, transgressions, bacteria, viruses, animals, disasters, crime, and/or the list goes on and on. A big question would be what is Covid? Well, it may be many different things depending on how you define it. But if you're too sick, you'll get sick from anything. So, don't get me started on how masks and Covid Vaccines and Governmental Tyranny kills people.
In 2021, I lost Jan6. Well, you know what I mean. It was weaponized. Fake news ran around with lies regarding the event.
In 2022, I lost the Dead Wing Dork Duck Claw. I also lost my Discord channels (not the server itself) thanks to Gerald Jones and Up Chucks.
In 2023, we got lost on a Lois & Clark hiking trail near Astoria in February, it was me, Rick, and Karen. Instead of just me getting lost at the Astoria Columns in 1994 or whichever year it was, it ended up being all three of us getting lost allegedly at that national park place in Oregon near like Warrenton. We were on trails. We ran into a fork in the road. We were supposed to take the first right turn but took the second right. We ended up turning around after walking like several miles. Well, as they say, better late than never. Sometimes you just got to turn around and correct your ways. Don't be too stubborn. Have the humility in life to say your on the wrong road.