in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

90 days of dieting

Here we go, 90 days of dieting coming up, let's get ready for those high volume low calorie meals and lots of cardio! It takes a lot of mental preparation to get the physical things ready for a diet but also to prepare your mind for the daily changes to life.

I'd say that I actually really look forward to dieting just because things are so similar for so much of the year because I only diet for a small period, so I really look forward to changing my life routine up but also I really look forward to how the healthier, whole foods and less calories makes me feel.

I go for high volume, low calorie meals (which you can see tons of them here on my Dtube channel, just look for what I eat in a day or full day of eating videos) and I make sure I'm on top of my water even more than usual because you are really effected by dehydration when you also don't have a lot of calorie energy to keep you going.

I started three months ago and this time I didn't have a contest or a photoshoot that I was prepping for which made things a lot less stressful! In total I went from 211 lbs to 189 lbs for a loss of 20 lbs!

Insights into my diet

Cardio: 25 minutes a day 6x/week

I gradually moved up from 10 minutes a day to 25 minutes a day by increasing the duration every 2-3 days until I reached 25 minutes a day. Cardio is not necessary for fat loss, eating in a deficit is, BUT in my experience and with my body type it helps move things along a LOT faster and provides a lot of extra benefits.

Diet: 2400 calories

When I started my diet I was bulking so I was getting 4-5k calories a day, I slowly worked down to 3500 by the time I started the diet. Then I dropped calories by 100-250 every 3-6 days until I got down to 2600 calories, then I slowly dropped by integers of 50 calories until I was at 2400 and ate roughly around there each day. I made sure I was getting a minimum of 115 grams of protein but often averaged 125-140 g.


  • Make a plan and set some goals. 15 minutes of cardio is a goal you can set and then you can make steps towards that very simply by just forcing yourself not to give up at minute 7 today. Then tomorrow you do 8 minutes, then you push to 9 minutes, etc.

  • Don't try to sneak in bad food and "make it work" you'll destroy your calorie count for the day and have to fight heavy hunger later in the day. Instead, come to terms with eating healthier, whole foods while dieting and turn it into something you're excited to try and feel the difference from.

  • Research and set up 3-5 meals that are EASY and HEALTHY whole foods recipes. You want things that you can rely on when you get home and you're starving because you went an extra hour at work and now because you're so hungry you have to either make some easy or go get food out. You want to have those easy meals ready so you don't have to rely on crappy food!

  • Make it a habit, not a torture. What I mean is, get used to what you are doing and find the joy in it. Don't mope, don't proclaim how much it sucks, because your subconscious mind will believe whatever you tell it and you will really start to hate it. You won't perform as well because you'll be doing the minimum and will just go through the movements. When you start to enjoy that meal you get after cardio, you start to look forward to it and push harder on cardio cause you'll get to eat it soon! When you start to enjoy the way it feels when your arms squeeze really hard during a lift, whatever it is, find the joy in it!

And ultimately, don't wait for tomorrow. Start as soon as you can and don't fault yourself to mess ups (as long as they are mistakes and not accepted habits). I have a friend who just turned 49 years old and he doesn't look a day over 25 years old (I'm serious) and my girlfriend @sammymarie has a step dad who is 48 years old and is in and out of the hospital, posture problems, high blood pressure, constantly worried about life insurance and preparing to die at some point. The reason I mention this is because your body will not wait, it will start to degrade and you will have to deal with that at some point. Make it NOW while it's still a molehill of work to do, don't let it turn into a giant immovable mountain that you can only improve but not eliminate (I'm talking postural issues, diabetes, atherosclerosis, etc.)

I love yall and I appreciate you coming in to watch my video for motivation and hopefully read a bit to learn more about how to approach your diet!

▶️ DTube

the problem is most of people are waiting for tomorrow to do diet ... me one of them lol ... good post

That's true, so many people push it off til tomorrow! But it's so rewarding to just START, you'll surprise yourself and start a new habit of getting things done

you are my motivation! Thanks

Good luck dude!

Yo love your posts and your optimism about life. I found you on youtube and then followed you on here. I was hoping you would follow me back. I am a new fan of yours. Keep up the good work and here is my youtube account if you want to follow me there as well. I love talking about crypto!

Thanks man I really appreciate that I'll check you out!

2400 kcal of clean and healthy food is still a lot though? :O
( not so much if you used to eat twice as much though heh )

but yeah, summer is coming soon, i was out jogging yesterday in -8 degrees celsius :D our first "warm" evening after several weeks with -15

You got this, make it happen haha!

wow. i burn 1700 calories at rest

Great video man, hopefully it touches people and inspires them :)

Thanks for your motivation, may i can make my sixpack body, cause now my body like the oil drum hehe

Keeping up with the high volume low calorie meals and lots of cardio requires a lot of discipline to complete the 90days. The tips you've suggested will help us adjust gradually. With hardwork and patience.. I believe I can make the 90 days.

I'm so happy to see there are so many people promoting a healthy vegan and ethical lifestyle here on Steemit. I need to get posting more.
You look great! Have you heard of the new film "the Game Changers"? Finally I will not hear as many people asking me where I get my protein :))

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