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RE: The Preventative Medicine of Nadi Shodhana
I love this technique! It was introduced to me years ago as a manual way to switch from one hemisphere of the brain to another. If I needed to be more focused and my brain was hanging out in a reflective state, or if I wanted to access more of my creative potential! I had lived half of my life without even realizing that we switch dominant nostrils throughout the day. (One side is a tad bit constricted and the other is fully open.) It is interesting to see what our unconscious "normal" is. Great post!
I was taught that in that moment of switching is when you have most clarity! When I was on teacher training we would joke about it... whenever we had a moment where we said something yogic clever (a revelation, or explaining something) we would say 'check your nostrils!' Lol..
I've been observing this all week and surprised that at times I'm so tight and closed on one side I almost can't breathe at all, despite there being no obvious congestion. My "unconscious normal" is far less balanced than I want to know! LOL. And a good beginning for just 1 or 2 breaths. It DOES shift when I do that, despite having to stop and breath 'normally' in between so I don't suffocate altogether. LOL. Has been a wonderful journey of experience.
Do you remember seeing the pink or blue shoe going around the internet? I got really into trying to understand this one and tried doing this practice to switch sides of my brain. I didn't give it more than a few minutes, which was not enough to change the hemispheres, apparently. Then I took a nap, while noticing which nostril was dominant before I slept. When I woke up, the other side was dominant and it switched what I actually saw from blue to pink. Here is the link. It is a great test to actually be able to have a visual confirmation. :-)
Never heard of it but utterly intrigued!!!!