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RE: The Preventative Medicine of Nadi Shodhana

I've been observing this all week and surprised that at times I'm so tight and closed on one side I almost can't breathe at all, despite there being no obvious congestion. My "unconscious normal" is far less balanced than I want to know! LOL. And a good beginning for just 1 or 2 breaths. It DOES shift when I do that, despite having to stop and breath 'normally' in between so I don't suffocate altogether. LOL. Has been a wonderful journey of experience.


Do you remember seeing the pink or blue shoe going around the internet? I got really into trying to understand this one and tried doing this practice to switch sides of my brain. I didn't give it more than a few minutes, which was not enough to change the hemispheres, apparently. Then I took a nap, while noticing which nostril was dominant before I slept. When I woke up, the other side was dominant and it switched what I actually saw from blue to pink. Here is the link. It is a great test to actually be able to have a visual confirmation. :-)

Never heard of it but utterly intrigued!!!!